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카페 프로필 이미지
강남 꿈틀에서 래팅할래? (영어회화 동호회)
카페 게시글
[토]-English Talkaholic [모임공지] Minutes of the last meeting & announcement for the study on 10/31(a reply must be given to participate)
Tia~* 추천 0 조회 73 15.10.29 00:04 댓글 14
게시글 본문내용
  • 작성자 15.10.29 00:06

    첫댓글 1st/ Tia/ feel like it's been so long!! excited to see you all!

  • 15.10.29 16:38

    2nd/ Charles Yoon / Yes, I've been waiting and waiting to see your this week's notice while I kept loggin in and out more than several times. Thank you, Ms.

  • 작성자 15.10.29 23:27

    That's so lovely to hear, Charles. :) can't wait!!!! :)

  • 15.10.30 07:56

    3rd/Sanghwa/It's officially cold now!!ㅠ See u on this Saturday ^^

  • 작성자 15.10.30 23:06

    It will be warmer from next week! Can't let the lovely autumn go like this!!

  • 15.10.30 11:34

    4th/Harry/I'm in!! See u tomorrow :)

  • 작성자 15.10.30 23:06

    Happy to see you again, Harry!!!! :)

  • 15.10.30 17:19

    5th/James/i will be there~

  • 작성자 15.10.30 23:07

    How was your biz trip?!!! Tell us tomorrow!!

  • 15.10.30 17:39

    6th/Amelia/I will come, but there's some possiblity that I might need to cancel~ If so, I will let you know in advance :) Hope to see you tomorrow!

  • 작성자 15.10.30 23:07

    Come! Come! Come!!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 15.10.30 22:05

    Please! Amelia ~~ Don't cancel it^^
    7th / Sun / The last day of October !

  • 작성자 15.10.30 23:09

    Time flies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 15.10.31 00:21

