오늘은 2월 3일 중국의 정찰풍선으로 인하여 블링컨 국무장관의 방중이 취소되고 이루어진 미 국무부 고위 당국자 두 명과 출입기자단 사이의 화상 브리핑 일부를 게재하는 걸로 시작할까 합니다.
중국의 정찰풍선건에 대한 미 국무부의 입장은 이러합니다.
SENIOR STATE DEPARTMENT OFFICIAL TWO: Thank you for your question. I would not describe the violation of U.S. sovereignty in this incident as an accusation. I would describe it as a statement of fact. There is a Chinese high-altitude surveillance balloon currently over the United States. It is a clear and unacceptable violation of U.S. sovereignty, and we have made that crystal clear, and we’ll continue to do so in our regular communications with our Chinese counterparts.
현재 중국의 고고도 정찰풍선이 미합중국위에 떠있다. 이는 분명하고도 용납할 수 없는 미합중국 주권에 대한 침해행위다. 우리 미국은 이 사실을 분명히 밝혀왔다. 그리고 우리 미국은 중국의 카운터파트들과 계속 정기적인 연락(communications)을 취할 것이다..
언제나 그렇듯이 번역에 태클걸어주시면 오히려 대환영입니다!
(사실 태클걸리길 바랄 지경입니다. 그래야 생산적일테니까요.)
* 터키와 시리아에 걸친 대지진으로 인해 구호대책과 관련된 질문들이 길게 이어짐. 그나마 눈에 띄는 부분은 지진에도 불구하고 시리아 아사드 정권에 대한 제재는 풀 계획이 없다는 것 정도.
1. 블링큰 국무장관은 언제 다시 방중할 계획인가요?
QUESTION: Is there any active planning for the Secretary to go back? What kind of a timeline are we looking at? Can you detail these – when conditions allow – what are they basically?
---> 말 그대로 블링큰 국무장관이 언제 어떤 조건이 갖춰지면 다시 방중할 계획이냐는 질문.
MR PRICE: So the short answer is right now we are focused on a couple things. We have been engaged extensively with our partners and allies over the course of recent days. Over the weekend, today, at senior levels, both in Washington and from our embassy in Beijing, we have been consulting with a broad array of like-minded countries. We want them to understand what it is that we’ve experienced. As you’ve heard from my colleagues at the Department of Defense, other countries, other regions of the world have also been subjected to these brazen violations of sovereignty as well. We think it’s important in the first instance that we share as much as we can, because these are challenges that many of us have and will continue to have to confront together.
---> 쭉 읽어보니 미국의 방중은 비록 미국과 중국의 양자관계라는 형식을 가지고 있지만 실제로는 미국을 비롯한 동맹 및 파트너들 전체와 중국의 상호작용이라는 인상이 듭니다.
Now, when it comes to engagement with the PRC, we’ve also been very clear that we seek lines of communication, lines of dialogue to remain open. Secretary Blinken picked up the phone on Friday morning to reach out to Wang Yi, the senior foreign policy official within the People’s Republic of China, with a couple of messages. One was that even in this time of heightened tension, in the context of the discovery of the high-altitude surveillance balloon, we wanted to be able to pick up the phone to speak to one another. We believe that dialogue and diplomacy is always important when it comes to a competitive relationship like this. We believe it’s especially important when tensions are even further heightened.
---> 정찰풍선으로 인해 긴장이 고조되긴 하였어도 미국은 중국을 향한 대화와 외교의 여지를 열어두고 있으며 그것이 중요의 중요하다고 생각한다는 내용.
We’re going to remain in touch with our PRC counterparts. The embassy has been in touch with their PRC counterparts. Senior individuals in this building have been in touch with their PRC counterparts since Friday as well. But you have to remember that the trip that Secretary Blinken was to have undertaken starting on Friday was to have been an extension of the conversation between President Biden and President Xi in Bali. That conversation, and in turn the conversation that Secretary Blinken was to have had yesterday and today, would have been about establishing that floor on the relationship to see to it that competition doesn’t veer into conflict, but also to see – to test the proposition of collaboration, cooperation in areas that matter to us, that are of profound interest to us, but also that are of profound interest to the rest of the world.
---> 미국은 중국의 카운터파트들과 계속 접촉을 유지하고 있으며, 양자관계의 경쟁을 분쟁으로 비화시키지 않는것과 협력의 영역을 찾아나가는 것이 양측의 심대한 이해관계이자 전세계의 이해관계임을 인지한다는 내용.
