Amazon is launching RxPass. It's a subscription service for customers who have Prime memberships. Amazon says the customer pays $5 a month to fill as many presciptions as they need from a list of about 50 generic drugs, such as the antibiotic, amoxicillin, or the anti-inflammatory drug, naproxen. Even the generic form of Viagra is on the list. Amazon sells a range of generic drugs through its pharmacy service, and some already cost as low as $1 for 30-day supply. The new program does not use insurance, and people with Medicaid or Medicare coverage are not eligible. I'm Donna Warder.
subscription service 구독 서비스
fill presciptions 처방약을 조제하다
generic 포괄적인, 일반적인, 회사 이름이 붙지 않는
antibiotic 항생제
anti-inflammatory 소염제
a range of 다양한
Medicaid 저소득층 의료지원 제도
Medicare 노인 의료보험 제도
coverage 보장
eligible ~할 수 있는 ~할 자격이 되는
한줄요약: Amazon is launching Rxpass for customers who pays $5 a month to fill presciptions they need from a list of about 50 generic drugs.