IKE 통대준비반 2006/8/
We're going to take "A Closer Look" at some (1. 좋은 소식: ________ _______) for a change, for some of the children of Katrina, ten months after the disaster. When (2. 허리케인이 강타했을 때: the ________ ____), many of those children lost family, lost everything they owned, lost any sense they might have of (3. 어린 시절의 천진난만: _________ __________).
Now, thanks to (4. 자선 기관들: _________s) and churches, at least 37 camps are (5. 본격적으로 활동하다: ___ and ________) on the Gulf Coast, giving more than 13,000 (6. 카트리나 피해자들: Katrina ________s) a reintroduction to (7. 여름철의 소박한 즐거움: the _______ ____s of ________ ____). ABC’s Steve Osunsami is in
For the many families (8. 아직도 카트리나 피해에서 회복단계인: _______ ________ing from Katrina), the summer camps here are (9. 하늘이 주신 선물: a _________). They're specifically designed for children who (10. ~을 겪다: _____d ________) the hurricane and (11. 이후의 혼란 상황을 두 눈으로 보다: ________ed the _______ ________). In Picayune, Mississippi, Camp Hip-Hop is free and no child (12. 거절당하다: is _____ed _______). The (13. 서머캠프 담당 교사들: _________s) say that since Katrina, many of the children have (14. 물을 두려워하는 병이 생기다: ________ed a _____ of _____). Their (15. 치료법: _______) is a daily swim.
We're able to put the kids in the water with trained lifeguards and help them (16. 그 두려움을 노력으로 극복하다: ____ _____ that ____). It's just overwhelming. You don't think of all these things until you (17. 직접 보다: _____ it _________).
Some of the kids still (18. 긴장하다: _______ __________) when it rains.
Let's take out this one first.
The youngest are given backpacks with crayons, (19. 색칠하기 책: a ________ book) and (20. 비상용품들: ________ ________s) to (21. 마음을 안심시키다: _______ their ________s). Across this region, there are many children still living in crowded FEMA trailers and it's (22. 피해를 주다: _________ a ________).
I my house, I was a lot comfortable, but now that I’m in a trailer, it's smaller and we don't have any room to play in.
Kristina Foss says the camp has helped her three children calm down.
They fight a little less (23. 서머캠프에 참여하는 중에는: on _______ ____s) than they do on weekends. Weekends are killers.
At the (INAUDIBLE) Summer Camp in
We're (25. 여러 가지를 놓치고 지나가다: _________ ____ ___ _____s), like (26. 무엇인가를 빨리빨리 지나가다: _____ing ____ed _____ things).
Getting rushed through things.
Camp counselors who meet regularly with each child, say it’s heartbreaking to hear the hardships the kids have had to endure. They say it's (27. 가슴이 뭉클해지는: __________) to see them final having fun. Steve Osunsami, ABC News,
IKE 통대준비반 SEP, 2006
And you may have heard that floods took down a century-old elm tree at the White House.
That tree wasn't just old, it was famous. And it's probably in your pocket right now. It has (1. 공식 확인되다: been ________ed) that that's the same tree (2. 뒷면에 찍힌: ________ed on the ______) of every $20 bill. Will they (3. 20달러짜리 지폐를 교체하다: ________ the ________) and take the tree off? We have no idea.
When we come back - one laptop, 26 million veterans in what appears to be a happy ending.
In Atlanta, a government (4. 보건 관련 전문가 소위원회: _____ ________) (5. 아주 민감한 문제를 다루다: _______d a very __________ ________) today. It said 11-year-old and 12-year-old girls should (6. 정기적으로 예방 접종 받다: be ________ __________ed (전)) (7. 성병: the _________ _________ _________) that causes (8. 자궁경부암: ________ _____). Some religious conservatives have argued that (9. 최근 승인된 백신을 아이들에게 접종하다: ____ing the recently _______d ____ to ___s) will make them more likely to have sex.
(10. 애타게 찾던: The most _______-______) (11. 도난 상태의 랩탑 컴퓨터: _____ laptop computer) in the country has been found.
It's the one that contained the social security numbers and other vital data for all 26 million (12. 전역 혹은 퇴역 장병: ___________ ________s) and 80% of (13. 현역 군인: _________ _________ ________ __________).
The computer (14. 도난 당했다: was ________) from the home of (15. 원호부 직원: a ________’s _______s ________). (16. 도난 사건: A _________) that embarrassed (17. 해당 정부 기관: the __________) and (18. 국가안보 우려를 유발했다: _______d _______ _________ ________s). Here's ABC’s Jonathan Karl.
It looks like they got lucky. The laptop stolen from this home is back. And it appears the thief never (19. 접근하다: ________ed) all that personal information.
