- 바다뱀 Eels, Snake
. 학명; Ophichthidae family
. 서식지; 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 수온의 다양한 수심에서 서식
. 통명; 바다뱀
. 특징; 길고 원통형으로 뱀과 같은 몸체
. 먹이와 요리법; 튀기거나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Ophichthidae family
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 수온의 다양한 수심에서 서식
. 지역; 전세계 열대와 온대 해역과 강
. 대부분 바닥에 숨어 사냥하지만 일부는 원양 생활
Another genus represented by numerous species is Myrichthys, which includes the sharptail eel (M. acuminatus), in the Atlantic, and the tiger snake eel (M. tigrinus), in the Pacific.
2 통명
- 영어; Eels, Snake
- 한글; 바다뱀
3 개요
- 길이; 5 - 230센티
Only a few of the profuse species reach a length exceeding 3 feet; most of them are less than a foot long. They are typically brightly colored and are generally strikingly marked with bands, spots, or both. Snake eels are found throughout the world in subtropical and tropical seas, a few ranging into temperate waters.
4 특징
- 길고 원통형으로 뱀과 같은 몸체
- 뒤로 신속한 이동가능
- 꼬리는 뻣뻣하고 날카로와 모래나 진흙에 파묻기 쉬움
- 대부분 지느러미가 전혀 없어 벌레처럼 기질에 파묻히는 능력 향상
- 포식자를 막기위해 독뱀 모습을 모방하여 얼룩진 색이나 줄무늬
- 폭풍을 만나면 해변으로 씻겨감
- 2개의 아과에 62개의 속
Snake eels in the Ophichthidae family have long, cylindrical, snakelike bodies and can move backward extremely effectively. Their tails are stiff and sharp, rather than broad and flat, as with morays. The snake eel’s tail is used like an awl to burrow tail-first into sand or mud. In most snake eels, the dorsal fins extend almost the full length of their bodies, beginning just behind their heads but stopping short of the tips of their tails. Their anal fins are only about half as long as their bodies, also stopping before the tips of their tails. Pectoral fins are lacking or very small.
One of the several dozen species in the Atlantic and the Caribbean is the spotted snake eel (Ophichtus ophis), averaging 2 feet in length and occasionally growing to 4 feet. Its yellowish body is covered with large brown spots. The yellow snake eel (O. zophochir) is a similar species that lives in the Pacific.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 작은 물고기와 갑각류 등
- 모래나 진흙 속에 숨어 먹이사냥
- 다른 과에 비해 온순한 성격
- 튀기거나 스튜로 섭취
. 절이거나 회는 피가 유독할 가능성에 비추
The nostrils are located in two short, stout barbels on top of the nose, which the eel uses to probe into crevices and cavities as it searches for food. Compared to morays and most other eels, snake eels are docile creatures, commonly seen crawling over the bottom like snakes.