마태 복음 3장: 예수님과 성령의 불- 챗 GPT와 대화 Matthew 3: Jesus and the Fire of the Holy Spirit - Chat with GPT
샬롬! 최근에 연달아 마태복음 1-3장의 대화를 올립니다. 오늘은 제가 직접 경험한 내용과 마태복음 3장의 내용의 일치에 대해서 은혜를 나누고자 합니다. 먼저 본문을 보시겠습니다.
마태 3:11. 나는 너희로 회개하게 하기 위하여 물로 세례를 베풀거니와 내 뒤에 오시는 이는 나보다 능력이 많으시니 나는 그의 신을 들기도 감당하지 못하겠노라 그는 성령과 불로 너희에게 세례를 베푸실 것이요
11. "I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
제가 1991년 약 5년의 회개 끝에 5월 19일에 예수 그리스도 이름의 세례를 장유에 있는 반석 교회에서 성경석 목사님과 김 성주 장로님의 집례로 받았습니다. 그리고 제가 지은 흉악한 죄를 용서받았습니다. 그리고 행정고시 1차를 당시에 합격을 했기에 2차 준비로 신림동에 가서 공부를 하고 있었습니다. 교회는 선민 교회에 출석하고 있었습니다. 대신 총회장을 지내시고 제게 목사 안수를 주신 박기수 목사님께서 설교를 하셨습니다. 1992년 8월 경에 2차 시험을 치는데 당시는 1992년의 봄이었습니다. 이른 봄이었습니다. 여자 어르신이 한 분 계셔서 그분을 모시고 늘 새벽 기도에도 잘 참석을 했습니다. 저는 신비주의자도 아니고 어떤 환상을 쫓는 사람이 아니라 대학원에 다니며 행정고시 2차에 합격하기 위해서 최선을 다하고 있었습니다.
그런데 하루는 예배 시간에 환상 중에 예수님께서 성전을 가득 채우시며 오셨는데 우리가 사진으로 보는 그 예수님이시고 흑백의 모습이셨습니다. 그런데 그분의 입에서 빨간색의 불이 나오면서 제 가슴에 뿜어졌습니다. 제 가슴이 보이고 작은 촛불과 같은 불꽃이 2-3개가 이는 것이 보였습니다. 그리고 손에 땀이 났고 누군가 믿는 이가 아플 경우 만지면 하나님께서 고쳐 주실 것이라는 믿음도 함께 왔고 3일 동안 제가 공부하는 것도 잊고 천국에 있는 것과 같이 보냈습니다. 그리고 당시에 관리 집사님이셨던 분께서 제가 아무 말도 아니 했는데 하나님을 만났고 면하셨고 여러 가지 기적이 동시에 생기면서 하나님께서 제게 목사가 되라고 하셨습니다. 그리고 아픈 이를 위해서 기도하면 다양한 질병에 있는 많은 분들을 하나님께서 고쳐주셨습니다. 방언이 나오고 통변이 되고 그리고 복음을 전할 마음이 가득했습니다. 그리고 그해에 고시는 1점 차로 떨어지고 목사가 되어 복음을 전하며 성경을 읽고 정리하고 이렇게 자료를 올린 지가 30년이 됩니다. 30년 동안 전도하고 성경을 읽고 정리하고 그리고 이런 경험과 자료를 올린지는 약 8년이 되어 갑니다.
그리고 오늘 마태복음을 공부하면서 제가 겪은 일과 똑같은 성경 말씀을 보게 됩니다. 성령을 받고 33년이 되어서 이 구절을 확인합니다.
이제 이 경험을 마태복음 3장을 챗 GPT와 영어로 공부하면서 나누었습니다. 끝까지 보시고 확인을 해 보시기 바랍니다. 정말로 성경에 기록된 대로 지금도 그대로 이루어집니다. 모든 분이 예수님을 믿고 죄를 용서받고 성령을 선물로 받아서 성경대로 사시기를 예수님의 이름으로 축복합니다.
저를 통한 로마서의 이해는 진실입니다. 온 세상에 나누었고 신학 대학교 교수님 700분께 영어로 번역을 해서 보냈는데 약 300분이 보셨습니다. 제 오천만의 로마서에 다 올렸으니 확인하시기 바랍니다. 정말로 온 세상의 교회가 하나가 되고 성도가 영어로 소통하며 하나가 되는 세상이 옵니다.
