Strict Controls against Spam Mail Are Needed !
Without exception modern people are suffering from e-mail fatigue. E-mail fatigue is generated by the rapid development of the Internet and ecommerce. Unwanted e-mail known as spam mail, is constantly being sent out to millions of random individuals. As a marketing tool, spam mail has more impact for the dollar than any other advertising media. Therefore, it has been extremely difficult to stop this practice around the world. Although filtering devices are becoming more advanced day by day, spam mails are becoming more intelligent as well.
Since Korea is a leading IT nation with the world's No. 1 high-speed Internet distribution it has worse problems with spam mails. According to a recent study, 36% of all the world's spam mail is sent from the United States. Korea ranks second with a surprisingly high 25%. The third highest country is China with less than 10% of spam mail. Considering that the population of the United States is about six times larger than that of Korea., it is safe to say that Korea is a "Spam Mail Heaven."
The annual damage caused by spam pollution in Korea has been estimated to be at least 1.3 trilion won. This amount is calculated by adding direct expenses such as spam filtering equipment and server expansions to indirect losses such as difficulty of normal mail delivery, spread of worms or viruses, decreasing productivity of individuals and corporations, etc. Furthermore, the leaking of personal information and invasion of privacy are big problems that can't be calculated precisely.
Spam mail is no longer just a personal problem that bothers individuals. It has become an economic and social crime that results in enormous damages.
Topic Discussion
1. Can you explain what spam mail is ?
Do you know any other name(s) for spam mail ?
2. What kinds of spam mail do you get everyday ? How much ?
Have you had any embarrassing experiences due to spam mail ?
3. What problems do you think spam mail causes to individuals or to society ?
Why do you think it's so hard to block spam mail ?
4. Do you ever think spam mail can be good for getting informaiton ?
General Discussion
1. When was the last time you wrote a letter and sent it in the post ?
To whom was it addressed ?
2. How is it convenient or inconvenient to write an email instead of sending a letter ?
Can you talk about this based on your own experiences ?
3. Can you imagine living without the Internet ?
4. Do you think the new system which supposedly identifies Internet users will stop people from leaving vicious comments online ?
Thank you for reading and downloading my interesting topic.ㅋㅋ
Have a nice week, my precious 일영모 members~

첫댓글 야~ 우리 JJ님 토픽 의미 심장한것 썼네요.
요새 아이폰 해킹프로그램 유행한다던데. Gray program이라고,
암튼 저도 정말 victim 이였죠.자세한 것은 모임때 알려 드리죠!
한주 건강히 잘 보내시고 일욜날 봐요.
토픽 주제가 굉장히 좋은 것 같네요...^^수고하셨어요...
마이 프리셔스 일영모..하는데..갑자기 골룸생각이 나는건..= =;;...
토픽올린다고 수고 하셨어요! 질문에 힘 실으셨네요^^
열심히 공부해 가겠습니다! ^^
J.J 오빠~ 정말 수고하셨어요 ^ ^ 깜찍한 이모티콘까지 ㅋㅋ
일상적이면서도 꽤 많은 생각을 필요로하는 질문인거 같네요 ^0^
이번주말에 뵐께요-
덧, 오랜만에 방문했는데도 알아봐주셔서 감사했어요~*
과거의 추억을 떠올리게 만드는 질문들이네요~~ 감사합니다%^^
오늘 뵙으면 좋겠습니다 ㅎ