무릎 나사홈기전을 끌러주는 최초 근육 "슬와근"
1. knee screw home mechanism을 끌러 무릎이 굴곡하도록 만드는 최초의 근육
2. 보행기 heel strike(initial contact)부터 입각기의 60%을 담당하고 있는 근육
3. 퇴행성 관절염 환자가 아침에 슬와근 문제로 최초 보행이 힘들 수 있는 근육
4. 슬와근 건병증이 있을때는 무릎외측부 통증
"Bent-knee Troublemaker" - 트라벨 여사님의 말!
review 논문
According to Gray`s Anatomy (28) the PM is a thin flat triangular muscle, which forms part of the floor of the popliteal space. It arises by a strong tendon, from a depression on the outer side of the external condyle of the femur, and from the posterior ligament of the knee joint, and is inserted into the inner two thirds of the triangular surface. The tendon of the muscle is covered by the biceps and the lateral collateral ligament (LCL). The function of the muscle is to unlock the knee with lateral rotation of the femur (14, 28).
panic bird..
The popliteus muscle in the leg is used for unlocking the knees during walking/standing by laterally rotating the femur on the tibia (or medially rotating the tibia) during a closed chain movement (such as one with the foot in contact with the ground).
It originates from lateral surface of lateral epicondyle on the femur. The muscle insertion is on the posterior surface of the body of tibia above the soleal line.
Nerve supply is via the tibial nerve from spinal roots L5 and S1.
Additional head from the sesamoid bone in the lateral (outer) head of the gastrocnemius muscle.
Rarely an additional inconstant muscle; the popliteus minor is seen. It originates from the femur on the inner side of the plantaris muscle and inserts into the posterior ligament of the knee-joint.
Peroneotibialis, 14% of population. Origin is inner side of the head of the fibula, insertion into the upper end of the oblique line of the tibia, it lies beneath the popliteus.[1]
The popliteus assists in flexing the leg upon the thigh; when the leg is flexed, it will rotate the tibia inward.
It is especially called into action at the beginning of the act of bending the knee, in as much as it produces the slight inward rotation of the tibia, which is essential in the early stage of this movement.
When the knee is in full extension; the femur slightly medially rotates on the tibia to lock the knee joint in place. Popliteus is often referred to as the "Key" to unlocking the knee since it begins knee flexion by laterally rotating the femur on the tibia.
Popliteus is also attached to the lateral meniscus in the knee; and draws it posteriorly during knee flexion to prevent crushing the meniscus between the tibia and femur as the knee flexes.
Trigger points
A popliteus shortened by trigger points can cause pain near its tendinous origin at the lateral knee.
슬와근 Trp 탐구
에반스의 슬와근 isolated stretching
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슬와근 isolated stretching
슬와근 origin: femur lateral condyle 아래 LCL과 교차, 관절면바로위 ~ insertion : tibia의 안쪽 음릉천부근 뼈 붙어서
굴곡 첫 시작, 입각기 heel strike~, 기상후 첫 보행