Lost Planet
♧ Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto ♧ bitty : a. 조그만, 단편적인
♧ ignominiously : ad. 면목 없는, 불명예스러운, 수치스러운
♧ celestial : a. 천체의, 하늘의, 거룩한
♧ odd : a. 남은, 우수리의
♧ lap : v. 한바퀴 돌다, 일주하다
♧ elite : a. 엘리트, 선택된 사람들
♧ demeaning : a. 품위/명성을 떨어뜨리는
♧ dwarf : n. 난쟁이, 왜성(矮星)
♧ asteroid : n. 소행성
♧ comet : n. 혜성
♧ iceberg : n. 빙산
♧ orbit : n. 궤도
♧ as such : 있는 그대로의, 그 자체로는
♧ chunk : n. 덩어리, 상당한 양
♧ beloved : a. 가장 사랑 받는, 애용하는
♧ boot out : v. 차내다, 버리다
♧ mean : a. 비열한
♧ exclusive : a. 배타적인, 독점적인
♧ elitist : n. 엘리트주의자, a. 엘리트 주의의
♧ in general : ad. 일반적으로, 대체로
♧ adapt : v. 적응하다
♧ bulk : n. 대량의
♧ planetarium : n. 천문관
♧ obituary : n. 사망기사, 사망자 약력
♧ Clyde Tombaugh
♧ spin in a grave : 무덤 속에서 탄식하다
We have set ourselves a difficult test tonight to take a closer look at something more than 2.6 billion miles away. Now, we all learned the planets in school, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then the little bitty guy, all the way out there, Pluto. Nine planets. Everybody learned that in school. But Pluto got ignominiously dumped today. And now, all the school books are going to have to change. Why? Here's ABC's Bill Weir.
It is small, it is cold. It is a celestial odd ball, so far out, it laps the sun once every 248 years. But still, an elite member of the planet club, until today.
"The recommendation is that we consider Pluto to be in a special class."
That's right. Special. In the most demeaning sense of the word. According to world's top space scientists, Pluto is now an icy dwarf, bigger than an asteroid, but not quite a planet.
"It's basically a comet or an iceberg circling on the outer part of the solar system. Pluto doesn't control the orbit of anything else. And as such, it doesn't deserve to be and it shouldn't be called a planet."
When Pluto was first discovered in 1930, scientists thought it was a lot bigger than it actually is. Now, with modern telescopes, we know it's five times smaller than Earth, 62 times smaller than Jupiter. And because there are so many chunks of ice like this, it's really not that important, but try telling that the fans.
"It was my.. one of my favorites."
Pluto is the most beloved icy rock most people have never seen.
"How can we possibly boot it out of the solar system club? Aren't we being mean? Aren't we being exclusive? Aren't we being elitist. No. We're simply coming to a new level of understanding."
"Planets in general have always been sort of our .. part of our mental landscape. So, to have one taken away is very painful."
Even so, the universe will have to adapt slowly. Since school districts go years between bulk purchases, some kids won't get their updated science books until 2010. Puzzles will be reprinted, planetariums repainted, and an updated obituary for Clyde Tombaugh, the Kansas farm boy who discovered Pluto. Instead of spining in a grave tonight, Tombaugh's ashes are actually on board NASA's new horizon rocket, which will whiz past the certain famous icy dwarf eight years from now.
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