- 버뮤다 처브 Chub, Bermuda
. 학명; Kyphosus sectatrix
. 서식지; 따뜻한 해역의 얕은 조류 암초 위, 해초층, 모래 및 암석 기질, 암초 평지
. 통명; 버뮤다 처브
. 특징; 거의 원형에 가까운 타원형 압축된 몸
. 먹이와 요리법; 빨리 상하므로 포획 직후에 먹거나 냉동
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Kyphosus sectatrix
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 해역의 얕은 조류 암초 위, 해초층, 모래 및 암석 기질, 암초 평지
. 지역; 전세계 아열대와 열대의 연안
. 얕은 암초에서 다른 관련 종과 혼합하여 떼로 서식
In the western Atlantic, the Bermuda chub occurs from Massachusetts and Bermuda south to Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.
Habitat/Behavior. Like most other sea chub, the Bermuda chub is a schooling species that moves quickly and is often abundant in clear water around tropical reefs, harbors, and small ships.
2 통명
- 영어; Pacific drummer, beaked chub, grey drummer, Pacific chub or white chub, Bermuda sea chub; French: calicagère blanche; Spanish: chopa blanca.
- 한글; 버뮤다 처브
3 개요
- 길이; 76센티이내, 평균 50센티
- 체중; 12파운드이내, 평균 7파운드
Bermuda chub commonly weigh 11⁄2 to 2 pounds and measure 10 to 12 inches in length. Reported maximum lengths and weights vary widely; the all-tackle world record is a 13-pound, 4-ounce Florida fish.
4 특징
- 거의 원형에 가까운 타원형 압축된 몸
- 짧은 머리는 눈 위에서 주둥이까지 경사져 있고 앞쪽에 열리는 작고 수평인 입
- 색상은 다양할 수 있으며, 일반적으로 등쪽은 녹색에서 청동색이며 옆구리는 옅은 회색으로 변색되고 배쪽은 은색
- 새끼는 회색이며 몸과 지느러미에 흰색 또는 옅은 반점
A member of the Kyphosidae family of sea chub, the Bermuda chub is a commonly encountered species, although not one that is aggressively sought by anglers. It is often caught in clear-water harbors and around reefs. Most individuals are reportedly good table fare, but their flesh spoils quickly and should be eaten soon after capture.
Identification. The Bermuda chub has an ovate profile, with a short head and a small mouth. A yellow stripe, bordered in white, runs from the edge of the mouth to the edge of the gill cover. The body is compressed and generally steel or blue-gray with muted yellowish stripes. The fins are dusky, the tail forked, and the scales are usually edged with blue. It may occasionally have white spots or blotches. A less common, very similar, but larger-growing relative is the yellow chub (K. incisor).
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 조류와 작은 게와 연체 동물 등 잡식성
- 낚시로 맑은 물의 항구나 암초주위에서 포획
- 빨리 상하므로 포획 직후에 먹거나 냉동
The Bermuda chub mainly feeds on benthic algae and also on small crabs and mollusks. Because of its small mouth, it nibbles food and is regarded by anglers as an accomplished bait stealer.