- 줄만새기 Dolphin, Pompano
. 학명; Coryphaena equiselis
. 서식지; 따뜻한 물의 얕은 바다
. 통명; 줄만새기
. 특징; 대서양 대구와 비슷한 외관이나 크기는 절반이고 지느러미가 더 뾰족
. 먹이와 요리법; 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Coryphaena equiselis
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 화씨75도이상의 따뜻한 해역의 수면
. 지역; 전세계 아열대와 열대 원양이나 근해에서 계절이주하며 떼로 서식
The pompano dolphin is found worldwide in tropical seas; in the United States it is most commonly encountered in Hawaii. The pompano dolphin reportedly prefers surface temperatures above 75°F. It is considered more oceanic than the common dolphin is but may enter coastal waters.
2 통명
- 영어; mahimahi, blue dolphin, small dolphin, dolphinfish, pompano dolphinfish;
French: coryphéne dauphin; Japanese: ebisu-shiira; Portuguese: dourado; Spanish: dorado.
- 한글; 줄만새기
3 개요
- 길이;127센티이내
- 체중; 5파운드이내
The average size is 20 to 24 inches and 4 to 5 pounds, although it reportedly grows to 50 inches.
4 특징
- 등은 선명한 청록색이고 옆면은 은빛 황금색이고 죽으면 청회색.
- 만세기와 비슷하게 압축된 머리와 긴 등지느러미가 있으나 이마가 덜 튀어나옴
- 색상과 모양이 만세기와 비슷하나 등가오리수가 55개이하로 만세기보다 적다
The pompano dolphin is the smaller of the two Coryphaenidae family species and is often confused with the females and the young of its larger relative the common dolphin (C. hippurus). Like its relative, it is caught commercially and by anglers, and it is an excellent food fish. The pompano dolphin is usually presented in fish markets and restaurants under its Hawaiian name, mahimahi. This species, and its relative, are often referred to as “dolphinfish” to distinguish them from the so-called dolphin of the porpoise family, which is an unrelated mammal and not sought by anglers.
Identification. This species is almost identical to the common dolphin in coloring and general shape, although it has greater body depth behind the head than the common dolphin has and a squarish, rather than rounded, tooth patch on the tongue. There are fewer dorsal rays on the pompano dolphin—48 to 55, versus the common dolphin’s 55 to 65.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 오징어와 작은 물고기등
- 단단한 식감과 달콤한 맛으로 유명
- 식용과 낙시용으로 인기
- 그물이나 낚시로 포획
- 회, 절이거나 말려서, 굽거나 찌게로 섭취
Little is known of the life history of the pompano dolphin, other than that it is a schooling tropical water species, prone to near-surface feeding and attracted to objects. This fish is similar to the common dolphin in most behavioral respects.
Food. The pompano dolphin’s diet consists of small fish and squid.