사회적 기업가정신 (SE, Social Entrepreneurship) |
프로그램 기간 |
봄 가을 8주 및 여름 6주 |
수업 시간 |
주당 23시간 이상 |
필요 점수 |
영어 레벨 중 고급 이상 최소 토익 600, iBT 65, 혹은 IELTS 5.5 이상 |
제공 수료증 |
인증서 (1세션 이수 시) 혹은 수료증 (2 세션 이수 시) |
레 벨 |
2 |
포함 사항 |
등록 학생은 선택과목, 발음 클리닉, 스포츠 시설, 회화 그룹, 어학실 및 컴퓨터 실습실, 상담센터, 도서관 등 이용 기회 부여 |
일 정 |
세션A: 2015.01.05~02.26 (8주) - $2,640 / 2015.05.18~06/25 (6주) 세션B: 2015.03.02~05.07 (9주) - $2,970 / 2015.06.29~08.06 (6주) Flex 입학일: 03.16 / 04.06 10.26 / 11.09 |
등록 신청 및 접수처: 에듀브릿지 유학컨설팅
전화: 02.532.1554(대표) / 02.562.1554(강남지사)
Class Structure
Classes are structured to improve entrepreneurial skills, business knowledge,
and practical English ability while focusing on successful social business
models and strategies.
Core Classes
Students will take a variety of business English classes that focus on social
entrepreneurship. Class curriculum incorporates case studies, guest speakers,
on-campus resources, and technology.
SE Seminar
Students are required to take the Social Entrepreneurship weekly seminar. This
seminar provides instruction on SE ideas and tools to develop SE ideas into
social enterprises.
Students are encouraged to assemble a portfolio throughout the program. The
portfolio should include work completed in approved classes and SE seminars.
Social Enterprise Project
Through classroom and seminar instruction, students will develop a business
plan for a social entrepreneurship idea.
Practical Experience
Inspirational Social Entrepreneurs
Students will meet successful social entrepreneurs and be exposed to prominent
San Diego social enterprises through speaker sessions and field trip
opportunities. Field trips and speakers will vary by session.
SDSU Entrepreneurship Center
Students can take advantage of SDSU’s Entrepreneur Center, which provides
students with a full range of resources to facilitate social business idea
SDSU Entrepreneurship Incubator
With permission, students will have access to SDSU’s Entrepreneur Incubator,
which is designed to accelerate the growth and success of new business.
Social Enterprise Creation
Through classroom and seminar instruction, students will learn how to develop a
social business idea into an effective social business plan.
SDSU 어학원 한국등록사무소
에듀브릿지 유학컨설팅
전화: 02.532.1554 (대표) / 02.562.1554(강남지사)