The discovery of this high-altitude surveillance balloon in the days that preceded the Secretary’s visit, of course, undermined the point of that visit. We would not have been able to conduct the important business that Secretary Blinken was looking forward to doing on the ground in Beijing in that context.
---> 하지만 일단은 정찰풍선을 발견한건으로 인해 블링컨 국무장관의 방중은 취소되었다. 이런 맥락속에서는 방중은 가능하지 않다.
Now, just as we continue to remain in contact, in dialogue with the PRC in the coming days, as I expect we’ll do at various levels, when – we’ll determine when it’s appropriate to potentially look to travel to the PRC to have the type of discussion that we think it’s incumbent on our countries to have.
---> 그런데 어쩌면 이런 생각도 듭니다. 정찰풍선은 이미 세계 곳곳에서 발견되고 있습니다. 그런데 미국이 방중 직전에야 그 사실을 인지했다... 너무 타이밍이 딱 맞는다는 생각이 듭니다. 중국이 타이밍 딱 맞게 미 대륙으로 날아가도록 풍선을 날렸거나, 미국이 발표를 그때서야 했거나. 라는 생각이요.
---> 프라이스 대변인은 2월 4일로 예정되었던 블링컨 국무장관의 방중이 작년 발리에서의 미중 정상회담의 연장이라고 했습니다. 그렇다면 발리에서의 미중 정상회담이 어땠느냐면...
---> 일단 만나긴 했는데 공동성명joint statement조차 없었습니다. 즉, 대화는 했으나 합의를 이룬게 없다는 겁니다.
---> 그리고 후속 실무진간의 대화에서도 얻은게 없고, 무엇보다 바이든 측에서 중국으로 날아가도 외교적 성과를 낼 수 있을거란 확신이 없다면... 저라면 확실한 성과를 낼 때까지 '대화'를 지연시키고 싶을 겁니다. 물론 저 개인적인 가설이지만.
QUESTION: So if you can’t have that conversation now about the guardrails and this incident has happened which was a breach of sovereignty, where does that leave the U.S.-China relationship, which wasn’t – which was already strained anyway?
MR PRICE: Well, look, we’ve always been clear-eyed about this relationship. We know it’s the most consequential, we know it’s the most complex relationship we have in all of our bilateral relationships. We suspect it’s also the most consequential and complex bilateral relationship on the face of the Earth. We believe it’s important to – again, to build that floor under the relationship to see to it that areas of potential competition don’t veer into conflict. We believe it’s incumbent on us, the United States, as a responsible power, to see to it that we are doing all we can to protect and to promote not only our interests, but the elements that countries around the world care about.
And there are some cases where our interests with the PRC do intersect. Part of the agenda of Secretary Blinken’s travel to Beijing – what would have been his travel to Beijing – was to talk about some of those issues, again, because it’s in our interests, it’s in the interests of the rest of the world, it’s what the rest of the world expects of us.
We are – we haven’t had conversations at this point about rescheduling the trip. As I said, right now we are focused on coordinating closely with our allies and partners, sharing information, comparing notes, making sure that they understand the information that we have in our possession, they understand the basis for our actions, and that they understand the brazen nature of this violation of our sovereignty, violations of sovereignty that are not unique to us, that have taken place across countries and across regions around the globe.
So that’s going to continue to be our focus in recent – in the coming days.
---> 일단 지금 당장은 방중일정을 다시 잡을 계획은 없고, 지금 당장의 일에 집중할 거라고 하네요.
* 이 아래로 한참 더 이어지지만 같은 말들의 반복과 알맹이가 없어보여서 생략.
2. 중국 외사판공실 주임 왕이의 방러와 중국의 우크라이나 전쟁지원에 대하여
QUESTION: Thank you. One China and one on North Korea. The Chinese deputy foreign minister(* 왕이) will visit to Russia. And also, it was reported that China supplied military equipment through Russian defense company and supported the invasion of Ukraine. Do you have anything there? How can you see that Russia and China, they get together right now?
---> 왕이 외사판공실 주임이 곧 방러하는데 어떤 기사에서는 중국이 러시아의 우크라이나 전쟁을 지원하려는 것이라고 보도했다. 이에 대한 입장을 말해달라는 질문.
