- 날새기 Cobia
. 학명; Rachycentron canadum
. 서식지; 폭넓은 수온(1-32도)과 염도(5-45피피엠)의 온대와 열대 수심20미터이내의 연안과 대륙붕
. 통명; 날새기
. 특징; 길쭉한 방추형 몸체와 넓고 납작한 머리
. 먹이와 요리법; 회, 절임, 구이, 튀김 등 다양하게 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Rachycentron canadum
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 폭넓은 수온(1-32도)과 염도(5-45피피엠)의 온대와 열대 수심20미터이내의 연안과 대륙붕
. 지역; 전세계 해역
. 산란기에는 떼로 이동하나 주로 단독으로 암초, 난파선, 항구, 부표 인근이나 강어귀와 맹그로브에서 먹이를 찾음
Found worldwide in tropical and warm temperate waters, cobia inhabit the western Atlantic from Cape Cod to Argentina (being most abundant in the Gulf of Mexico).
Habitat. Adult cobia prefer shallow continental shelf waters, often congregating along reefs and around buoys, pilings, wrecks, anchored boats, and other stationary or floating objects. They are found in a variety of locations over mud, gravel, or sand bottoms; in coral reefs and man-made sloughs; and at depths of up to 60 feet.
2 통명
- 영어; ling, cabio, lemonfish, crab-eater, flathead, black salmon, black kingfish, sergeant fish, runner; French: mafou; Japanese: sugi; Portuguese: bijupirá.
- 한글; 날새기
3 개요
- 길이; 180센티이내, 평균 90센티
- 체중; 90파운드이내, 평균 15파운드
Cobia can grow to a length of 6 feet and a weight of 90 pounds, the average size being 3 feet and 15 pounds. They generally live 9 to 10 years. The all-tackle world-record cobia weighed 135 pounds, 9 ounces.
4 특징
- 길쭉한 방추형 몸체와 넓고 납작한 머리
- 눈은 작고 아래턱은 위턱보다 약간 돌출
- 성어는 짙은 갈색이며 옆구리에 2개의 짙은 갈색 수평 띠가 있고 배는 흰색
- 치어는 눈에 띄는 검은색과 흰색 띠로 무늬가 있고 둥근 꼬리
The only member of the Rachycentridae family, and with no known relatives, the cobia is in a class by itself and a popular food and sportfish for inshore anglers in areas where it is prominent.
Identification. The body of a cobia is elongated, with a broad, depressed head. The first dorsal fin consists of 8 to 10 short, depressible spines that are not connected by a membrane. Both the second dorsal fin and the anal fin each have 1 to 2 spines and 20 to 30 soft rays. The adult cobia is dark brown with a whitish underside and is marked on the sides by silver or bronze lines. A cobia’s shape is comparable to that of a shark, with a powerful tail fin and the elevated anterior portion of the second dorsal fin. It can be distinguished from the similar remora (Remora remora) by the absence of a suction pad on the head.
Adult cobia often swim alone or among small schools of other cobia or sharks. They are believed to spawn in the offshore waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico during the late spring, between April and May, and the larvae migrate shoreward. Cobia migrate from offshore to inshore environs, as well as inshore from east to west and vice versa. Little about their movements has been confirmed.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 게, 새우, 오징어, 작은 물고기 등과 상어 등을 따라다니며 청소
- 빠른 성장과 높은 품질로 아시아와 미주에서 가두리양식 선호
- 자망, 막대와 릴 낚시로 포획
- 배에 접근하는 호기심
- 탱탱한 식감과 뛰어난 풍미로 인해 고가로 인기있는 식용
- 회, 절임, 구이, 튀김 등 다양하게 섭취
Cobia feed mostly on crustaceans, particularly shrimp, squid, and crabs (thus the name “crab eater”), as well as on eels and various small fish found in shallow coastal waters.