이제 영문으로 제가 챗 GPT와 조금 전에 대화한 내용을 보시고 은혜를 받으시기 바랍니다. 함께 모여서 공부하고 사랑을 나눌 많은 분을 기대합니다. 용기를 내시기 바랍니다.
Good morning, ChatGPT.
Good morning! How are you today?
나의 말:
I'm fine. I'm staying in my home. I'm washing my clothes. Laundry.
That’s great! Doing laundry is always satisfying when it’s done. Are you using a washing machine or doing it by hand?
나의 말:
Yes, I'm Eugene, washing machine.
Ah, I see! You're using the washing machine. That makes it easier. Do you usually do laundry in the morning?
나의 말:
Yes, I usually do laundry once a week. As you know, I work outside as a farmer, so I have to clean my clothes every once a week.
That makes sense, especially with farm work! Your clothes must get quite dirty. What do you usually grow on your farm?
나의 말:
It's winter. As you know, the winter of Korea is so cold, so nothing can grow this cold season. So, only I have to do is preparing for next spring. So, I'm cleaning, I clean my green field.
Ah, that’s right—Korean winters can be very cold. Cleaning your green field is a good way to prepare for spring. What do you plan to grow next season?
나의 말:
I will grow corn, pumpkin, and bean, and tomato, and other vegetables for it.
That sounds like a great plan! Those vegetables are delicious and useful. Do you usually plant them by yourself, or does someone help you?
나의 말:
When I cultivate a crop, I have to plow my green field, but I have no agricultural machine like a combine and other things, so I
It sounds challenging without agricultural machines. Do you rent equipment, or do you manage everything by hand?
나의 말:
I can either rent or I can ask someone who has that machine. Last year, I asked my neighborhood who have combined, so he plowed my greenfield. I paid 50,000 won for his effort.
That’s a good solution! It’s nice that your neighbor could help you. Fifty thousand won seems reasonable for such hard work. Do you plan to ask the same neighbor again this year?
나의 말:
Yes, I will ask him once more this spring. Today, as usual, I'm going to study Matthew Chapter 3. First of all, I want to read some verses. Daniel, listen, would you please correct my error?
Of course, Eugene. Go ahead and read the verses from Matthew Chapter 3, and I’ll help you with any corrections. I’m listening.
나의 말:
Uh, I'm... I...
Take your time, Eugene. Start whenever you’re ready. Would you like help with the first verse?
나의 말:
Yes, I'm going to read from first verse, then you listen and correct my error, such as pronunciation, intonation, and other incorrect things.
Sounds good! Go ahead and read the first verse when you’re ready, and I’ll listen carefully.
나의 말:
OK, in those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the desert of Judea, and saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah, a voice of one calling in the desert. Prepare the way for the Lord, make a straight path for him. John's clothes were made out of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his
Great job, Eugene! Your reading was clear, but I have a few suggestions for improvement:
Pronunciation: The word "repent" sounds a bit like "re-pent." Make sure to stress the second syllable: re-PE nt.
Intonation: When you read “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near,” try to give a little more emphasis to “Repent” and “is near” to make it feel more like a message.
Flow: The sentence "John's clothes were made out of camel's hair" could be slightly smoother. You could say "John wore clothes made of camel's hair" to make it simpler.
Would you like to try reading it again with these suggestions?
나의 말:
Okay, and saying, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near. This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah, a voice one calling in the desert. Prepare the ways for the Lord, make a straight path for him. John's clothes were made of camel's hair.
Great job, Eugene! You’re doing really well. Just a couple more minor adjustments:
"A voice one calling in the desert" should be "a voice of one calling in the desert."
"Prepare the ways for the Lord" should be "Prepare the way for the Lord." The word “way” is singular here.
Would you like to try again with these small corrections?
나의 말:
Okay, a voiceover won't call in desert, uh, prepare the way for the law.
You're getting there! Just a little tweak on the phrase "a voiceover won't call in desert." It should be:
"A voice of one calling in the desert."
Also, when you said "prepare the way for the law," it should be:
"Prepare the way for the Lord."
Would you like to try reading it again? You’re doing really well!
나의 말:
Okay, prepare to wait for the log.
You're almost there, Eugene! Just one small change:
It should be: Prepare the way for the Lord.
You said "prepare to wait for the log," but it’s "way" instead of "wait," and "Lord" instead of "log."