MR PRICE: Well, this is something we’ve spoken about extensively over the better part of a year now, the relationship between the PRC and Russia that in some ways has deepened. We’ve seen very tangible manifestations of that. It was just about a year ago, maybe almost exactly a year ago if memory serves, where we saw a communique emerge between the PRC and Russia speaking of a friendship with no limits. We have seen the PRC attempt to take what they portray as a neutral stance to Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine, but in reality it’s been anything but. They have provided Russia with rhetorical support. They’ve provided them with political support. They have continued their economic relationship as well.
---> 프라이스 대변인은 최근 중국과 러시아의 관계가 깊어졌으며, 중국은 러시아의 우크라이나 전쟁에 대하여 중립적 입장을 취하려는것처럼 보이나 실제로는 그렇지 않다고 분명히 밝혀두고 있습니다.
Our message to the PRC has been very simple: we’re watching very closely; there are and would be costs and consequences if we were to see a systematic effort to help Russia bypass the sanctions that dozens of countries around the world have enacted against the Kremlin, President Putin, others, for this brazen aggression against Ukraine; and there would be consequences for the provision of lethal material that Russia could then use against civilians in Ukraine in the same way that it sought lethal material from Iran, from DPRK to use against the people of Ukraine.
---> 그리고 중국에게 미리 경고해두고 있습니다. 미국은 중국을 면밀히 지켜보고 있으며, 중국이 제재조치를 우회하여 러시아를 도우려는 체계적 노력(systematic effort)을 한다면 대가와 후과(costs and consequences)가 따를 것이라고요. 그리고 그 체계적 노력에 대해서도 상세히 첨언하고 있습니다. 바로 이란이건 북한이건 어디에서 유래했건 간에 우크라이나 전쟁의 수행을 위해 살상물자(provision of lethal material)을 지원하는 행위라는 겁니다.
3. 북한의 열병식 준비. 미국의 대책은?
QUESTION: And one more on North Korea. North Korea is preparing for a large-scale military parade this Wednesday. How is the U.S. prepared for contingency?
---> 제목 그대로 입니다. 이 브리핑이 있은지 이틀뒤인 2월 8일 북한은 대규모 열병식을 치루었습니다.
MR PRICE: Well, these are always exercises that we watch. I think it is almost certainly the case that these have more messaging and propaganda value than any material value to the DPRK. But we’re of course going to be watching, as we always do. But more so, we are investing in our alliances and our partnerships in the region and well beyond. As you know, the Secretary’s ROK counterpart was in Washington on Friday. They had an opportunity to have a wide-ranging discussion about the challenges and opportunities that are presented in the Indo-Pacific region and well beyond. At the top of that list of challenges is the DPRK. It’s why we’re committed on – with an ironclad basis to the security of our ROK ally, to the security of our Japanese allies. It’s why we have attempted to deepen and to advance trilateral cooperation not just in the context of the DPRK and its ballistic missile and nuclear weapons program, but 0across the range of challenges and opportunities that our three countries, that our alliance faces.
---> 한마디로 원론적인 이야기가 나왔습니다. 그러한 엶병식은 북한에게 물질적 가치보다는 선전적인 가치를 가지고 있는 것으로 확신하고 있다. 이런류의 도전에 대하여 미국은 한미일 3국의 차원에서 대응해나갈 것이다.
4. 중국의 풍선에 대한 또다른 의혹 2개
QUESTION: Yeah, the Pentagon said they were tracking the balloon since at least January 28th, so last Saturday. The White House said the President was briefed on it Tuesday, so a few days after that. I’m curious. Can you clarify when the top officials in this department were first briefed on this? When did they first learn about it? And then why did it take till Friday morning to cancel the trip if you presumably knew about this earlier in the week?
---> 저의 가설과 비슷한 생각을 한 기자가 나왔습니다. 국방부는 1월 28일날부터 풍선의 존재를 인지하고 추적해왔고, 백악관도 대통령이 1월 31일에 보고받았다고 했다. 그런데 왜 국무부는 방중직전인 2월 3일에나 일정을 취소했느냐는 겁니다.
MR PRICE: So Dylan, our colleague at the White House and the Defense Department have spoken to the tactical timeline of this. But you are right that we learned about it early in the week. Obviously we were traveling early in the week to the Middle East. We were in Egypt, Israel, the West Bank when this first started to percolate. The Secretary was deeply engaged with his counterparts as well as with the President on this issue throughout the course of the week and as the end of the week neared.
