-revised migration again
-removed wine and booze from unit upkeep costs
-increased tank and engineer Maneuver values to 2 (like all infantry in 1.06, was oversight)
-removed farmer, labourer and artisan promotion to clerks to prevent late-game clerk sprawl
-made cash reserves increase probability of artisan promotion to capitalist
-removed steamers as luxury need from all POPs (was causing "desire" fake demand, breaking system)
-doubled Capitalist luxury needs
-returned soldier and officer life needs to others of their class, put
back canned food into unit build cost and upkeep (to rebalance need
fulfilment vs spending slider position)
-added canned food build and maintenance cost to ships
-decreased LUXURY_THRESHOLD from 500 to 250 to reduce money hoarding
-restored CON_POOR_CLERGY to -2.5 to prevent too fast spread of
liberalism (middle-class will still be immune to clergy/intellectual CON
-reduced chance of promotion to officer for all POPs
-made 25% the minimum military spending slider setting that allows conversion into soldier and officer POPs (was 15%)
-put back in farmer & labourer promotion to aristocrats (requires plentiful cash reserves though)
-reduced craftsman promotion chance to intellectuals and bureaucrats (to give less distractions to going clerk)
-prevented craftsmen from becoming artisans as long as they get 100% life needs
-prevented middle POPs from demoting to poor as long as they get 100% life needs
-made gas attack activated by infiltration rather than deep defence system
-changed organized factories, work specialization, work control &
hierarchy, scientific management, inventory planning, time studies, time
clock and human resources development to increase throughput rather
than output, but doubled bonuses
-nerfed local distribution channels to 50% higher output
-increased the amount of artisans in the developed world by about 50% at
start, reduced farmers and labourers to keep total population constant
-further balanced RGO setup by adding grain, opium, coffee, tobacco and dye, and removed cotton, sulphur, fish and tea
-removed factories from Vienna and Stockholm that were put in previously to rebalance start
-added event giving each POP £10 at start to smoothen economy stabilizing at start
-decreased bureaucrat and intellectual everyday needs to make them more affordable to keep at 50% spending at start
-raised research points and research optimum by a factor 2.5 (i.e. same
amount of intellectuals gives as many RPs as before, but up to 5%
intellectuals gives additional RPs)
-changed POPtype encouragement national focus to give 20% to encourage poor POP types, 10% to encourage middle or rich
-reduced price of luxury clothes to prevent demand-desire fallacy, rebalanced factories accordingly
-made luxury clothing, luxury furniture, small arms, artillery and wine 50% more profitable for artisans than other goods
-increased factory max level to 100
-changed some effects from output-boosting to throughput-boosting that hadn't been noticed for 1.06
-removed minimum and maximum taxes from all ideologies
-changed interventionism to permit building but not expanding of
factories, and forbid interventionists from prioritizing factories
-removed techs practical steam engine and mechanized mining from
Austria, and mechanized mining and basic chemistry from Russia at start
(countries were industrializing inappropriately quickly)
-made minimum wages have the same effect as pensions (since minimum wages are bugged, acts as stop-gap measure for now)
-increased base output of all RGOs by 5%
-removed effect of economic policy on demotion frequency (promotion is still affected)
자료는 파란클럽 자료실에 올려두었습니다.
첫댓글 감사합니다^^
감사드려요~ 연구점 한계치 수정과 공장 처리량 향상 테크수정(기존테크 효과만 수정), 공장최대 100까지 업글가능한 점, 이데올로기 상관없이 과세제한 없앤 점, 개입주의에서도 공장은 만들 수 있네요(다만 확장불가, 우선순위매기기 불가).
ㄷㄷ 뭐가달라진거빈까 ?
units/guard.txt 에서 build cost부분 luxury_clothes = 다음에 10 추가하는 게 핫픽스 내용같네요 luxury_clothes = 10 이렇게요
빠르시네요~ 수정하고 게임하러 갑니다 ^^
이제 주가 1개라도 800레벨만큼 생산이 가능해지겠군요 ㅋ
와우... 드디어 일자리 부족현상이 많이 사라지겠지만, 공장공급량의 폭주로 공장수지악화로 인한 자유방임주의의 쇠퇴가 눈에 선하네요 ㅡㅡㅋ
국내은행 그리고 세계은행에 여유자금이 없는데도 계속해서 적자 행진이 가능하네요. 그러다가 오류떠서 일일 수지가 플러스 350000 이 되서 신나게 정복전쟁중... 버그들의 행진.
번역이 피해해요!