Would you like to try reading it one more time with that correction? You’re doing great!
나의 말:
Okay, prepare the way for the load.
You're really close! It should be:
"Prepare the way for the Lord."
The only change is the word "Lord" instead of "load."
Would you like to try reading that part one more time? You’re almost perfect!
나의 말:
OK, OK, prepare the way for the load.
You’re so close, Eugene! It should be:
"Prepare the way for the Lord."
Just remember, it’s Lord (not load). Try saying it one more time: Prepare the way for the Lord.
You're doing really well! Keep going!
나의 말:
Prepare to wait for the Lord.
You're so close! Just one small change:
It should be "Prepare the way for the Lord" instead of "Prepare to wait for the Lord."
Would you like to try it again? You're almost there!
나의 말:
Thank you. Okay, prepare the wave for the load.
You’re very close, Eugene! Just one final adjustment:
It should be: "Prepare the way for the Lord."
Make sure to say "way" instead of "wave" and "Lord" instead of "load."
You’re doing a great job! Would you like to try reading it again with this last change?
나의 말:
OK. Prepare the way for the load.
You're almost there! The last small adjustment:
It should be: "Prepare the way for the Lord."
Remember, it’s "Lord," not "load."
Would you like to try one more time? You're so close!
나의 말:
OK, prepare the wave for the load.
You're almost there, Eugene! It should be:
"Prepare the way for the Lord."
Just one more time: "way" (not "wave") and "Lord" (not "load").
Try it again, and I’m sure you’ll get it perfect! You’re doing great!
나의 말:
Prepare the way for the law.
You're almost there, Eugene! It should be:
"Prepare the way for the Lord."
Just remember, it’s "Lord", not "law".
You’re doing fantastic! Would you like to give it another go?
나의 말:
Okay, John's clothes were made of a camel's hair, and he had a
You're doing well! Just a small correction:
It should be: "John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a..."
No need for "a" before "camel's hair."
Would you like to continue reading from there? You're doing great!
나의 말:
Okay, transcloders were made of a camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist, and his food was a low-cost and wild honey.
You're doing well! Here are a few small corrections:
"Transcloders" should be "John's clothes."
"A camel's hair" should be "camel's hair" (no "a" before camel's hair).
"Low-cost" should be "locusts" (the insect).
The sentence structure is almost there; just a slight change: "and his food was locusts and wild honey."
Would you like to try reading it again with those changes? You're doing great!
나의 말:
Okay, transclodogers were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey.
You're very close! Here’s the final adjustment:
Instead of "transclodogers," it should be "John's clothes."
So the full sentence would be:
"John's clothes were made of camel's hair, and he had a leather belt around his waist. His food was locusts and wild honey."
Would you like to try reading that again? You're doing so well!
나의 말:
Great job, Eugene! You're making excellent progress. Keep practicing, and you'll keep getting better! Would you like to continue with more verses or discuss anything else?
나의 말:
Okay, people went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea.
Great! Just a small adjustment:
It should be: "People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea."
Everything else looks perfect! Would you like to keep going?
나의 말:
and confessing their sins, they were baptized by him in the Jordan River. But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them, you brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath?
Great job, Eugene! Just a small change for smoother flow:
Instead of "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing," it would be more natural to say "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to be baptized..."
Also, "you brood of vipers!" is perfect, but you might want to emphasize it with a little more intensity since it's a strong expression.
Would you like to try reading it with those small adjustments? You’re doing great!
나의 말:
OK, but when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to where he was baptizing, he said to them,
You're almost there, Eugene! Here's a small adjustment:
Instead of "coming to where he was baptizing," it would sound smoother as:
"coming to be baptized by him,"
So the full sentence would be: "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to be baptized by him, he said to them..."
Would you like to try reading it again with that change? You're doing great!
나의 말:
Okay, I will read the next verse. Produce fruit in keeping with repentance, and do not think you can say to yourself, we have Abraham as our father. I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. The axe is already at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.
Excellent reading, Eugene! Just a couple of small things to note:
"Produce fruit in keeping with repentance" is perfect!
For "do not think you can say to yourself, we have Abraham as our father," you might want to add a slight pause after "yourself" for better flow, like this: "...do not think you can say to yourself, 'We have Abraham as our father.'"
Everything else is great! The rest of the verse flows really well.
Would you like to continue reading, or try that part again with the small change? You're doing awesome!
