I need an operation on my spleen,
and I just found out that I ran out of medical insurance.
Is there anyone I can sue?
After the embezzlement Launy let the policy lapse.
Now he's in jail, and I'm gonna die.
Susie, you are not gonna die.
I'll get into it with the insurance company.
No, there isn't time for you to deal with the red tape.
My spleen is going careening into my heart.
I need that operation now.
I'd loan you the money myself.
But Edie and I just plopped down our savings since ski condo.
I don't need a loan.
I need coverage.
I mean, what if there are complications?
I don't have a safety net.
What in the hell are you doing?
I'm saying a little prayer.
Uh, for puke's sake.
What? I'm desperate here,
do you have any other ideas?
As a matter of fact, I do.
What you need is a husband.
The only way to get a good health plan is to marry into one.
Edie, come on.
No, no, I think she's onto something.
Yeah, if we find the guy with the right plan,
you could have a sham wedding on a Monday night, and be
fully covered Tuesday morning.
I can't believe you are actually considering this.
The surgeon is slicing me open a week from tomorrow,
what other choice do I have?
All we have to do is find a guy who's willing to marry you.
You know, come to think of it,
a little prayer might not be such a bad idea after all.
Pat, we are all here,
so send the call in as soon as you get it.
200 bucks says you can't do that three times in a row.
You catch three of those, 200 bucks.
What do you say there, Scavo?
You're on.
Here we go.
Thrown by me.
I'm sorry,
I thought we were here to talk about the farm fresh rollout?
They gotta be catchable, big guy.
You just let me worry about the shooting.
Come on.
That's one.
Nice moves.
One more, big guy.
Guys, please.. that's all right.
That wasn't even catchable!
Yeah, well, maybe not.
But it's totally worth the 200 bucks. Ahh!
Well, you got me.
You're a regular little monkey man!
Oh, I love this guy.
6월드라마훈련(DH_Silly People-2).pdf
(미드)DH-silly people-2.mp3

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열심 열심히 공부해야지~
I need an operation/ on my spleen /
and I find out that/ I ran out of medical insurance.
부서이동으로 그간 바빴네요..4월부터 다시 결심하여 열심히 합니다...이번주는 Silly people로 열심히 연습하겠습니다
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