Reception - Fantastic Friendship Festival
Reception has been exploring the theme of 'Family and Friends' since the beginning of the term, learning about ourselves, our families, and our school community. Through this topic, we’ve developed important relationship-building skills, practised kindness and gentleness, and worked on communicating with one another. To celebrate the connections we’ve built with our loved ones and friends, we organised a special Friendship Festival.
During our Fantastic Friendship Festival, the children dressed in vibrant colours and had lots of fun together with their families. The day was packed with fun activities - singing 'We Are Family' and 'The More We Get Together', face painting, making friendship crowns, creating buntings, and playing with bubbles. We also enjoyed high-five challenges, family photos, and friendship handprints. It was a joyful celebration filled with lasting memories shared with our families and friends!
리셉션은 학기 초부터 '가족과 친구'라는 주제를 탐구하며 우리 자신, 가족, 학교 공동체에 대해 배워왔습니다. 이 주제를 통해 우리는 중요한 관계 형성 기술을 개발하고, 친절과 온화함을 실천하며, 서로 소통하기 위해 노력해 왔습니다. 사랑하는 사람들과 친구들과의 관계를 축하하기 위해 특별한 우정 축제를 개최했습니다.