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‥‥‥‥◇자유 게시판◇ 스크랩 위성공격기술?- 뉴로폰- 필독
김도형 추천 0 조회 206 12.08.24 11:32 댓글 3
게시글 본문내용


출처: http://binarydissent.com/?p=136



Satellite Harrassment Technology ? This is INSANITY. MUST READ!

위성고문기술 - 확실히 비정상적인것임- 필독

by citizen_smith


The Neurophone



US Patent # 3,393,279. July 16th, 1968 미특허 3,393,279. July 16th, 1968 
US Patent # 3,647,970. March 7th, 1972 미특허 3,647,970. March 7th, 1972 


The Neurophone was developed by Dr Patrick Flanagan in 1958. It’s a device that converts sound to electrical impulses. In its original form electrodes were placed on the skin but with defence department developments, the signals can be delivered via satellite. They then travel the nervous system directly to the brain (bypassing normal hearing mechanisms). Dr Flanagan’s “3D holographic sound system” can place sounds in any location as perceived by the targeted / tortured listener. This allows for a variety of deceptions for gullible victims.


뉴로폰은 1958년 Patrick Flanagan박사에 의해서 개발되었습니다.

이것은 소리를 전기적 펄스파로 변환시키는 장치입니다. 초기 오리지널 전극형태는 피부에 장치되었고, 국방성 당국의 개발에 의해서 이 신호는 위성으로 전달 됩니다. 그러면  신호는 신경계를 통해서 바로 뇌로 전달됩니다.(일반적인 청각신호를 통과해버립니다) 플레너건박사의 "3D-holographic sound system"은 TI/victim( 표적이 된 피해자)가 어느위치에 있던지간에 소리를 대치 전달할  수 있습니다. 이것은 속임수에 약한 피해자를 다양한 기법으로 능히 속입니다.


Today, the CIA, DIA (etc) use satellites and ground ? based equipment to deliver verbal threats, deafening noise and propaganda; using neurophone technology. Anything from TV’s/radio’s appearing to operate when switched off through to “Voices from God” and encounters with “telepathic” aliens are all cons using neurophone technologies to torment, deceive and (most importantly) discredit agency/criminal targets. Naturally, the system can mimic anyone’s voice and automatic computer translations (into any language) are incorporated.

현재, CIA DIA(등등)은 위성과 지각을 기반으로 한 장비로  언어위협, 귀가 터질듯한 소음, 그리고 선전정보를 전달합니다.- 즉 뉴로폰 기술을 이용해서 이렇게 전달합니다.  TV/라디오가 스위치가 꺼졌을때, 나타나는  마치 "신의 목소리"나 "외계인의 텔러퍼시"들은 모두 뉴로폰 기술로 사람을 고문하고, 속이고, (아주 중요한데요) 요원이나/범죄대상자를 고문하고 속이기 위해서 사용하는 것입니다.

자연적으로 그 시스템은 어떤 일개인의 목소리를 흉내내는것도 가능하고 당연히 컴퓨터를 통해서 언어를 자동번역하는 것도 보조적 기법으로 첨가됩니다.



Anecdotal evidence indicates that people like David Koresh, Martin Bryant and others could have been programmed then remotely triggered (or tricked) using harrassment technologies like the neurophone. (Although most of the targets are intelligent and law-abiding). For example, John Lennon’s killer, Mark Chapman, reportedly heard voices before and after silencing the agency-hounded peace advocate. “God” apparently told him to confess verbally.

확실히 입증되지 않은 증거로, David Koresh, Martin Bryant 그리고 몇몇사람들은 프로그램화되어 질수있고, 뉴로폰 기술과 같은 가해기술을 사용해서 원격조종으로  조작이 되어질수 있다고, 뒷받침 하였습니다. (비록 대부분의 TI들이 충분히 지적이고 모범시민이라 할지라도). 예를 들어서 John Lennon의 살해범 Mark Chapman에 대해서 보고된바에 의하면,  전후에 목소리를 들었고, 평화를 옹호하는 요원이 따라다니면서 괴롭히는자가  묵언을요구하면서도, 분명히 "신"이라고 말로 실토하게 하게 했습니다.


