* 감정사 기출문제 해설은
고봉기 교수 감정사 교재 제1권, 제2권과 문제집을 통해서 참고하세요^^
* 기출문제라도 법령이 변경된 경우(제1,2,3과목)과 영어의 경우 인코텀즈 2020으로 변경하여 문제를 풀어야 합니다.
[문제76] 적요(Remark)의 의미가 옳지 않은 것은? 1
① GRAZED - 부러짐 ② GOUGED 一 구멍이 남
③ CRUSHED 一 찌그러짐 ④ GASHED 一 깊게 갈라짐
[문제77] 밑줄 친 부분에 해당되지 않는 것은? 1
Measuring can be cancelled under the following circumstances. |
① When the cargo can be identified
② When measuring appliances are faulty
③ When it is judged that the measurer would be in physical danger
④ When there is a violation of dangerous goods safety regulations
[문제78] Select the most suitable remark of cargo damages caused by sweat. 2
[문제79] 다음 대화의 내용과 관련이 적은 화물은? 2
Foreman : What is the IMO-Class of these goods? Chief Officer : The IMO-Class of these goods is 2. |
[문제80] Select the most suitable one for the blank. 4
These goods are liable to ( ) heating and combustion. |
① toxic ② poisonous
③ infectious ④ spontaneous
[문제81] Select the most suitable translation of the following remark. 3
① 좌측 뒤쪽 문짝이 벗겨졌음 ② 좌측 뒤쪽 문짝이 깎여 나갔음
③ 좌측 뒤쪽 문짝이 부풀어 올랐음 ④ 좌측 뒤쪽 문짝이 떨어져 나갔음
[문제82] Select the most suitable translation of the following remark. 3
① 10 상자가 파손되고 일부는 혼합됨 ② 10 상자가 우그러지고 일부는 젖었음
③ 10 상자가 냉동이 풀리고 일부는 부패됨 ④ 10 상자가 물에 젖었고 일부는 악취가 남
[문제83] Select the most suitable one to fill the blanks. 1
( A ) means the period of time agreed between the parties during which the owner will make and keep the ship available for loading/discharging without payment additional to the ( B ). |
① A: Laytime, B: freight ② A: Cost, B: dispatch money
③ A: Running days, B: freight ④ A: Running hours, B: dispatch money
[문제84] Select the most suitable one to fill the blanks. 3
Certificate of Re—delivery This is to ( A ) that the M.V. ALCOA PIONEER was re-delivered to Charterers/Owners at this port in accordance with the ( B ) at New York dated Feb. 15, 2012 as per the following particulars; |
① A: cover, B: Charter ② A: serve, B: Charter
③ A: certify, B: Charter Party ④ A: observe, B: Charter Party
[문제85] Select the most suitable one to fill the blank. 1
The Owners shall have a ( ) on the cargo and on all sub-freights payable in respect of the cargo, for freight, deadfreight, demurrage, claims for damages and for all other amounts due under this Charter Party including costs of recovering. |
① lien ② bill of lading
③ cancelling date ④ the expense of fumigation
[문제86] 다음의 내용으로 옳지 않은 것은? 4
Please be advised that during the course of rigging cargo gears at No.2 Hatch at 1435 hours of the 27th July, 2010, a topping lift wire was allowed to run free through the fault of your stevedore labour, causing the port derrick boom to fall on deck and break into pieces, as shown in the attached Damage Report duly acknowledged by your foreman. |
① 귀사의 하역인부의 잘못으로 손상이 발생했다.
② 좌현 데릭 붐이 갑판상에 떨어져 부서졌다.
③ 토핑리프트 와이어가 멋대로 풀어져서 손상이 발생했다.
④ 귀사의 하역감독자는 인부의 잘못을 인정하지 않았다.
