Car Seats and Safety. (1: 53)
♧ whiplash injury : n. (자동차의 충돌로 인한) 목뼈의 골절
♧ head restraint : n. 자동차 시트의 목 받침대
♧ marginally : ad. 변두리 가장자리에, 난외에, 여백에; 근소한 차이로
♧ veer : v. 비키게 하다, 돌리다
♧ shunt : v. 비키게 하다, 돌리다
♧ mobile : n. 자동차
♧ the Land rover, Freelander
♧ Honda's CRV
♧ insurer : n. 보험회사
♧ sensible : a. 사리에 맞는, 현명한, 재치 있는
♧ precaution : n. 조심, 예방조치
♧ headrest : n. 머리 받침
♧ inherently : ad. 본질적으로, 처음부터
♧ misleading : a. 오도하는, 그릇된 인상을 주는
♧ prolonged : a. 장기적인, 연장한, 오래 끄는
♧ insurance premium : n. 보험료, 할증금
♧ keen : a. 열심인, 열중한, 예민한
Now the seats in our cars could be doing nothing to protect us from whiplash injuries. More than a third of all seats performed badly in the latest study with some not ending worthy of testing. But the car industry has insisted that modern seats are safe.
Car manufacturers claim they've achieved much in improving vehicle safety, but this latest research clearly shows why whiplash is the most common form of car crash injury. A hundred and fourteen car seats with head restraints were tested, and two-thirds performed either poorly or marginally. Even when the crash is just 10 miles an hour rear-end shunt.
"It's going to hit me for a long time and it might affect other people as well. We should try and reduce that injury to other people."
Many major mobiles widely regarded as safe rated poorly in the whiplash tests including four-by-fours, the LandRover Freelander, and Honda's CRV. The British Insurers, who carried out the research, say a quarter of a million people suffer whiplash injuries on British roads each year.
The report is likely to embarrass car manufacturers. Many of them will have to make significant changes to car seat design if they really want to protect people in an accident.
"When it como whiplash, it's a very sensible precaution. Just make certain that your headrest is in the right position. These tests the ABI has conducted seem some kind of average position. So, the tests are inherently misleading."
In real life, an accident like this could result in prolonged and painful injury.
The research is likely to give motorists a jolt over safety. While whiplash injuries add a billion pounds a year to insurance premiums, insurance companies will be keen to reduce the bill.
Hazel Westwood, Sky News, Birmingham.