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카페 프로필 이미지
강남 꿈틀에서 래팅할래? (영어회화 동호회)
카페 게시글
[토]-English Talkaholic [모임공지] Minutes of the last meeting & announcement for the study on 10/10(a reply must be given to participate)
Tia~* 추천 0 조회 66 15.10.07 23:44 댓글 17
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 15.10.07 23:47

    첫댓글 1st/ Tia/ Guys, dress warm, I've heard it will be very cold this Saturday!

  • 15.10.08 11:24

    2nd/Simon/Parliamentary audit is done!! See you on saturday!

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:25

    Good to see you! :)

  • 15.10.08 19:24

    3rd/ Grace/ See you! :)

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:26

    See you, dear. :)

  • 15.10.08 16:04

    4th/Charles/See you guys on Sat!/
    It's been a little more than a month since I first joined this group. I slowly get to feel more comfortable being around people each week. It's very good to find myself having fun with many good articles to learn useful expressions/collocations! Many times, I was surprised to hear you guys mentioning many wonderful words like native speakers.
    Do you think if we can have an outdoor meeting at a beautiful place on a sunny day before it gets too cold? We can just sit together over good food talking about news articles. What do you think, everyone?

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:34

    I'm so happy you have a lot of fun with us and deeply appreciate your suggestion.
    If you meant tomorrow, it won't be a good idea since it will be chilly and rainy as forecasted. But I ike the idea very much and let's talk about it in the meeting.
    I've been thinking about opening up a group kakaotalk at your wish and I concluded this is a stream and I'd better follow it.ㅋ I made up my mind reading your suggestion as it will be a lot more efficient to collect opinions and make up plans!
    See you tomorrow, Charles. :)

  • 15.10.09 10:34

    5th/ see u tommorrow~

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:35

    Enojyed last time? Glad to see you tomorrow again.^^

  • 15.10.09 13:22

    6th/Sanghwa/see ya^^

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:37

    See you, lovely!^^

  • 15.10.09 19:00

    7th/ Danny / See u tomorrow

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:37

    See you, Danny! :)

  • 15.10.09 19:08

    8th/James/See ya tmr~

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:37

    See you, James! :)

  • 15.10.09 23:33

    9th/ Sun/ Today's weather was just beautiful and the sky was very blue with the sun. It was absolutely breathtaking!!

  • 작성자 15.10.10 01:40

    couldn't be better!!!! But sadly it won't be beautiful blue sky tomorrow as it's gonna rain. Dress warm and see you tomorrow! :)