To explain why others physically moving into the path of the laser (or whatever) do not pick up the signals, please note the following “possibilities”…

다 왜 다른 사람들이 물리적으로 레이저의 방향으로 움직이는지 설명하는 것은 ( 또는 무엇이든지) 시그날을 선택하고, 아래와 같은 가능성을 염두에 두십시요.


a) Kirlean photography may be ancillary system so it’s attuned to the targets personal energy field (their unique EM waves).
킬리안 사진은 표적이된 피해자의 개인 에너지 영역에 (그들자신의 고유의 전자파)해당되는 보조적인 시스템이 될 것입니다.

b) The magnetite in our brains can act as a detectable fingerprint.

우리뇌의 탐지되는 뇌자기파 개인 고유의 지문파역할을 할 수 있습니다.

c)Equally each of us has a unique bioelectrical resonance frequency in our brains. EMF Brain stimulation may be encoded so that pulsating EM signals sent to the targets brain cause audio-visual effects which only the target experiences. This, to me, is the best explanation.

이와 마찬가지로 우리 각각의 개인의 두뇌속에는 고유의 바이오 전기적공명주파수를 가지고 있습니다.

EMF- Brain-Stimulation은 코드화 되어서 전자파 펄스 시그날을 파동을 형성하고, 이들 생성된 펄수파는 표적이 된자만이 경험하도록, 시각적-음향효과를 (audio-visual effects) 표적이 된 자(Targets)의 두뇌에 전달 됩니다.

d) The individuals “vibrational pattern” could be used as a signal filter like a radio receiving only the sound modulating the frequency of the station it’s tuned to.

표적이 된 개인 “ 진동 패턴”은 단지 상황이 적용되는 모둘화된 소리만 수신하는 라디오 수신기처럼 시그날 필터로 사용되어 질 수 있습니다.

e) The monitors simply adjust the volume downwards when you’re in a position where the signal could hit someone else’s body. Even if they heard it (briefly) they’d attribute it to another voice in the crowd etc.

이 적합화 과정은 신호가 어떤 타인의 신체에 가격할 수 있는 위치에서, 당신이 그곳에있을때, 단지 소리의 강도를 낮추도록 조정되어집니다. 비록 그들이 (간단하게) 간단하게 듣는다 할지라도, 그들은 군중속에서 다른 형태의 목소리로 또한 대응합니다.


As with the final proof, the definitive answer lies in the actual blueprints; secreted in the bowels of the Pentagon or some similar facility. Nonetheless, there is no report of ANY intercepted neurophone signals. If it wasn’t so effective it would not have been used to facilitate silent communications between U.S. government agents/military personnel.
마지막 증거와 함게, 결정적인 대답은 실제의 청사진을 말합니다.; 펜타콘이나 다른 유용한 기관의 이름으로 비밀을 지킵니다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 어떠한 도청된 뉴로폰 시그날에 관한 보고도 없습니다.
만일 이런것들이 효과적이지 않았더라면, 미 정부와 군부요원간의 “비밀 소통과 교류”는 활성화 되지 않았을 것입니다.

Psycho-Acoustic Projector(심리-음향 프로젝터)

U.S. patent #3,566,347, February 23rd, 1971
A device/weapon which can actually deafen the target.

( TI를 귀가 멀게 할 수 있는 장치/무기)


Methods and Systems of Altering Consciousness

(의식을 변화시키는 방법과 시스템)

US Patent # 5,123,844. June 23rd, 1992
US Patent # 5,289,438. February 22nd, 1994

These systems stimulate the brain with different frequencies and wave forms to alter the subject’s state of consciousness.

 이들 시스템은지막 뇌를 다른 주파수로 자극합니다. 그리고 전자파들은 실험주체의 의식상태를 변화시키기위해서 형성됩니다.


Electro Magnetic Field (EMF) monitoring/interference is one of the most insidious and secretive of all methods used by the agencies. N.B. Similarly, EEG cloning feeds back the results of EMF monitoring in an attempt to induce emotional responses (e.g. fear, anger, even sleep etc.). 


간섭이나 변조되는 자기장(EMF)은 요원들이 사용하는 모든방법은 가장 은밀하고도 비밀스런 방법중의 하나입니다. EEG (심전도) 복제와 유사한 N.B.는 감정반응을 유도하는 시도에서 EMF를 모니터링한 결과 재반복시킵니다. (예를 들어, 두려움, 분노, 수면조차, 기타등등)


This could possibly work on certain members of a crowd or audience….again this could facilitate scams etc.

