- 황소 농어 Bass, Kelp (Calico)
. 학명; Paralabrax clathratus
. 서식지; 아열대해역의 수심 60미터이내
. 통명; 다시마 농어
. 특징; 길쭉하고 상대적으로 깊고 압축된 몸체에 뾰족한 주둥이와 큰 입
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 훈제, 회나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Paralabrax clathratus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 아열대해역의 수심 60미터이내
. 지역; 동북태평양(캘리포니아와 멕시코해안)
. 치어는 낮에 플랑크톤을 먹고 성어는 주로 밤에 작은 물고기 포획
Spawning occurs from May through September and peaks in July. Kelp bass do not migrate and instead tend to be territorial.
Primarily found along the central and southern California coast and northeastern Baja, kelp bass range from the Columbia River in Washington to Magdalena Bay in Baja California.
Habitat. Kelp bass typically linger in or near kelp beds, over reefs, and around rock jetties and breakwaters or structures in shallow water; larger fish hold in deeper water, to roughly 150 feet.
2 통명
- 영어; calico bass, California kelp bass, rock bass, rock sea bass, sand bass, bull bass, kelp salmon, cabrilla; Spanish: cabrilla alguera.
- 한글; 다시마 농어 또는 옥양목 농어
3 개요
- 길이; 72센티이내
- 체중; 15파운드이내 평균 9파운드
Kelp bass grow slowly, taking 5 to 6 years to reach a length of 12 inches, when they are capable of spawning. Fish weighing 8 to 10 pounds may be 15 to 20 years old. The largest kelp bass are said to exceed 15 pounds, although the largest fish caught was only 14 pounds, 7 ounces. They can grow to 11⁄2 feet in length.
4 특징
- 길쭉하고 상대적으로 깊고 압축된 몸체에 뾰족한 주둥이와 큰 입
- 치어는 옅은 갈색, 성어 는 갈색에서 올리브색을 띤 녹색
- 흰색 또는 올리브 녹색 얼룩. 뒷면을 따라 흰색의 직사각형 모양의 반점
- 다시마 숲에 서식하며 치어와 산란기에는 수심 10미터 내외에서 떼로 이동하고 성어는 독자행동
A hardy fish with the characteristic elongated and compressed bass shape, the kelp bass has a notch between its spiny and its dorsal fins. The longest spines in the first dorsal fin are longer than any of the rays in the second dorsal fin. It is brown to olive green, with pale blotches on the back and lighter coloring on the belly. Kelp bass are easily distinguishable from various sand bass by their third, fourth, and fifth dorsal spines, which are about the same length; sand bass have a third dorsal spine that is much longer than the fourth and fifth dorsal spines. Kelp bass also superficially resemble freshwater black bass, except that their dorsal spines are longer and much heavier, and their overall appearance is rougher.
One of a large number of sea bass found in the eastern Pacific, the kelp bass is one of the most popular sportfish in Southern California, as a mainstay of party boat trips to the northern Baja. Because it is a powerful fighter and an excellent food fish, it is highly sought by anglers. Its popularity and nonmigratory status put kelp bass populations at risk from overfishing.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 물고기, 오징어, 그리고 갑각류
- 식용으로 남획되어 쿼터제로 낚시
- 입 천장 전체에 이빨
- 긴줄낚시
- 절이거나 훈제, 회나 스튜로 섭취
An omnivorous feeder, kelp bass favor assorted fish and small shrimplike crustaceans when young. Adults consume anchovies, small surfperch, and other small fish.