오타가 있어도 이해해주시고..도움 되시길 바래요.
31. Rent for a fully furnished apartment in New York is relatively high compared to the bargains
풀 옵션의
you can find in Chicago.
* extravagant-사치스러운
* affordable- 경제적으로 여유있는
32. The hotel staff did their best to make sure guests enjoyed their stay.
* indulge-탐닉하다.
33. After a long time in labor, Madeleine delivered a beautiful baby boy.
신체적 고통 아기를 낳다.
*agony-정신적 고통,
* delivery room- 분만실
34. It is very embarrassing moment when somebody knows something secret about me.
형)쩔절 매게 하는 , 당황케 하는
*endear-얼굴, 체면 잃다 =loose my face <-> save one's face 체면을 지키다
35. The doctor advised the runner that because of his injury he should not particifate in
this years olympics. 우연한 부상(사람)
*join in(x) -join은 in을 쓸수 없다. 그래서 답이 될수 없다.
* wound-총, 칼에 맞아서 부상당한
36. My grandmother is paralysed on one side of her body and is practically confined to bed.
* practically-원래대로
* typically -전형적으로
37. Climbers should only pack what's nesessary in order to reduce the weight of their knap sacks. 이미 포장을 끝난 상태를 말할때 사용
* wrap- 상품을 포장할때 사용
*rack-선반, 튀어나온 부위
38. The museum exhibits include a variety of visual arts ranging from paintings to sculptures.
39. Even though we have sent their warnings several times, the company still refuses to
comply with safety standards.
(명령에)응하다, 좆다.
40. The cargoes, which was postmarked for china, had to be handled with great dispatch.
급송, 발송
*preemption 선매권
* dispensation 분배품, 시행
*dispassion<-> passion
41. AIDS is the leading cause of death in Africa, claiming the lives of
over 100.000 people a year. 요구, 요청, 주장이란 뜻이 있지만 여기서는
사람의 목숨, 재산등을 빼앗다는 의미로 쓰임.
42. The CEO had many things he needed to attend to before he could take a vacation.
원래 attend 는 뒤에 to를 쓰지 않지만, 돌보다란 뜻일때만 to를 사용한다.
출석하다 일때는 at, ~에 수반하다에는 with 나 by를 사용
43. Mr. James was well versed in both 19th and 20 th century poetry and gave a very
숙달한, 통달한
informative presentation.
44. The man was anxious to know the committee's decision, because he really wanted to
secure a position with Microsoft.
지위를 얻다.
45. The Dean of the school may endorse the recommendation letter of the committee
서명하다. 써 넣다.
by indicating 'approved' and signing the document.
46. Although the new welfare provisions sounded good in theory, they brought about very few
tangible benefits to poor citizens.
만질수 있는, 확실한, 실제적인
47. Roger has a knack for making people feel good.
기교, 솜씨
* Stop knacking- 잔소리좀 그만해
* get the knack up in- 요령을 터득하다.
48. On land, penguins waddle when they walk because they have short legs.
뒤뚱거리며 걷다.
49. Upon arriving at home, I changed my clothes and promptly crashed on the sofa.
=0n~ing-~하자마자, 즉시 숙박하다. 자다. 의미.
충돌하다, 부딪히다 의미도 있음.
50. It is impossible to sit through such a long and monoyonous movie.
매우 중요한 단어 ~가 끝날때 까지 가만히 있다.
* sit up-단정히 앉다.
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