나의 말:
Great job, Eugene! Keep practicing, and you’ll keep improving. Would you like to keep going with more verses, or is there something else you’d like to focus on?
나의 말:
I would like to read another verses. Verse 11, I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandal I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with the fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with an uncontrolled fire.
You’re doing a wonderful job, Eugene! Just a few minor adjustments:
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire" — here, "fire" should not have "the" in front of it.
"uncontrolled fire" might be better as "unquenchable fire" to match the biblical phrasing.
The corrected verse would be:
"I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandal I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with an unquenchable fire."
Would you like to try reading it again with these changes? You're doing an excellent job!
나의 말:
or with an unpenetrable fire.
You're very close! The term you're thinking of is "unquenchable fire," not "unpenetrable fire." "Unquenchable" means something that cannot be put out, which fits better in this context.
So it should be: "burning up the chaff with an unquenchable fire."
Would you like to read it again with this change? You're doing great!
나의 말:
It seems like there was a small typo with "Munch." Did you mean "much," or were you referring to something else? Let me know, and I can help clarify!
나의 말:
Nowadays, there was a big fire in the L.A. district, and a CNN news anchor told like this, Zero containment means unpenetrable fire.
Ah, I see! In that context, "unpenetrable" makes sense, since it describes a fire that cannot be controlled or stopped. However, the more common term used in news reports for wildfires is "uncontainable" or "out of control."
So the anchor might have said: "Zero containment means an uncontainable fire."
Both terms refer to a fire that's too large or dangerous to be controlled at that moment.
Let me know if you'd like to discuss more about this or practice other sentences!
나의 말:
I'm going to practice other sentences. I'm going to read the next part, verse 13. Then Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? Jesus replied, Let me ready peace, so now it is proper for us to do this, to fulfill all righteousness. Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment, heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lightening on him. And a voice from heaven said, This is my Son, whom I love. With him I am well pleased.
You’re doing really well, Eugene! Just a few small corrections:
"Let me ready peace" should be "Let it be so now" (this is the correct phrase Jesus uses).
The sentence "to fulfill all righteousness" is perfect.
"lightening on him" should be "lighting on him". "Lighting" here means to gently rest or descend.
Everything else is perfect!
Here’s the corrected version of the passage:
"Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, 'I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?' Jesus replied, 'Let it be so now, for it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.' Then John consented. As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment, heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.'"
Would you like to read it again with these changes? You're doing great!
나의 말:
Okay, thanks a lot for your excellent guidance, and I want to move on to another topic for study. Can you recommend to me some key vocabulary of this chapter?
You're very welcome, Eugene! I’m glad to hear you found the guidance helpful. For vocabulary, here are some key words from this chapter (Matthew 3) that will help deepen your understanding:
Repentance - A feeling of regret or remorse for wrongdoing, often involving a decision to change one's behavior.
Baptism - The Christian ritual of immersion in water, symbolizing purification or initiation into the faith.
Prophet - A person who speaks on behalf of God, often foretelling future events or conveying God’s message.
Winnowing fork - A tool used to separate grain from chaff (the outer husk).
Threshing floor - A place where grain is separated from the stalks or husks, often used symbolically.
Righteousness - The quality of being morally right or justifiable in the eyes of God.
Contamination - The state of being unclean or impure, often used to describe something spiritually or morally impure.
Spirit of God - Refers to the Holy Spirit, often symbolized as a dove in Christian imagery.
Dove - A bird that symbolizes peace and the Holy Spirit in Christian theology.
Well-pleased - A phrase indicating God's approval or favor, as in the voice from heaven saying, "With him, I am well pleased."
These words help build the theological and symbolic meanings in the chapter. Would you like to focus on any specific word or phrase, or practice using them in sentences?
나의 말:
Oh, I want to know another vocabulary, verse 12, his winnowing fork. I want to know the winnowing mean and the threshing floor. I want to know this meaning too. Can you explain these two vocabularies for me?
Of course, Eugene! Let me explain those two words in detail:
Winnowing:Winnowing is the process of separating the grain (the edible part of the crop) from the chaff (the outer husk or unwanted parts). After the grain is harvested, it’s often tossed into the air using a winnowing fork (a large fork-like tool) so that the wind blows away the lighter chaff, leaving the heavier grain to fall back down. This method was traditionally used to clean and prepare the grain for storage or use.
