Good afternoon, everybody?
I am very glad to talk about the future and hope of our national capital city,
Seoul, with you.
Have you ever seen before the words, "New York, Paris, London",
printed in the wrapping papers of the world's famous cosmetics or designer clothes?
That is to say, the top 3 cities of Global village are likely to be
"New York, Paris and London".
I believe that Seoul can be up on the list of the world's top 4 cities with those 3,
which means people around the world will call“New York, Paris, London and Seoul"as
the most famous and favorite ones they'd like to visit.
Seoul is entitled to it because we Seoulites hosted Summer Olympics, World Cup Soccer Games
and G20 summit successfully.
Now I'd like to talk about the way to remodel Seoul for a high-quality city by global standards.
First of all, we have to make "Seoul a city where people want to come from all over the world".
How can we let people come to Seoul?
Attractions are the first things needed. So to speak, Seoul must have its own culture.
Over the last years, The city of Seoul has invested a lot of money with fresh,
new ideas in redesigning the city.
Various festivals were held, the streets were changed for better look and traffic.
The Han River has shown a brand-new shape as well.
Through these efforts, Seoul has been transformed into a more friendly and pleasant city.
Tourists visiting Seoul should be able to enjoy delicious food with reasonable price.
Seoul has a unique pattern of restaurants which cluster various and famous ones at the same alleys.
People can find many kinds of food with the best price and taste.
Also, communication must be easier for the people visiting from other countries.
To achieve that goal, the government have alloted a lot of budget on education for English.
And most of parents living in Seoul have worked hard for their children and themselves
to speak English better.
With the public-private cooperation. Now we have so many people in Seoul who can speak
English well.
It is a good job that they have put many signs in English, Chinese and Japanese for tourists
using subways and buses in Seoul.
It is so nice that other cities may learn for their own foreign visitors.
Secondly, Seoul has to be clean and eco-friendly.
The city of Seoul has campaigned for clean restroom and kept washing down the streets.
Continuously to reduce fine dust, its air quality has been improved
so much.
At the time you returned to Incheon Airport from travelling overseas,
what's the first impressions of Korea?
Didn't you feel like an inconvenience due to diesel engine's exhaust gas
and tobacco smoke at the limousine bus stops of Incheon Airport?
It should be the primary thing to change the fuels for buses shuttling from the cities
to the airport to use clean energy, not only for the tourism industries of Seoul,
but also for those of whole Korea.
Including Seoul and consequently national images will be improved because
international airports give the first impressions of the country to tourists.
Thirdly, we need to take advantage of Seoul's natural resources and infrastructure.
As we know, Seoul's public transportation systems are excellent and so convenient
People can go anywhere by subway, bus and taxi without a rental car.
You can hardly find any similar one to in the world.
There are mountains and rivers in Metro Seoul area and that nature presents beautiful scenes
and different feelings season by season.
That's one of the reasons why many foreigners like Seoul.
Did anybody cruise on Chao Phraya River in Bangkok'?
Certainly, Han River is much cleaner and more beautiful than Chao Phraya River
since Chao Phraya River has muddy water.
However there are more tourists in Bankok than the one in Seoul.
So we can make Seoul just like Bangkok.
If we use Seoul's competitiveness, which it already has yes, we can do that.
Lastly, I want to talk about the topic on what we will have to do,
after remodelling Seoul.
The first thing is to let people in the world know Seoul better.
If we have a symbol of the city, it will be much easier than with any
other effort.
Most of the world's famous cities have landmarks like Statue of liberty of New York,
Eieffel Tower of Paris, Opera House of Sydney, so people can never forget the cities.
Therefore, It is very important and urgent to create a symbol of Seoul
that foreigners can always remember.
Also, we can't stop publicizing and advertising Seoul all over the world
in more aggressive and professional ways.
One more thing is the price of accommodation, food and souvenirs like
clothing, electronics should be lowered.
If there are no other ways the cost of staying in Seoul can be much more attractive one
than now, tax system could be changed for the hotels and restaurants.
We can benchmark Australia for the better tax system.
Its government gives grants and tax refunds to foreign tourists through travel agencies.
The rates of hotel room also need to be cut down by the same idea.
The role of volunteers is crucial to increasing in demand for tourism.
They should have more chances to participate in.
The exciting "Stampede Festival" is held in Calgary of Canada in July every year.
In the morning of the festival day, volunteers provide breakfast to foreign tourists
for free on the street.