[문제87] Select the most suitable one to fill the blanks. 4
The carrier shall be bound ( A ) and at the ( B ) of the voyage to exercise due diligence to; @ make the ship seaworthy, @ properly man, equip, and supply the ship, @ make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation. |
① A: after, B: end ② A: before, B: end
③ A: after, B: beginning ④ A: before, B: beginning
[문제88] Select the most suitable one to fill the blank. 4
We enclose herewith a copy of Container Damage Report filed under date of September 20, 2010 concerning the following containers received from you which were found in damaged condition in stow prior to ( ) from the captioned vessel, details of which is self-explanatory. |
① load ② try ③ repair ④ discharge
[문제89] Select the most suitable one to fill the blank. 3
On Incoterms 2010, "Delivered Duty Paid" means that the seller delivers the goods when the goods are placed at the disposal of the buyer, ( ) on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the named place of destination. |
① not cleared for import ② not cleared for export
③ cleared for import ④ cleared for export
[문제90] Select the unsuitable one to fill the blank. 3
Cost breakdown of CIF includes ( ). |
① FOB value ② hsurance premium
③ exchange rate ④ freight charge
[문제91] 선하증권(Bill of Lading)의 기재사항이 아닌 것은? 2
① Description of goods ② Agent's IATA code
③ Port of discharge ④ Consignee
[문제92] 다음 문장의 내용으로 옳지 않은 것은? 2
An investigation made by the authorized surveyor has revealed the fact that the damage is due to improper packing. Please refer to the surveyor's report attached to this e-mail. We are therefore compelled to claim on you to compensate for the loss totaling $45,000. |
① 파손의 원인은 부적합한 포장에 기인하였다.
② 감정사의 실수로 분쟁이 발생했다.
③ 감정사의 보고서를 이에일에 첨부했다.
④ 클레임 총액은 45,000달러이다.
[문제93] Select the most suitable one to fill the blanks. 1
We would like to remind you of the amount of $2,000 for all transactions during May. Should ( A ) be made within ten days, you may ( B ) the customary cash discount of 5%. |
① A: payment, B: deduct
② A: damage, B: pay
③ A: shipping, B: be paid
④ A: damage, B: increase
[문제94] ( )에 공통으로 들어가는 것은? 3
In general cargo measuring, when the volume of a package is less than ( ) cubic meter, it shall be ( ) cubic meter. |
① 0.1 ② 0.01 ③ 0.001 ④ 0.0001
[문제95] Select the most suitable one to fill the blank. 3
이 전화기에 대한 최근의 수요증가로 당사의 재고는 200세트를 제외하고 바닥이 났습니다. The recent increase in the demand for these telephones has ( ) our stock except 200 sets. |
① imported ② opened ③ exhausted ④ shipped
[문제96] 검량증명서를 재발급할 수 있는 정정사유(Accepted reasons of correction)를
모두 고른 것은? 4
ㄱ. Proven error of measuring ㄴ. Repacking ㄷ. Change of quantity ㄹ. Change of marks |
① ㄱ. ㄴ. ㄷ. ㄹ ② ㄱ. ㄷ ③ ㄴ. ㄷ. ㄹ ④ ㄱ. ㄴ. ㄷ. ㄹ
[문제97] Select the most suitable one to fill the blanks.
송화인측 검사원 김씨가 쌀포대 선적 전에 화물창의 검사를 위하여 승선하였다. 4
Mr. Kim, shipper's inspector, came on board to inspect ( A ) prior to loading ( B ). |
① A: containers, B: rice in bulk
② A: cargo holds, B: flour in bag
③ A: containers, B: flour in bulk
④ A: cargo holds, B: rice in bag
[문제98] 해상적하보험에서 부가위험담보조건과 관련된 약어로 옳지 않은 것은? 2
① T.P.N.D 一 Theft, Pilferage and Non-Delivery
② R.F.W.D 一 Rain and Fog Weather Damage
③ J.W.O.B 一 Jettison and Washing Over Board
④ C.O.O.C - Contact with Oil and/or Other Cargo
[문제99] Select the most suitable one to fill the blanks. 1
All the drums and similar items are measured for maximum length including hoop etc. But if the length of the materials which were installed for opening and closing purposes ( A ) 1/4 of the circumference, it shall be added to the ( B ). |
① A: exceeds, B: diameter ② A: less than, B: longest point
③ A: same as, B: longest point ④ A: equals, B: diameter
[문제100] Select the most suitable translation of the following remark. 2
① 유류에 의해 심하게 부식, 10개 마대 돌려보냄
② 유류에 의해 심하게 오손, 10개 마대 남겨 둠
③ 유류와 함께 과적함, 10개 마대 돌려보냄
④ 유류와 함께 혼적함,10개 마대 남겨 둠