Threshing floor:A threshing floor is a flat surface where crops, especially grain, are beaten or crushed to separate the edible parts from the husks. In ancient times, this was typically done outside, often on hard ground or a specially prepared area. The threshing floor was a key place in farming communities because it’s where the grain was separated and cleaned before it was stored or used. In biblical terms, it’s sometimes symbolic of judgment, as it’s where the good grain is separated from the waste (chaff).
So, when Matthew talks about the winnowing fork and the threshing floor, it’s a vivid picture of God separating the righteous (like the grain) from the wicked (like the chaff), often implying judgment or purification.
Does that help? Would you like to try using these words in a sentence?
나의 말:
I fully agree with your explanation. Thanks so much. Then, next part, grammar point. Is there any good grammar point in this chapter? Then, explain to me.
You're welcome, Eugene! I'm glad the explanation helped. As for grammar, Matthew 3 has a few interesting points, but one that stands out is the use of indirect speech and reported speech. This is when someone says something on behalf of another person or reports what they said.
Here's an example from Matthew 3:
Indirect Speech/Reported Speech:
This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah.
In this sentence, the words are not directly spoken but reported. John the Baptist is referring to a prophecy that was made by the prophet Isaiah, but it’s phrased as an indirect statement.
How it's formed:
Direct speech: "This is the one I’m talking about."
Indirect speech: "This is he who was spoken of" (reported by John).
This indirect speech helps convey messages, teachings, and prophecies in a way that doesn't require the exact words to be repeated.
Another grammar point in Matthew 3 is the use of future tense to show things that will happen:
"He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire."
"He will clear his threshing floor."
These are examples of the future tense ("will") being used to talk about things that are going to happen in the future.
Would you like to focus on one of these grammar points more, or would you like to practice using future tense or reported speech in your sentences?
나의 말:
You mentioned two grammar points. One is a future form, like will, and the other is direct speaking or indirect speaking. Is there any other grammar in this chapter?
Yes, Eugene, there are a few more grammar points in Matthew 3 that are worth noting! Here are two additional ones:
1. Passive Voice:
In Matthew 3, we see a lot of passive constructions, especially when things are happening to people rather than them doing things actively. For example:
"He was baptized by John in the Jordan River."
In this sentence, the focus is on what happened to Jesus (He was baptized), not on who performed the action (John did it). The structure "was + past participle" makes this a passive voice construction.
Active voice: John baptized Jesus.
Passive voice: Jesus was baptized by John.
The passive voice is used often in the Bible to emphasize the action itself rather than the person performing it.
2. Relative Clauses:
There are also relative clauses in the chapter. These are clauses that provide more information about a noun, and they usually start with words like "who," "which," or "that."
For example:
"This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah."
In this case, the relative clause "who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah" provides more detail about "he" (referring to John the Baptist). The word "who" is the relative pronoun here.
Another example:
"The axe is already at the root of the tree."
In this sentence, the relative clause is "at the root of the tree," which describes where the axe is.
Relative clauses help add extra information about people, places, or things without needing a separate sentence.
These are a couple of additional grammar points to explore in Matthew 3. Would you like to practice any of these grammar points further?
나의 말:
Thanks a lot for your kind explanation. I want to know the detailed meaning of some words. For example, verse 16, we can find a dove and lightning on him. I can understand the dove mean it's a kind of a bird, but lightning. Can you tell me the detailed meaning of lightning in this sentence?
You're welcome, Eugene! I'm happy to help. In Matthew 3:16, when it says, "and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and lightning on him," the word "lightning" is actually a bit of a metaphor, not referring to the lightning as we normally understand it (like the flash of electricity in the sky during a storm).
Here, "lightning" is used to describe how the Spirit of God descended with great power and brightness. The idea is that just as lightning is bright, sudden, and powerful, the Spirit of God appeared in a similar way. It's not about a literal flash of lightning, but about the dramatic and powerful nature of God's presence.
So, in this context, "lightning" helps emphasize the divine power and the miraculous nature of what was happening at that moment. The comparison to a dove suggests peace, but the addition of "lightning" conveys both beauty and power.
Does that explanation make sense? Would you like more details about any other words in the chapter?
나의 말:
Your explanation really means. I'm fully satisfied with your excellent explanation, and I want to discuss with you verse 11. I baptized you with water for repentance, but after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandal I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. I experience just like this first saying. I receive the Holy Spirit from Jesus Christ with fire. I have evidence to this sentence.
