Four on shortlist for UK Royal Navy tankers deal Wed May 21, 2008 8:33am EDT
LONDON, May 21 (Reuters) - Britain's Ministry of Defence said on Wednesday four companies would help it develop plans for a new fleet of Royal Navy tankers, with one later getting a contract for the final design and construction.
The four companies are Italy's Fincantieri, Korea's Hyundai, Spain's Navantia, and a consortium of Britain's BAE Systems Plc (BAES.L: Quote, Profile, Research), BMT Group Ltd and Korea's Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co Ltd (042660.KS: Quote, Profile, Research).
"These four companies have demonstrated the capability and capacity to deliver in the timescales we need. We will be testing their proposals for value for money through the competition," Minister for Defence Equipment & Support Ann Taylor said in a statement. None of the four bidders have indicated they would build the tankers in Britain, the MoD said. "This reflects the fact that UK capacity is taken up by Type 45 (destroyers) and the Future Aircraft Carrier." (Reporting by Dan Lalor; editing by Sue Thomas)
첫댓글 핀칸테이리, 나반티아 두 회사 모두 사실상 유럽에 마지막 남은 함정 수출 회사(영국은 함정 수출 실적이 저조하니까,프랑스는 포미더블 팔았으니..뭐) 면서 크루즈선 분야에서 한국 조선산업에 비해서 아직 우위를 점하고 있는 몇 안되는 조선소네요
영국은 그래도 말레이시아에 Lekiu 2차 2척하고 오만에 ESSM으로 무장하는 OPV 3척 팝니다. ^^
제가 알고있는 영국 사람들은 한국조선소가 참여할 가능성있다는걸 듣고 좋아하더군요...오랜만에 영국해군이 함정을 제시간에 인수받을것 같다는 이유로...ㅎㅎ
정말 요즘 영국해군 함정 중에서 제 때 받은 배가 과연 무엇이 있을지 궁금해지네요. ^^