Dr Ross Adey concludes that all aspects of human behaviour can be affected, even controlled. He used 0.75 milliwatts per square centimetre of pulsed, modulated microwave at a frequency of 450 MHz.


이것은 어떤 특정 군중이나 청중에게만 가능하게 작용될 수 있습니다. 다시말해서 이것은 속임수와 같은것을 가능하게 합니다
Ross Adey 박사는 인간행동의 모든 양상은 영향을 받을 수 있고, 심지어는 조종될수있다는 결론을 지었습니다. 그는 평방센티미터 당 7.5 밀리 에 450 MHz의 펄스-모둘레이션된 마이크로웨이브파를 사용했습니다.



Notably the Alaskan HAARP project (featuring the B.J.Eastland patented technology ? U.S. patent #4,686,605, 11/4/87 ? “Method and Apparatus for altering a region in the Earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere or magnetosphere”. AND others) also facilitates experiments in the disruption of human mental processes. It’s the largest, most versatile radio frequency radiation transmitter in the world also allowing experimentation in weather “modification”, wireless, electrical power beaming and communications “disruption”. Its systems like this which could one day see attempts made to brainwash/control entire populations. And that is just as feasible as a wholesale nuclear holocaust.


참고로 알라스카에 있는 HAARP 프로젝트는 ( B.J. Eastland의 특허기술로 특화지어진-U.S. 특허 #4,686,605, 11/4/87-” 지구의 대기층과 이온층 그리고 자기층 그리고 다른층에서 지역을 변화시키는 방법과 장치는 역시 인간심리구조를 파괴시키는 실험을 더욱 활성화시킵니다.
하프는 세계에서 거대하고, 가장 광범위한 라디오파 트랜스미터이고, 이것은 기후조작, 무선, 전기파워빔, 그리고 통신”파괴” 실험까지 가능합니다. 이와같은 하프시스템은 어느날 갑자기 대중 세뇌/뇌컨트롤을 시도하는 시스템입니다. 이것은 마치 도매가로 대량살상가능한 핵과 같습니다.


Microwave Weapons

Twenty years ago a scientist, Allan Frey, found that if a microwave carrier were to be sliced and carried audio modulation, that modulation could be heard by someone in the signals path. The thin pulses of radio carrier wave cause currents to flow through the nervous system ? the result is a remote transmission; no wires or contact is needed.

“A hearing system” U.S. patent #4,877,027, 31/10/89. Wayne Brunker.
“A hearing device” U.S. patent #4,858,612, 22/8/89. Philip L.Stocklin.

Eg. The latter involves microwaves aimed at the auditory cortex. A mike turns the sounds to electrical signals which are treated so as to provide multi frequency microwaves which are applied to the brain area. Whatever sound the mike picks up (like a voice) is relayed to the target.

The first known experiment with microwaved voices was conducted by Sharp and Grove in the early 70′s. However, the Defence Intelligence Agency and ARPA (The Advanced Research Projects Agency) are principally to blame for the abuse of such technologies since. eg Project Pandora etc. The CIA’s Langley Research Centre as well as an army of “mad” scientists working in Energy/Defence department labs across the U.S. are also responsible.

As with the NASA Apollo program, many of those originally involved were ex Nazi or Russian Cold war scientists (even WWII Japanese) recruited, regardless of their earlier crimes, to commit more crimes, this time for the U.S.A.

It’s worth noting the reported experiments carried out in bygone days included The MKULTRA (mind control)/LSD experiments, germ and nuclear fallout testing (on military and civilian personnel), electro-shock treatment on institutional victims and so on. The U.S. Energy and Justice departments are now involved in such programs so the U.S. can escape violation of international defence/agency treaties. That’s also why the “D” for “defence” was dropped from DARPA.

In any event, once a technology is labelled “Top secret-classified” they can use it any way they like on anyone.