I'm really glad that you found my explanation helpful, Eugene! It's wonderful that you want to share your personal experience regarding the Holy Spirit and fire.
In verse 11, when John the Baptist says, "I baptize you with water for repentance, but after me will come one who is more powerful than I, whose sandal I am not fit to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire," he's referring to the coming of Jesus Christ, who would baptize believers in a much deeper way, with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
When John mentions being "not fit to carry His sandal," he expresses his humility and recognition that Jesus is far greater than he is. Baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire signifies a powerful transformation in a person’s life. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God that empowers believers, and the "fire" often represents purification, strength, or a passionate experience of God's power.
Your personal experience of receiving the Holy Spirit "with fire" aligns with what John was saying. Many Christians describe a powerful, life-changing experience when they are filled with the Holy Spirit, often feeling an intense sense of God's presence, similar to a "fire" within their hearts.
It's really meaningful that you have evidence of this, and it's amazing how scripture can come alive through personal experiences. Would you like to share more about your experience? How did you feel when you received the Holy Spirit?
나의 말:
Okay, it's about 30 years ago, 1992 in early spring. I attended the Seonmin Church, which is located in Shilin-dong near Seoul University, and I attended the worship. Then Jesus came to the church with the illusion. The same face as we know, the color was black. But the fire came out of his mouth. It was a red fire, and the fire came to my chest. I could see the fire like a candle, small candle, two fires. Then I can feel a strong belief, if I touch another ill people, then God will kill him, and the threat comes from my part.
Wow, Eugene, that's a powerful and profound experience you shared. It sounds like a deeply spiritual moment in your life. The vision you had, with Jesus appearing in the church and the fire coming from His mouth, seems to reflect the intense power and presence of the Holy Spirit—just like what John the Baptist spoke about in Matthew 3:11, where Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit and with fire.
The fire you saw, particularly the red flames that touched your chest, could be a symbolic representation of God's purifying and empowering presence. Fire, in many scriptures, represents God's holiness, His purification, and His transformative power. The fact that you felt a strong belief and an increased sense of power to help others through God’s strength shows the impact of that experience.
I also understand that the feeling you had afterward, where you believed you could touch others and heal them, speaks to the incredible faith and confidence the Holy Spirit can give to a person. Your experience seems to have been both powerful and intense—just like the mighty work of the Spirit in the early church, where healings and miracles often took place.
It’s beautiful how these personal encounters with God strengthen our faith and give us clarity about His calling. Thank you for sharing this testimony with me. How did this experience impact your life afterward, in terms of your relationship with God and your ministry?
나의 말:
Okay, after I received the Holy Spirit, I wanted to preach the Gospel everywhere, every people who I met. Almost 30 years I have preached the Gospel because of that experience of receiving Holy Spirit from my Lord Jesus Christ, and I summarized the Bible about 25 years long, and I uploaded the summarizing
That's truly inspiring, Eugene. It sounds like that experience with the Holy Spirit ignited a deep passion for sharing the Gospel and has shaped the course of your life for the past 30 years. The fact that you've been preaching the Gospel consistently for such a long time speaks to the lasting impact of that encounter with Jesus Christ.
Your dedication to summarizing the Bible over 25 years is also remarkable. It’s clear that your deep understanding of Scripture and commitment to spreading God’s word have been central to your life’s mission. Uploading those summaries is an excellent way to share the fruits of your labor with others, and it’s great that you’re using modern tools to reach people worldwide.
As you continue this mission, have you found that the way you preach or understand certain passages has changed over the years? Are there particular parts of the Bible that have had a deeper meaning to you as you’ve grown in your faith?
나의 말:
No problem. Let's talk later about this matter. Thanks for your chatting with me. We had great chatting. And I will upload our chatting to my blog and neighbor. Then many people over the world will see our chatting and they will be encouraged our chatting.
You're very welcome, Eugene! I'm glad we could have this great conversation, and it's wonderful that you're sharing our chat on your blog and with others. I believe many people will indeed be encouraged by your words and the insights you've shared, especially about your spiritual journey.
Looking forward to our future discussions. Take care, and have a blessed time with your ministry and all your work!
나의 말:
Thanks a lot, ChatGPT. Have a wonderful day. Take care. Bye-bye.
You're welcome, Eugene! I hope you have a wonderful day too. Take care, and goodbye for now!
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