The family civil rights attorney Ben Crump tells ABC's This Week with Goarge Stephenopoulus, other citizens were victimized by the squard, including a young man bringing home a pizza just days before Nichols was fatally beaten. Cummunity leaders are calling on Congress to enact tougher laws on police conduct, but new head of the House Jdiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, says the Memphis case is beyond the legislation. "I don't know that there is any law that can stop that evil that we saw." He spoke on NBC/s Meet the Press. I'm Jackie Quinn.
squard (경찰) 부대
call on 촉구하다, 요청하다
enact (법을) 제정하다
legislation 입법, 법률제정
be beyond ~으로 할 수 없다
한줄요약: Other citizens were victimized by the police conduct which is beyond the legislation, including a young man and Nichols who was fatally beaten.