Two Indiana law enforcement officers were shot and wounded early Sunday and a suspect is dead following a traffic stop. Indiana state police say both officers' injuries are not life-threatening. The shooting happened around 3:15 in the morning in Mitchell, about 75 miles from Indianpolis. Officials say the suspect's vehicle was pulled over for a traffice violation. A police dog sniffed out drugs and officers fround narcotics. When they tried to handcuff the man, he ran. Officers caught him. That's when officials say the suspect pulled a gun and fired at the officers. The shooting is being investigated body and dash cam video reviewed. I'm Julic Walker.
law enforcement officers (경찰등의 ) 법 집행관
a traffic stop 차량 불심검문
traffice violation 교통법규 위반
sniffed out 냄새를 맞다
narcotics 마약
dash cam 차량용 블랙박스
한줄요약: Two Indiana police officers were shot and injured while they tried to arrest a man with narcotics who was pulled over for a traffic violation.