As 2012 comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to wish you, your family and friends all the joy in the world during this holiday season.
Looking back on this past year as Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, I have seen us pass so many milestones together. President Obama had a wonderful visit here that showcased not only our close partnership on security issues but also the depth of our people-to-people ties. We began implementing the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement, a great development for both countries. Many of you were able to enjoy the benefits during your holiday shopping.

President Obama Addressing Students at HUFS
This year, we were also delighted to join the 2012 Yeosu Expo. U.S. participation in the Expo highlighted our two countries’ joint efforts on environmental matters -- a terrific example of how we are working together on issues that go well beyond the Korean Peninsula.
My favorite part of the Expo was our Student Ambassadors, the group of 40 American college students who worked as guides at our pavilion. Although they all had very different backgrounds, these Student Ambassadors all spoke excellent Korean. Not only are Koreans learning English and studying in the United States, more and more Americans are now learning Korean and coming here. This is an exciting trend.

With Yeosu Expo Student Ambassadors
We witnessed the election of both Korean and American presidents in the same year – something that occurs once every two decades. Both were historic in their own right.

And no year would seem complete without some interesting developments up North.
But in a year of many changes, one thing remained constant: our commitment to strengthening the special partnership between our two countries.
Finally, as we hold our families tight this holiday season, I have one more thing to be thankful for: Now that my family is here with me, I am no longer a “goose father.”

Thank you for your words and counsel online, in letters and in person. Here’s wishing you one and all the very best for 2013!