The little German town of Hamelin had a big, disgusting problem. There were rats everywhere. One day, a stranger came to town. "I'm the best rat catcher im in the world!" he announced. The mayor agreed, and the stranger pulled out a small flute. One by one, the rats started to follow him! The people in the town were amazed, but they were also greedy**.** they They told the man that they wouldn't pay him. The man was angry and promised to take revenge. Once more, he pulled out his flute and began to play. All the children in the town began to follow him. The people were so upset**,** thet they paid the man everything they owned. The children returned, and there was never another rat in Hamelin.
Score: B+
- 철자를 정확하게 써주세요! ('in', 'they'가 맞아요)
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- 아이들은 어디로 갔나요? (장소를 설명해보세요)
- 아이들은 어떻게 돌아왔나요? (자세히 써보면 좋겠어요)