BNR17 유산균은 건강한 한국인 산모의 모유에서 분리 배양한 유산균으로 모유유산균이라고도 불리며, 정식 명칭은 락토바실러스 가세리 BNR17 유산균입니다.
여기서 BNR은 우리나라 코스닥 상장 회사인 바이오니아(BioNeeR)의 약자이며, 17번째 실험에서 발견한 유산균으로 BNR17이라고 이름을 붙였습니다.
이러한 유산균은 국내 최초로 식약처에서 체지방 감소 기능성을 인정받은 원료이며, 2018 미국 건강기능 원료 체중 관리 부분에서 올해의 원료 상을 수상했습니다.
Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™
Studies show that this strain may support a healthy body mass index and digestive wellness
Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™, (hereafter referred to by use of the trademark, BNR17™) is a new probiotic strain with a great deal of potential. This strain, of natural origin, has been shown to support a healthy body mass index and a healthy metabolism and level of abdominal fat.
In addition, the probiotic strain has been shown to support digestive health.
Isolated from human breast milk
The BNR17™ strain, a strain isolated from human breast milk, was scientifically selected from 319 strains for its role in weight support and gastrointestinal wellness. Chr. Hansen licensed the strain in 2018 based on its scientific documentation and future potential.
According to studies, Lactobacillus gasseri, BNR17™ may:
Contribute to maintenance of a healthy weight and a healthy body mass index1
Support healthy levels of abdominal fat2
Help support healthy body measurements1, 2
Provide digestive support with improved quality of life scores and support to normal intestinal transit.3
The probiotic strain BNR17™ has excelled in human trials
The probiotic strain BNR17™ has undergone extensive analysis and has excelled in three high quality human studies.
In one study, the participants taking the BNR17™ strain saw a significant waist circumference decrease. The mean loss in waist circumference was five centimeters over a 12-week consumption period. The placebo group did not change significantly.1
Awards and acknowledgements for the BNR17™ strain
The probiotic strain BNR17™ was named the "2018 Weight Management Ingredient of the Year" by a panel of 15 scientists and industry experts at the inaugural edition of the NutraIngredients-USA Awards.
In addition, the BNR17™ strain is the first probiotic strain supporting healthy levels of abdominal fat individually acknowledged by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (KFDA) in South Korea.