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독일의 Konstantin MEYL학자의 최근 발표논문입니다.
즉,스칼라 에너지가 인체의 DNA와 공명함에 따라 어떤 효과가 있을까요 ?
DNA and Cell Biology
DNA and Cell Resonance: Magnetic Waves Enable Cell Communication
To cite this article:
Konstantin Meyl. DNA and Cell Biology.
Online Ahead of Print: October 19, 2011
Konstantin Meyl
Address correspondence to:
Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl
First Transfer Centre of Scalar wave Technology (1st TZS)
Technology Park
Erikaweg 32
D-78048 Villingen-Schwenningen
E-mail: prof@meyl.eu
The abstract of this work was presented at the 2nd DNA World Congress in Dalian, China (www.DNAday.com), and the present article is based on one of his oral presentations at the conference on April 26, 2011. First Transfer Centre of Scalar Wave Technology (1st TZS), Technology Park, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany.
Received for publication August 15, 2011
received in revised form September 2, 2011
accepted September 2, 2011
DNA generates a longitudinal wave that propagates in the direction of the magnetic field vector. Computed frequencies from the structure of DNA agree with those of the predicted biophoton radiation. The optimization of efficiency by minimizing the conduction losses leads to the double-helix structure of DNA. The vortex model of the magnetic scalar wave not only covers many observed structures within the nucleus perfectly, but also explains the hyperboloid channels in the matrix when two cells communicate with each other. Potential vortexes are an essential component of a scalar waves, as discovered in 1990. The basic approach for an extended field theory was confirmed in 2009 with the discovery of magnetic monopoles. For the first time, this provides the opportunity to explain the physical basis of life not only from the biological discipline. Nature covers the whole spectrum of known scientific fields of research, and interdisciplinary understanding is required to explain its complex relationships. The characteristics of the potential vortex are significant. With its concentration effect, it provides for miniaturization down to a few nanometers, which allows enormously high information density in the nucleus. With this first introduction of the magnetic scalar wave, it becomes clear that such a wave is suitable to use genetic code chemically stored in the base pairs of the genes and electrically modulate them, so as to “piggyback” information from the cell nucleus to another cell. At the receiving end, the reverse process takes place and the transported information is converted back into a chemical structure. The necessary energy required to power the chemical process is provided by the magnetic scalar wave itself.
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스칼라웨이브, 토션장 둘다 엄청난 물건 즉 대물인 모양인데 빛의 몸 빛의시대가 다가오나 봅니다.
네 좋은 정보 감사드립니다 앞으로도 많이 소개해 주세요^^
래니님,새해 복많이 받으세요?
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