It is a good example that a government and residents have upgraded their small traditional
event to the world famous one.
What's the benefit of becoming a designer city?
More and more tourists will come to Seoul.
They will spend money.
And then, we will get more jobs and more income from tourism.
Staff of the city and citizens, let's make Seoul a unique and elegant designer city!
Thank you all very much.
* 제가 아는 분에게도 잠시 자문을 구한 내용입니다.
첫댓글 너무 늦었으면 할 수 없고요....
Various festivals were held, the streets were changed for better look and traffic. -> held 와 the streets 사이에 마침표 찍고 the 는 The 로 해 두 문장으로... many kinds of food with the best price and taste. -> 이 문장을 보니 맨 아래 한글 문장이 이해가 되는군요. 아마 any 를 many 로 고친 모양인데 그렇다면 price 가 prices 복수가 되어야 합니다. 첫문장도 아는 분이 문장을 합하도록 했다면 그냥 두시고요... 저는 축제, 거리, 한강 을 각각 분리해서 힘있게 가려고 한 것이었습니다만...
kept washing down the streets. Continuously to reduce fine dust, its air quality has been improved so much. -> 아침에 수정했었는데 아직 안 고쳤군요. Continuously 를 빼고 streets 와 reduce 를 이어 한 문장으로 만들고 dust 에서 마침표. its 는 따라서 Its 대문자로... Including Seoul and consequently national images -> 이것도 이전 것 그대로인데요, 서울을 넣고 싶으시면 National images including Seoul, consequently, will be 로 하시면 되겠습니다...
so convenient People can go anywhere by subway, bus and taxi without a rental car. -> 이것도 다른 분이 손을 댄 것 같은데요, convenient 와 People 은 한 문장이므로 convenient that you 로 하거나 you 대신 people 로 하고 싶으시면 상관은 없는데요, you 는 여기서 `너' 가 아니고 해석하지 않는 you 입니다. 내용적으로 `누구나' 란 의미... rental car is a -> 이 부분도 안 고쳐졌네요. car 와 is 사이메 마침표 찍어 앞문장 끝내고 Seoul 넣어 새 문장으로) car. Seoul is a...
Did anybody cruise on Chao Phraya River in Bangkok'? -> 이거.. 고치신 것 같은데... 잘못된 문장입니다. cruise 를 동사로 하면 자기 자신이 자동차, 배, 비행기를 일정한 속도로 순항, 주행하며 즐기는 걸 말하지요. 그러나 유람선을 타고 관광하는 것이므로 cruise ship 또는 cruise boat 를 ride on 한다고 해야 더 맞습니다. 원래대로 바꾸시는 게...
since Chao Phraya River has muddy water. -> 문장을 짧게 하느라 with 로 했었는데 의미를 분명히 하기 위해서는 이렇게 고치는 것도 좋다고 봅니다. 그러나 바로 앞에 강 이름이 있었으므로 중복을 피하기 위해 Chao Phraya River 는 it 또는 that river 로 하시는 게 좋을 듯..
However there are more tourists in Bankok than the one in Seoul. -> 이렇게 고치는 건 좋은데 However 다음에 커머 , 를 찍어야 하고 the one 은 관광객을 말하므로 those 로 해야 합니다... which it already has yes, we can do that. -> has 와 yes 사이에 커머 , ... If there are no other ways the cost of staying in Seoul can be much more attractive one than now, tax system could be changed for the hotels and restaurants. -> 뒤죽박죽 되어버렸는데 if 절을 빼고 다시 고치면 By means of tax system change for the hotels and restaurants the cost of staying in Seoul can be much more attractive one than now.
The exciting "Stampede Festival" is held in Calgary of Canada in July every year. -> 캘거리를 문장 첫머리에 내세우는 게 효과적일 것 같아서 원문 그대로 살렸었는데 이렇게 고쳤군요. 뭐 뜻이야 같으니까 그분 입장을 고려해서 그대로 두셔도 상관 없겠습니다.
시간이 없으시다면 우선 원고를 제출하시고 오늘 밤에 정밀 체크를 하셔서 수정본을 다시 갖다주면 어쩔까 합니다. 제가 너무 오랫동안 원고를 붙들고 있어서 이렇게 된 것 같네요... 문장 전체를 다시 쓰지 않고, 고칠 부분만 토막토막, 그것도 조금씩 조금씩 며칠간 이어나가 많이 답답하셨을 줄 압니다...
내일 다시 최종 원고를 살펴보도록 하지요.