62t세 이상된 Senior는 $10을 내고, Senior Pass를 구입하면 남은 여생동안 National Park 무료입장및 Camp장 사용료
50% 할인등의 혜택이 있다고 하니 참고 하시기 바랍니다.
Senior Pass Eligibility
As part of the American the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass program, U.S. citizens or permanent residents who are at least 62 years old can purchase a Senior Pass for a one-time processing fee of $10.
This Senior Pass to national parks and lands offers benefits to you and your traveling companions.
Senior Pass to National Parks Benefits
In National Parks that charge an entrance or standard amenity fee, the Senior Pass admits you and the passengers
in your car or other private vehicle.
In National Parks where a "per person" entrance fee is charged, the Senior Pass admits you plus three other adults
(who need not be seniors). This is an especially good deal if you are also traveling with grandchildren, because children
under 16 have free admission.
The lifetime national parks Senior Pass also gives seniors a 50 percent discount on federal use fees charged for camping, swimming, boat launching, parking and tours.
In some cases where use fees are charged, only the person named on the Senior Pass will be given the 50 percent discount.
How to Buy a National Parks Lifetime Senior Pass
The Senior Pass to national parks cannot be purchased by mail or online. It must be purchased in person at a federal area where entrance fees are charged, or at regional offices of the National Park Service, the U.S. Forest Service or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Proof of age, such as a valid driver's license, is required at the time you purchase your senior pass.
첫댓글 저는 Senior Pass 가지고 있읍니다.
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