출처: 회복교회! 주님이 주인이신 교회 원문보기 글쓴이: 무심천
23.08.2014 Author: William Engdahl Turkey’s Erdogan comes closer to Russia By William Engdahl Aug 25, 2014 - 4:44:51 AM | |
푸틴 대통령과 에도간 수상
에도간 수상은 사실 정치적으로 살아남지 못하면 아무것도 아니게 된다. 그간 미국이 주도한 시리아 아사드대통령을 축출하는 전쟁을 수년간 뒷받침하며 따라다니다가 결국 실패로 끝나 버리므로써 정치기반이 흔들렸던 것이다. 이제 에도간은 현실정치를 다시 배우며 코란의 가르침보다는 해외의 새로운 전략적 동맹을 찾아나서게 되었다.
나토와 오바마 정부는 러시아와 푸틴을 악마로 그려내려고 우크라이나 전술전략을 포함해서 갖은 수를 다 썼는데 에도간 수상은 세계적 정치지도자를 향해서 성큼 다가섰다. 그는 푸틴의 러시아에 붙는 것이 살길임을 알게된 것이다.
터키의 이와같은 근본적인 변화는 터키의 국력과 위상을 더하는걸 넘어서서 세계적 정세에 심대한 영향을 주는 것이다.
Turkey’s Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, is nothing if not a political survivor. After weathering a US led year-long attempt to oust him for his failure to execute a Turkish military ground war to topple Bashar al Assad in neighboring Syria, now Erdogan, a student of Realpolitik perhaps even more than the Koran, is looking abroad for new strategic allies. At a time when NATO, the Obama Administration and others are doing everything to demonize Russia’s Putin, using the pretext of Ukraine, Erdogan is moving significantly closer to—guess which world political leader. Yes, Vladimir Putin and Russia. The implications of a Turkish fundamental geopolitical realignment could have global consequences far beyond Turkey’s mere size or political weight.
터키와 러시아 간의 긴밀한 경제동맹이 첫번째 계기가 되었는데, 그간의 미국과 키에프 쿠데타 정부의 불법행위를 거쳤고, 크리미아 의회가 러시아로 합병을 결의한후에 서방측의 반러시아 프로퍼갠더는 엄청나게 압박을 가하는 중에 경제협력의 길을 모색했다.
4월21일 터키 에너지장관, 타네르 일디즈는 가즈프롬 부회장 알렉산더 메드베데프를 앙카라로 초청해서 러시아 천연가스를 블루스트림 파이프라인을 통해 터키로 들어오는 량을 증가시키자는 구체적 협상을 했다. 터키는 유럽연합에 이어서 러시아의 두번째로 큰 규모의 천연가스 석유 수입국이었다. 양국은 블루스트림 파이프라인을 일년공급량 160억 큐빅 미터에서 190억 큐빅미터로 증량하는데 합의했다. 게다가 양국의 역사적인 경쟁관계를 경제적 결속으로 묶는 방안도 체결되었다.
The first steps to a closer economic alliance between Turkey and Russia came this past April, well after the illegal US-orchestrated coup in Ukraine and after the Crimean Parliament requested to join Russia, opening a flood of anti-Russian propaganda from the west. On April 21 Turkish Minister of Energy Taner Yildiz invited Gazprom deputy chairman Alexander Medvedev to Akara to work out details of a major increase of Russian gas to come to Turkey via Gazprom’s Blue Stream pipeline. Turkey is already Russia’s second largest gas and oil importer after the EU. The two agreed how to increase the capacity of the Blue Stream gas pipeline from 16 to 19 billion cubic meters per year, further adding to the economic ties binding the two historical rivals.
유라시안 경제동맹에 합류하기인가? Joining Eurasian Economic Union?
터키의 에도간정부는 러시아와 유라시안경제동맹국- 벨라루스, 카자흐스탄과 자유무역지대를 설치하는 안을 협의하고 있다. 그 일은 워싱턴 권력이 동우크라이나에서 말레이 항공 MH17 기를 격추시키며 이를 러시아의 소행이라고 밀어부치는 압력 가운데 추진된 일이다.
Now Erdogan’s government is opening talks with Russia and other member nations of the Eurasian Economic Union to open a free trade zone between Turkey and the EEU countries– Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, according to Russian Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev after talks with Turkish Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci on July 19 at the height of the NATO and Washington demonization of Putin and Russia and blaming them for the MH17 Malaysian airliner downing over eastern Ukraine.
러시아 경제개발장관 알렉세이 율류카에프는 터키 경제장관 니하트 제이베키를 만난자리에서 말하길
" 우리는 관세동맹과 터키간의 무역자유지역 형성을 포함해서 가능한 협력을 토의했다. 우리는 작업팀을 설치하기로 했고, 9월안에 상세한 토의를 시작한다," 하며 시드니 G20 통상장관 회의 중 전했다. Australia
“We have discussed the possible forms of cooperation, including the formation of a free trade zone between the Customs Union and Turkey. We have agreed to create a working group and to begin a more detailed discussion of these possibilities and prospects in September,” Ulyukayev said on the sidelines of the meeting of G20 trade ministers in Sydney, Australia. The talks took place during the recent G20 summit in Australia.
There is significant economic benefit for both groups. Currently the trade volume between Russia and Turkey amounted to $32.7 billion in 2013. Russia is Turkey’s second-largest trade partner after the European Union. Turkey ranks eighth among Russia’s foreign trade partners. Turkey wants to also build a transport and logistics hub in Russia with links to sea ports, airports, railways and highways, Zeybekci added.
Other steps which add to the snowballing trend of other nations to find ways of avoiding the US dollar, a main pillar of American global power, Turkey has proposed just two days before the Eurasian Union talks, using national currencies in trade with Russia, Russia’s Ministry of Economic Development. “Turkey is offering Russia to switch to national currencies in mutual payments,” the ministry’s press service announced after the meeting between Russia’s Economic Development Minister Alexei Ulyukayev and his Turkish counterpart Nihat Zeybek. Since the Ukraine crisis and growing US economic sanctions Russia has been moving aggressively to avoid using the dollar in its trade.
In addition Erdogan has expressed strong interest in Turkish membership in the emerging BRICS organization of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS just agreed to create a major alternative to Washington’s IMF and World Bank to finance infrastructure and other projects in the emerging markets, independent of severe Washington conditionalities that historically acted as a covert neo-colonial wedge to force emerging economies to open to major US and EU multinationals and banks.
All this adds up to a potential significant geopolitical shift to Turkey, a country that Washington lured into NATO along with Greece in 1952. Over the past sixty some years Turkey was not only a NATO watchpost to spy on the Soviet Union and later Russia. Since the collapse of the USSR in 1991 NATO and especially the CIA and US State Department have worked to use Turkey, especially via the CIA-run “former Imam, Fetullah Gulen, now in exile in Saylorsburg Pennsylvania, to organize fundamentalist Islamic Jihadist organizations in Uzbekistan, Kyrgystan, Chechnya and other Islamic regions of the former Soviet Union.
A shift by Erdogan, who has had a bloody falling out with Gulen and Gulen’s powerful bloc within Turkish police and court system,could deal the Washington neoconservative warhawks a major blow in their current drive to foment conflict across the Middle East, Eurasia and beyond. Since the British manipulated the 1850’s Crimean War to foster tensions between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Turkish empire, it has been Anglo-American policy to keep the geopolitically strategic Turkey an enemy of Russia. That era may soon end.
F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics , exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”
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