The emperor tamarin is a small, striking looking monkey with long, white whiskers. Two were discovered missing from the Dallas Zoo on Monday, their enclosure cut. Dallas police say they received a tip and found the pair in an abandoned home nearby Lancaster. But the mistery about what's going on at the zoo is getting deeper. Incidents date back a few weeks when a clouded leopard went missing. Its enlosure also cut. She was found the same day, but so was a gash in the enclosure for langur Monkeys. None of them got out. Later, an endangered vulture was found dead. No arrests have been made to this pont. I'm Ben Thomas.
striking looking 눈에 띄는 모습
enclosure 우리, 울타리
tip 제보, 정보
date back 거슬러 올라가다
Incidents 사건들
gash 찢어진 부분, 상처
to this pont 지금까지
문장 해석: The leopard was found/ the same day,/ but so was a gash in the enclosure/ for langur Monkeys./
그 표범은 발견되었다/ 같은 날에/ 그러나 그 우리의 찢어진 부분도 똑같이 발견되었다/랑구르 원숭이의/
한줄요약: Some animals at the Dallas Zoo were discovered missing with their enclosure cut.