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return result;
// call it now, and schedule it to call on 'ready' as well in case prototype is loaded after this location.
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
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// keys should match id of fields (fname, lname, etc.)
// these are hard-coded defaults; the error strings should be overridden if necessary within
// the page's code.
var required_error_strings = {
fName: 'First name is required',
lName: 'Last name is required',
addLine1: 'Address is required',
checkoutCity: 'City is required',
stateOrProvince: 'State is required',
othStateOrProv: 'Other state/province is required',
zipCode: 'Zip is required',
shiptostoreZIP: 'Zip is required',
addrPhone: 'Phone is required',
emailAdd: 'Email is required',
city_state_zip: '
The city and ZIP code do not match. Please review or
Use as entered
crdType: 'Card type is required',
crdNumbr: 'Card number is required',
plccNumbr: 'Card number is required',
ccPin: 'Security code is required - (What\'s this?)',
cardIdNum: 'Security ID# is required (What\'s this?)',
plccvnc: 'Security ID# is required (What\'s this?)',
cardExpDate: 'Expiration date is required (mm/yy)',
bmlSSN: 'Social Security number is required',
giftCardNum: 'Gift card number is required'
var invalid_error_strings = {
cardExpDateMo: 'Invalid Month',
cardExpDate: 'Expiration date is invalid',
bmlSSN: 'Social Security number is invalid'
$jQ(document).ready(function() {
$jQ(".dataRequired").blur(function() {
var elem_id = $jQ(this).attr("id");
var msg = required_error_strings[elem_id];
if (!msg) {
msg = getLabel(elem_id);
if (!msg)
msg = 'Is a required field';
msg += ' is a required field';
var obj = { elem_id: elem_id, type: 'required', message: msg };
if (this.form) {
if (
obj.container = 'form#' +;
else if (
obj.container = 'form[name=' + + ']';
obj.container = 'form';
$jQ("input.dataRequired:checkbox").click(function() {
var elem_id = $jQ(this).attr("id");
var msg = required_error_strings[elem_id];
if (!msg) {
msg = getLabel(elem_id);
if (!msg)
msg = 'Is a required field';
msg += ' is a required field';
var obj = { elem_id: elem_id, type: 'required', message: msg };
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if (
obj.container = 'form#' +;
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obj.container = 'form[name=' + + ']';
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var msg = invalid_error_strings[elem_id];
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msg = getLabel(elem_id);
if (!msg)
msg = 'Must contain only numbers and letters';
msg += ' must contain only numbers and letters';
validateRegex({ elem_id: elem_id, regex: /^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, message: msg });
$jQ(".valNumeric").blur(function() {
var elem_id = $jQ(this).attr("id");
var msg = invalid_error_strings[elem_id];
if (!msg) {
msg = getLabel(elem_id);
if (!msg)
msg = 'Must contain only numbers';
msg += ' must contain only numbers';
validateRegex({ elem_id: elem_id, regex: /^[0-9]*$/, message: msg });
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function throwError(id) {
$jQ("#" + id).addClass("field_error").select().focus();
function hideAllErrors() {
function doRemove(whichProd)
document.qty.action.value = "moveOrderItem";
document.qty.secondaryAction.value = "removeItem";
document.qty.remove.value = whichProd;
for(var test=0;test 0)
if (!workingPromoList.contains(pc))
document.applyDiscount.promoCode.value = workingPromoList.join(','); = 'cart';
alert('Please enter a Promotion/Discount code.');
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day = new Date();
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비밀글 해당 댓글은 작성자와 운영자만 볼 수 있습니다.11.11.15 13:56