- 코니 Coney
. 학명; Cephalopholis fulva
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 표층이나 중충
. 통명; 코니
. 특징; 등지느러미에는 9 개의 가시와 14~16개의 연조가 있고,뒷지느러미 에는 3개의 가시와 9개의 연조
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 훈제, 회나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Cephalopholis fulva
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 70미터이내의 바닥
. 지역; 서 대서양의 열대 및 아열대 해역의 산호초
. 낮에는 숨어있고 밤에 상승하여 떼로 먹이사냥
In the western Atlantic, coney extend from Bermuda and South Carolina to southern Brazil, including the Gulf of Mexico and Atol das Rocas; they are commonly found in the Caribbean and less commonly in southern Florida and the Bahamas.
Habitat. In the Gulf of Mexico, coney occur in clear deep-water reefs, and in Bermuda and the West Indies they spend the day in caves and under ledges, preferring shallower water the rest of the time. Coney tend to drift immediately above the bottom or rest there in 10- to 60-foot depths, remaining in close proximity to protected areas.
2 통명
- 영어; Coney
French: coné ouatalibi; Spanish: canario, cherna cabrilla, corruncha, guativere.
- 한글; 코니
3 개요
- 길이; 44센티이내
- 체중; 1파운드내외
The coney weighs about a pound, although occasionally it can weigh as much as 3 pounds. The average length is 6 to 10 inches, and the maximum length is 16 inches.
4 특징
- 눈의 직경보다 긴 주둥이를 가진 직사각형 모양의 튼튼한 몸체
- 깊이에 따라 변색; 심해의 적색, 얕은 물의 두 가지 색상 및 얕은 물에서 심해에서 몇 초만에 변색가능한 황색
- 등지느러미에는 9 개의 가시와 14~16개의 연조가 있고,뒷지느러미 에는 3개의 가시와 9개의 연조
- 암컷이 16센티에 성숙하고 20센티에 이르면 수컷으로 전환하여 여러 암컷이 있는 지역 보호
The coney is a member of the Serranidae family of grouper.
Identification. Because the coney experiences numerous color phases, it is inadvisable to try to identify this fish by color. These phases range from the common phase, in which the fish is reddish brown; to a bicolor period, in which the upper body is dark and the lower body is pale; to a bright yellow phase. The body is covered with small blue to pale spots, although the spots are uncommon in the bright-yellow phase. There are often two black spots present at the tip of the jaw and two more at the base of the tail, as well as a margin of white around the tail and the soft dorsal fin. The tail is rounded, and there are nine spines in the dorsal fin.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 작은 물고기와 갑각류
- 식용보다 관상용 낚시로 인기
- 갈고리, 줄, 덫으로 포획
- 절이거나 훈제, 회나 스튜로 섭취
As with many grouper, coney females transform into males, usually when they reach 20 centimeters in length. They are gregarious fish, and the males are territorial.
Food. Coney feed mainly on small fish and crustaceans.