- 퀸엔젤피시 Angelfish, Queen
. 학명; Holacanthus ciliaris
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 수심 70미터이내의 해저에 서식하나 산란과 수정은 수면에서
. 통명; 퀸엔젤피시
. 특징; 깊고 넓으며 납작한 타원형의 몸체와 이마의 강청색 고리
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 회로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Holacanthus ciliaris
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 수심 70미터이내의 해저에 서식하나 산란과 수정은 수면에서
. 지역; 중부와 남부 대서양의 열대 및 아열대 연안해역
. 1마리의 수컷이 관리하는 지역내 산호초 근방에서 2-4마리의 암컷과 같이 생활하고 수컷이 죽으면 가장 큰 암컷이 성전환
Queen angelfish are a common to occasional presence in Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean; they are present in Bermuda and the Gulf of Mexico, and south to Brazil, as well as on coral reefs in the West Indies.
Habitat. Queen angelfish inhabit coral reefs in shallow water, although juveniles prefer offshore reefs, and mature fish sometimes frequent depths of 20 to 80 feet. They are often indistinguishable from the colorful sea fans, sea whips, and corals they swim among.
2 통명
- 영어; blue angelfish, golden angelfish, or yellow angelfish; French: demoiselle royale; Spanish: isabelita patale.
- 한글; 퀸엔젤피시
3 개요
- 길이; 45센티이내
- 체중; 3파운드
Although reported to reach a length of nearly 2 feet, queen angelfish probably do not exceed 18 inches, and they average 8 to 14 inches.
The queen angelfish is usually found alone or in a pair but not in groups.
4 특징
- 깊고 넓으며 납작한 타원형의 몸체와 이마의 강청색 고리
- 끝이 노란 청록색 비늘과 꼬리는 밝은 노란색
- 치어는 진청색으로 밝은 청색 세로줄무늬와 노란색 가슴
- 산호초주위에서 단독이나 쌍으로 먹이를 먹거나 수면에서 쌍으로 산란과 수정
The queen angelfish is not widely sought by anglers, although it is an attractive incidental catch and is most popular as an aquarium fish.
The queen angelfish has a moderately large body that is deep and compressed. It can be distinguished from its nearest relatives, butterflyfish, by its stout spines, its blunter snout, and the spines on the gill cover. It has 14 dorsal spines, and the spine at the angle of the preopercle is relatively long. Most noteworthy about the appearance of the queen angelfish is its coloration. It is speckled yellowish-orange and blue, and the amount of blue varies with the individual and differs in intensity. It has a bright blue border on the soft dorsal and anal fins, with the tips of the fins colored orange and the last few rays of them colored bluish-black. It also has a yellowish-orange tail, as well as a dark bluishblack spot on the forehead, ringed with bright blue, which forms the queen’s “crown.” The coloring of the young queen angelfish is dark blue and similar to that of young blue angelfish, but the rear edges of the dorsal and the anal fins are not yellow, as they are in the blue angelfish. There are bluish-white bars on the body of the queen angelfish, as with the blue angelfish, but these are curved on the queen angelfish, instead of straight. Angelfish in the Caribbean are generally brighter in color than those along the coasts of North and South America.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 주로 해면을 먹지만 해파리, 산호, 플랑크톤, 해조류 등도 추가하며 치어는 청소물고기로 주로 큰 물고기의 외부 기생충 제거
- 주로 수족관용으로 브라질에서 어획
- 열대산호초가 가지는 독성이 식중독 유발가능
- 맛은 부드럽고 섬세한 플레이크가 있다
- 절이거나 회로 섭취
Adults feed primarily on sponges but also consume algae and minute organisms.