The most wonderous thing in my sight as I spend more time in the church life is His dispositional sanctification work.
Factually we will be sanctified through eating of the Lord and drinking of the Spirit. But in actuality we often find ourselves unable to eat n drink of Him due to our dispositionall peculiarity and trespasses we can hardly overcome.
Though the Lord crucified all the negative things of the universe on the cross, He seems to let some monsterous enemies remain in us that they may hassel us to the uttermost. We pray about them but He seemingly doesn't do any thing against them. In fact the more we pray against them, the stronger they seem to get.
Because some ugliest things stuck in our being are needed for us to realize how fallen we are. Our realization of man's fall hardly comes real until we are defeated repeatedly so that we not only acknowledge but are also fully pursuaded of our fallen status.
How do we know that we have fully received our uncurable status? Let me enumerate some signs that show we are not persuaded; we see and condemn a drunkard, we despise wordly people because of their living, we always struggle to overcome repeated failures, thinking our failures are the product of our looseness, etc.
To our pain, we eventually come to a point where we are forced to acknowledge that we are no better than the worldly people and those in denominations. And this realization comes thru our own incurable infamities, not from our mental learning(I am not against learning, though).
Some inward enemies, no matter what they may be, will never go away unless we go thru fiery ordeals, because they are not to be elimanated by our enjoying the Lord. They will only be slaughtered by environmental dealings, sometimes very absurd. Once they are burned down within us, we find it a lot easier to enjoy the Lord.
I have gone thru and seen others passing thru many ununderstandable situational gridlocks where they have nothing to do about them but to suffer, suffer a lot longer than our estimation. Gradually our constutution gets changed, fitter for the inworking of the Spirit.
In my case, one of the hardiest enemy within me has been ambition. I tried to eliminate it only to fail. I begged Him to remove it in vain. But thanks to His enviromental arrangement I was placed where I can hardly be anything for a while, and now I feel that this enemy is almost slaughtered, at least limited to some degree that it does not hinder my enjoyment of the Lord much.
Once we go thru these processes, we constitutionally perceive whether a certain thing comes from life or from self-improvement. We meet every now and then some who think they are really mature in life and constituted with the truth. But I get to realize that they are self-deceiving in certain aspects in which they only practice by their soulish power what they have learned. Conclusively speaking, this is not of the divine economy.
How can we not be self-deceived? It is thru His sifting work that we get to discern something of life from something of knowledge.
When we go thru His sifting work, ie, environmental dealings that serve us with harsh failures, we are not happy. But His sifting eventually brings in a ganuine humility that only comes thru realization how we are dispositionally peculiar and distorted and unimprovably corrupt to a degree that we have no condemning feeling ever toward any sinner. Then we will have a proper heart and positon to be their shepherds. Hallelluya for His knowledge-surpassing love shown in His dispositional sanctification work !
첫댓글 When we go thru His sifting work, ie, environmental dealings that serve us with harsh failures, we are not happy. But His sifting eventually brings in a ganuine humility that only comes thru realization how we are dispositionally peculiar and distorted and unimprovably corrupt to a degree that we have no condemning feeling ever toward any sinner
hi, br Godman, it's been a while since I communicated with you last time, although I've been always appreciative of your continual care for my family. Due to some situation in my family lately, I could hardly write anything on here, but now I am more persuaded than before that what the Lord is doing is good to His elect and He is the God of recovery. I praise Him for His knowledge-surpassing love. .... by the way, I know a brother in Austin(not a Korean) who is visiting mid age training for 10 days, 1st week, dec. Can I give your phone no. in case he wants blending with Fullerton?
예 형제님, 그렇게 하시지요.
빛있으라 형제님이 한국지체들의 영어능력 향상을 위하여 수고하십니다..참 좋고요..그런데 형제님 컴에 한글이 깔려 있지 않아 보입니다..그쵸?..^^
kkk ...You are right, it doesn't have Korean yet, since I got a brand new one...furthermore, I think it not too rude to write English for both my and the other Korean saints' English improvement, because English is no longer a foreign language. It is the lingua franca(the internationally used language) nowadays. So I hope saints won't give me wrong on this....
Thank you brother!..I wanna keep enjoying your sharing in english~