Brainwave Monitors & Analysers

Lawrence Pinneo, a neurophysiologist and electronic engineer working for Stanford Research Institute (a military contractor) is the first “known” pioneer in this field. In 1974 he developed a computer system which correlated brain waves on an electroencephalograph with specific commands. In the early 1990s, Dr Edward Taub reported that words could be communicated onto a screen using the thought-activated movements of a computer cursor.

(Currently under secrecy provisions; “Classified”)
In 1994, the brain wave patterns of 40 subjects were officially correlated with both spoken words and silent thought. This was achieved by a neurophysiologist, Dr Donald York, and a speech pathologist, Dr Thomas Jensen, from the University of Missouri. They clearly identified 27 words / syllables in specific brain wave patterns and produced a computer program with a brain wave vocabulary.

It does not take much thinking to realise that the US agencies have access to a perfected version of this technology. In fact the relevant computers have a vocabulary in excess of 60,000 words and cover most languages. In fact, the NSA’s signals intelligence monitor the brainwaves of their targets by satellite and decode the evoked potentials (3.50Hz 5 milliwatts) that the brain emits. So, using lasers / satellites and high-powered computers the agencies have now gained the ability to decipher human thoughts ? and from a considerable distance (instantaneously).

How is it Done?

The magnetic field around the head, the brain waves of an individual can be monitored by satellite. The transmitter is therefore the brain itself just as body heat is used for “Iris” satellite tracking (infrared) or mobile phones or bugs can be tracked as “transmitters”. In the case of brain wave monitoring the results are then fed back to the relevant computers. Monitors then use the information to conduct a “conversation” where audible neurophone input is “applied” to the victim.

Human thought operates at 5,000 bits/sec but satellites and various forms of biotelemetry can deliver those thoughts to supercomputers in Maryland, U.S.A, Israel, etc which have a speed of 20 BILLION bits/sec each. These, even today, monitor millions of people simultaneously. Eventually they will monitor almost everyone…worse than any Orwellian “Big Brother” nightmare you could possibly imagine, only it will be a reality. Yet our world leaders, who know this, do nothing.

UPDATE (2005) ? IBM’s Blue Gene computer can reportedly process 227 trillion flops per second. Even if each calculation involved only one ‘bit’ of information, one such computer could process more information than five times the earth’s total population… With supercomputers taking overt brain downloads within 40 years, total computer consciousness looms as an open threat for the future of mankind, just as, secretly, it already torments those victimised as covert targets of high tech brain monitoring technology. Usually the targets are aware their brain waves are being monitored because of the accompanying neurophone feedback. In other words, the computer repeats (echoes) your own thoughts and then the human monitors comment or respond verbally. Both are facilitated by the neurophone.

NB Whilst the live/human comments are individualistic and unrelated to the victims own thought processes oftentimes the artificial intelligence involved will parrot standard phrases. These are triggered by your thoughts while the human monitors remain silent or absent. To comprehend how terrible such a thorough invasion of privacy can be ? imagine being quizzed on your past as you lie in bed. You eventually fall off to sleep, having personal or “induced” dreams, only to wake to the monitors commenting / ridiculing your subconscious thoughts (dreams).

If the ability to “brain scan” individuals expands from the million or so currently under scrutiny to include ALL inhabitants of the planet (as per the Echelon surveillance system which already monitors ALL private/commercial telecommunications) then no-one will ever be able to even think about expressing an opinion contrary to those forced on us by the New World Order. There will literally be no intellectual property that cannot be stolen, no writing that cannot be censored, no thought that cannot be suppressed (by the most oppressive/invasive means).

The Neurophone: U.S. Patent #3,393,279.
July 16th, 1968. Inventor ? Dr Patrick Flanagan (Invented 1958).
Description: A device that converts sound to electrical impulses; allowing information to be transmitted to the brain by means of radio waves directed at any part of the body (skin). In other words, recorded or live messages, noise, music can be directed at an individual and, through the nerves, the signal will be carried (involuntarily) to the brain, bypassing the inner ear, the cochlea, and the 8th cranial nerve.
Purpose: Practically, the Neurophone could be used to communicate with the deaf but, more often, it is used to terrorise political/military targets. The tracked individuals hear recorded/live threats, propaganda etc, which those around them do not hear (delivered mainly via satellite laser). This harasses and discredits the targets; especially if the problem is communicated to those unaware of the relevant technologies.

