- 큰꼬치고기 Barracuda, Great
. 학명; Sphyraena barracuda
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 수심 110미터이내의 바닥
. 통명; 큰꼬치고기
. 특징; 강력한 턱을 가진 길쭉한 물고기. 큰 입의 아래턱이 위턱보다 돌출
. 먹이와 요리법; 크지않은 생선의 머리와 내장을 제거하고 절이거나 훈제, 회
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Sphyraena barracuda
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 수심 110미터이내의 바닥
. 지역; 전 대양(태평양, 대서양, 인도양)의 열대 및 온대 해역
. 연안에서 부화되어 3파운드이상이 되면 먼 바다로 이동하고 계절에 따른 이주
Great barracuda range from Massachusetts to Brazil, although not in abundance from the Carolinas northward. They are caught mainly around Florida, in the Florida Keys, in the Bahamas, and throughout the West Indies. Habitat. Young barracuda live in inshore seagrass beds, whereas adults range from inshore channels to the open ocean. They are also found in bays, inlets, lagoons, and the shallows of mangrove islands, as well as around reefs, wrecks, piers, sandy or grassy flats, and coastal rivers where saltwater and freshwater mingle. They prefer shallow areas and appear to move inshore in the summer, and offshore in the fall and the winter.
Young barracuda under 3 pounds usually inhabit shallow waters, such as harbors and coastal lagoons, until they become adults and live farther offshore, sometimes far out to sea. Smaller barracuda will occasionally school, but the large ones are typically solitary. Curiosity is a trait of all barracuda, and they will follow waders or divers as a result.
2 통명
- 영어; ’cuda, sea pike, giant sea pike; French: barracuda, brochet de mer; Hawaiian: kaku, kupala; Japanese: onikamasu; Portuguese: barracuda, bicuda; Spanish: barracuda, picuda.
- 한글; 큰꼬치고기
3 개요
- 길이; 100센티이내
- 체중; 20파운드
Known to reach a weight of 106 pounds and a length of 61⁄2 feet, the great barracuda averages 5 to 20 pounds in weight; larger specimens are rare. The all-tackle world record is an 85-pounder.
4 특징
- 강력한 턱을 가진 길쭉한 물고기. 큰 입의 아래턱이 위턱보다 돌출
- 위는 청회색이고 아래는 은빛과 백악질의 흰색
- 산호초나 암초주위에 매복하다가 순간적인 빠른 속도로 먹이포획
The great barracuda is long and slender, with a large, pointed head and large eyes. The dorsal fins are widely separated, and the first dorsal fin has five spines, whereas the second has 10 soft rays. In a large underslung jaw, the great barracuda has large, pointed canine teeth. It also possesses a bluish-gray or greenish-gray body coloration above the lateral line and a silvery-white belly. A few irregular black blotches are usually scattered on the sides of the body, especially toward the tail. The young have one dark stripe down each side, which mutates to become blotches as the fish grow. The great barracuda also occasionally has 18 to 22 diagonal dark bars above the lateral line. It grows much larger, in general, than its relative the Pacific barracuda.
An excellent gamefish, the great barracuda leads a list of marine fish that cause ciguatera when eaten, although small fish are apparently not poisonous. Not every barracuda causes ciguatera, but there is no safe or reliable way of recognizing toxic fish.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 물고기, 두족류 , 그리고 때때로 새우
- 식용보다 낚시로 인기가 있어 반짝이는 미끼 사용
- 날카로운 이빨을 가지고 있어 잡을 때 주의
- 잡힐 때 방출하는 매운 냄새
- 수은함량은 낮고 맛있으나 고기를 먹을 때 Ciguatera 물고기 중독을 일으킬 가능성
- 크지않은 생선의 머리와 내장을 제거하고 절이거나 훈제, 회나 스튜로 섭취
The great barracuda eats whatever is available in its habitat; needlefish, small jacks, and mullet are among the mainstays. They are attracted by shininess or flashes and movement, feeding by sight, rather than by smell.