---> 일단 국무부도 정찰풍선의 존재를 이미 알고 있었다고 합니다. 하지만 중동순방을 소화하고 있었다고 하면서...
And ultimately, Dylan, these are difficult decisions. They are difficult decisions regarding the most prudent course to take with a high-altitude surveillance balloon like this. There are prudent – there are difficult diplomatic decisions to make. But as the week progressed and as we considered it and talked about it with partners across the government, it became clear to us that the PRC’s reckless, irresponsible, inappropriate action had undermined entirely for the time being the point of what was supposed to have been the trip that was starting late last week. That decision ultimately was finally made early Friday. We informed all of you shortly thereafter.
---> 그리고 이런 류의 결정은 어렵고 신중하게 이루어져야 했기에 이른 2월 3일에서야 결정이 내려졌다고 합니다. 글쎄요...
* 맨 마지막 질문이지만 가독성을 위해 땡겨옴.
QUESTION: Thank you. Quick follow-up on the Chinese balloon issues. There are speculations that the Chinese balloon flew over Japanese airspace before it reached continental U.S. And there’s also speculation that other Chinese balloons might flew over Japan previously. So do think Chinese balloon issues pose challenges to U.S. allies in Asia, like Japan?
---> 이번 정찰풍선이 미대륙에 닿기전에 일본 영공을 통과했다는 관측들이 있고, 또한 이전에도 중국의 정찰풍선이 일본위로 지나갔다는 관측들도 있다. 그래서 중국의 정찰풍선은 일본과 같은 미국의 아시아 동맹들에 대한 도전으로 생각해도 되느냐는 질문.
MR PRICE: Well, I’d say a couple things. One, I would refer you to the Japanese Government to speak to any assessment of overflight, whether of this balloon or of previous balloons. What we have said is that we have detected these – this variety of high-altitude surveillance balloon across five continents. This is a challenge that a number of countries around the world have been subjected to. And it’s precisely why, in the aftermath of the downing of this high altitude surveillance balloon, we thought it was important to convene, to reach out to like-minded countries around the world to share what we experienced, to share what we know, to express our common concern, and to do what we can to see to it that, as an international community, we’re speaking very clearly to the PRC – and for that matter, any other country around the world who would engage in this type of behavior – to underscore that it’s irresponsible, it’s inappropriate, and at the end of the day it is unacceptable.
---> 그래서 대답은. 그렇다. 그건 도전이라는 겁니다. 이런 류의 행위는 무책임하고(irresponsible), 부적절하고(inappopriate), 용납할 수 없다(unacceptable)고요.
Our Japanese allies are critical allies to us in the Indo-Pacific, in North Asia, and beyond. We’ve applauded the investments that the prime minister announced in Japan’s defense capabilities. We wholeheartedly embrace our alliance coordination and cooperation across a range of fronts. And more broadly, whether it’s in the Indo-Pacific, whether it’s in Europe or anywhere else, when it comes to the challenges that are posed by the PRC, one of our greatest strengths are – is going to be the system of partnerships and alliances that we bring along with us.
- -> 그리고 일본은 미국의 중요한 동맹국(critical allies, 이런 형용사 찾아보기 힘듭니다)이며, 이번 기시다 정권의 국방비 증액에 미국은 기립박수를 쳤다(applauded)고 합니다.
We spent much of the first year of this administration – that is to say, 2021 until the end of that year – working to forge convergence with our allies in Europe, but also allies and partners around the world, on the broad set of challenges, threats that we face from the PRC. I think you have heard a number of countries express their own concern, even outrage over what has transpired in the last couple of days. But more broadly than that, we are lucky to have by our side allies in the Indo-Pacific like Japan, allies and partners around the world – in the Indo-Pacific, in Europe, and places in between – that are – with whom we are working in lockstep to confront the challenges and opportunities we face, whether that’s great power competition or whether that’s transnational threats.
Thank you all very much.
---> 이젠 아예 바이든 행정부는 중국의 도전과 위협에 대해 전세계와 힘을 모으고 있다(forge convergence)며, 일본과 같은 인도-태평양의 동맹들이 우리편에 서서 행운이다라는 말까지 나왔습니다. 이젠 중국과의 대결이라는 테마가 서슴없이 나올 수 있는 시대인가 봅니다.
---> 그나저나 like Japan이라며 우리나라는 아예 allies로 퉁쳤습니다. 이건 뼈아프네요.
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