Advanced Neurophone: U.S. Patent #3,647,970.
March 7th, 1972. Inventor ? Dr Patrick Flanagan. (Invented 1967).
Description: This Neurophone incorporates an electronic circuit duplicating the encoding of the Cochlea and 8th cranial nerve themselves. The NSA placed a secrecy order on this development for over 5 years because of the military applications of the technology. Further Neurophone advances include the development of the time recognition processor, improved memory applications and the advances in satellites incorporating neurophone technologies.
Purpose: As Above

Psycho ? Acoustic Projector; U.S. Patent #3,566,347.
February 23rd, 1971.
Description: A high directional beam, radiated from a number of transducers and modulated by a speech, code, or noise beat signal. It may take the form of a radiator mounted on a vehicle, aircraft or satellite.
Purpose: To produce aural/psychological disturbances and partial deafness.

Methods & Systems for Altering Consciousness :

1. U.S. Patent #5,123,899. June 23rd, 1992.
Description: A system for stimulating the brain to exhibit specific brain wave rhythms and thereby altering the subjects’ state of consciousness.
2. U.S. Patent #5,289,438. February 22nd, 1994.
Description: A system for the simultaneous application of multiple stimuli (usually aural) with different frequencies and waveforms.
Purpose: To disorientate/manipulate a target.

Silent Subliminal Messages: U.S. Patent #5,159,703.
October 27th, 1992. Inventor ? Dr Oliver M. Lowry.
Description: A communication system in which non aural carriers (in the very low or high audio frequency range or the ultrasonic frequency spectrum) are amplified or frequency modulated with the desired “intelligence”, and propagated acoustically or vibrationally for inducement directly into the brain. This can be done “live” or recorded/stored on magnetic, mechanical or optical media for delayed/repeated transmission to the target. Sound can also be induced by radiating the head with microwaves (in the range 100 to 10,000 mhz) that are modulated with a waveform consisting of frequency modulated bursts.
Purpose: To instruct or pass messages; in theory. In reality it’s used to torment political/military targets. (One unpublicised application was the Gulf War)

For more Information on these Technologies visit the website http://www.surveillanceissues.com/


? citizen_smith

  • 12.08.24 13:02

    첫댓글 도형아 너 이거 다 이해하고 올리는거니 아님 현실이 너무 답답해서 충동적으로 닥치는대로 모아서 그냥 올려보는거니 이거 이해다하면 사기라도 도움되 그런데 이거 이해다 못하면서 충동적으로 올리는거라면 오히려 너 자신만 다칠뿐이야 쓸데없는 믿음이 강해져서 너 자신이 스스로 최면에 걸려서 잘못된 지식으로 남아서 너 일생을 괴롭힌다. 이런자료 올리기전에 기본게시판에가서 현실적 자료보고 곰곰히 생각해봐 이자료 무엇이 올바르고 무엇이 잘못됐는지 나중에 망상이 심해지면 오리온같이 자신이 이런것 만들수도 있다는 착각이 들어서 다른사람까지 혼동 시킨다.
    난 돌박이라서 이거 이해못해 억지로 읽기는해도 눈이 휑돌아

  • 12.08.24 11:44

    내가 이곳에 올리는 자료들 특히 기본자료실 자료들 그냥 눈으로 흙어만 보면 좋겠다. 나름 니눈에 쓰레기 같은 자료라도 한개정도는 맘에드는거 발견할수도 있지 않을까 그래도 나 자료 모은다고 무지 노력했다. 시간도 많이 투자하고 매번 이런일 되풀이 될때마다 답답하기도 해 왜 사람들이 자유게시판만 뽁딱거리면서 주변에 도움될 이미존재하는 정보 한번도 검색조차 안해보는지 물론 도형이 같은 사람 눈에는 쓰레기 겠지만 다만 이미 주변에 있는것는 스스로 볼수 잇을으면 좋겠어 정말 답답하다 이런일 반복되는거....

  • 12.08.24 23:46

    원격전자 ..성희롱 (..성추행) 기물 및 위성고문기술 - 확실히 비정상적인것임- ..
    ㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 아니, "..이제 그 번돈을 우리들에게 고스란히 넘기면 됩니다" 맞습니다. 맞고요 ㅋㅎㅎ
