- 강도다리 Flounder, Starry
. 학명; Platichthys stellatus
. 서식지; 온대의 강이나 바다의 진흙, 모래, 또는 자갈 바닥 서식
. 통명; 강도다리
. 특징; 등지느러미와 뒷지느러미에 있는 흑색과 백색에서 주황색 바와 작은 별모양의 판이나 결절로 변형된 비늘
. 먹이와 요리법; 회, 말리거나 절여서, 굽거나 찌게, 통조림으로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Platichthys stellatus
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 온대의 강이나 바다의 진흙, 모래, 또는 자갈 바닥 서식
. 지역; 북태평양의 근해 해역과 강
. 담수와 육상양식에 대한 연구중
The starry flounder ranges from central California to Alaska, and south from the Bering Sea to Japan and Korea. This is one of the most numerous fish of central Northern California backwaters, particularly in San Francisco Bay.
Habitat. It is usually found near shore over mud, sand, or gravel bottoms. Often entering brackish or freshwater, the starry flounder is most abundant in shallow water but can be found in depths of at least 900 feet. Juveniles are often intertidal.
2 통명
- 영어; rough jacket, great flounder, California flounder, diamond back, emerywheel, emery flounder, grindstone, sandpaper flounder;
Japanese: numagarei.
- 한글; 강도다리
3 개요
- 길이; 91센티 이내
- 무게; 20파운드이내
The average size is 12 to 14 inches, although it can grow to 3 feet and 20 pounds. Females grow faster than males and attain larger sizes.
4 특징
- 등지느러미와 뒷지느러미에 있는 흑색과 백색에서 주황색 바와 작은 별모양의 판이나 결절로 변형된 비늘
- 눈쪽은 흑색에서 진갈색이고 반대쪽은 백색이나 크림색
- 가늘고 뾰족한 머리와 타원형 몸체
- 눈은 오른쪽이나 왼쪽에 몰려있고 거칠고 반짝이는 별모양의 비늘조각
The starry flounder is a smaller and less common member of the Pacific coast Pleuronectidae family of right-eyed flounder. Flounder and other flatfish are known for their unique appearance, having both eyes on either the left or the right side of the head, although the starry flounder can be either left-eyed or right-eyed. It is a popular sportfish because of its willingness to bite and its strong fighting qualities. Although the starry flounder has tasty flesh, it is important mainly as a sportfish, having only moderate commercial value. Processing is difficult due to its rough skin, and it must be deep-skinned to remove its unappealing, dark fat layer.
Identification. The starry flounder belongs to the righteyed family of flatfish, but, as noted, it can also be left-eyed. Its head is pointed, and it has a small mouth. The anal spine is strong. The caudal fin is square or slightly rounded. Its coloring is olive to dark brown or almost black on the upper side and creamy white on the blind side. The unpaired fins, its outstanding feature, are white to yellow to orange with black bars. There are patches of rough, shiny, starlike scales scattered over the eyed side of the body, which give rise to its name.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 플랑크톤, 해조류, 갑각류를 먹고 성어는 조개, 물고기 등 더 큰 먹이추가
- 뛰어난 맛으로 식용과 낚시로 인기
- 껍질이 거칠어 가공이 어려움
- 25길이내에서 산란
- 회, 말리거나 절여서, 굽거나 찌게, 통조림으로 섭취
Spawning occurs in the late winter and the early spring in California waters less than 25 fathoms deep.
Food. Adult starry flounder consume a variety of items, including crabs, clams, shrimp, and sand dollars. Large individuals also eat some fish, such as sardines, sanddabs, and surfperch.