I don't think they knew those files were actually on there.
(20. 법 집행 당국 소식통: _______ ________ ________s) tell ABC News the person who (21. 그 컴퓨터를 자진 반납하다: _____ed the computer ____) bought it for $100 from (22. 장물업자: a _______ (전) _______ _____s). He turned it in after he saw this (23.전단: ________) at a Maryland grocery store, telling (24. 당국: __________s) he never used (25. 암호로 보안 처리되어 있는 컴퓨터: the password-________ed computer), a claim the FBI says is confirmed by (26. 1차 법의학 검사: _________ ________s tests). Today, on Capitol Hill, angry lawmakers demanded answers from the VA about how so much personal data (27. 애초에 분실되다: _____ _______ in the first place).
You've done very little to deal with the issue the veterans face with fear every day.
The FBI say they still need to (28. 추가 검사를 하다: ____ _________ tests) to be certain that no information was accessed from that laptop. Jonathan Karl, ABC News, the Pentagon.
(29. 큰 안도의 한숨: A _________ _____ of ________) from Washington.
IKE 통대준비반 SEP, 2006
Good evening. (1. 내일 정확히 이 시간에: __ ____ _____ tomorrow), (2. 모든 것이 예정대로 진행되면: if _____ __ ___ _______ed), (3. 우주 왕복선 디스커버리호: the ________ Discovery) will be (4. 지구 궤도를 돌다: ________ing Earth). (5. 발사 예정되어 있다: It's _________d to ________) from Kennedy Space Center in the afternoon. You can see the countdown is at 11 hours and holding. It is the first mission in nearly a year, and only the second since the
Well, Kate, late today,(9. NASA 국장: the NASA __________) said the shuttle Discovery is ready to go. (10. 최대 장애물: The ____ _______) now could be the weather. There's only (11. 40%의 가능성: _ 40% ______) of good weather for the launch tomorrow.
As the launch approaches, there has been (12. 내부 논의: internal debate within NASA) about whether Discovery is safe enough to fly.
Is it a gamble? Are we (13. 불확실한 게임을 하다: ____ing the _______)? Yes, of course. Every time we launch this shuttle, we take a risk.
Some have questioned whether the risk is too great. (14. NASA의 안전성 및 기술 담당 최고위 관계자들: NASA’s ___ _____ and _________ __________s) voted not to launch until there were (15. ~에 대한 추가 개선 조치: more _________s (전)) the foam on the external fuel tank. And today, it was learned, some in NASA's (16. 감사단장실: ________ _________s _________) have also questioned the decision to go.
In one e-mail, an inspector wrote, “The shuttle program and ultimately Mike Griffin are (17. 도박을 하다: _______ing the _______) but they think (18. 가능성이 꽤 있다: their _______s are _____).” NASA’s biggest concern is foam (19. 방향을 바꾸다: _______ing _____) from one of these ramps on the fuel tank. It was foam (20. 연료 탱크에서 빠져 나오는: ____ing ____ the _____), which led to the destruction of the shuttle Columbia. Foam also separated during last year's Discovery launch but did not hit the shuttle. NASA has (21. 변화시키다: ________ ________s (전)) those areas. Critics say that's not enough. But the launch will go on, partly because of pressure (22. 예정대로 진행하다: to _____ (전) _________).
We'll gonna continue to make improvements. We'll gonna continue to improve safety, but there comes a time that says, it's come together. I say this is the time to go fly.
NASA also believes (23. 떨어져 나온 스티로포움 파편: any ____ _________) would be too small to (24. 심각한 피해를 입히다: _____ _________ ______________).
Frankly, if they have another foam-shedding problem, a significant foam-shedding problem, (25. 이번 비행시에: (전) this _______), I think a lot of people are going to say it's time (26. 계획을 중단하다: to ________ the _________).
Discovery's commander says he feels confident to go. He promised to his family he wouldn't fly otherwise.
We can't be perfectly safe, obviously. It's still a dangerous business but making the vehicle safe as we possibly can with what we have available, if I ever felt that that was not the case, I told them I would (27. 이번 비행에 참여하지 않다: ____ (전) from the _____).
Now, one key reason that the NASA administrator says he feels comfortable launching tomorrow is that, if there is a problem (28. 발사 시에: (전) _____) with the foam, he does not feel it presents a flight – a safety issue for the crew. Discovery would, then, go up to the space station. It would dock. The crew would wait on (29. 우주 정거장: the _____ _________) for a rescue. So, NASA poised to launch tomorrow and we just have to wait and see what happens with the weather. Kate?
Lisa Stark, thank you. And ABC News will (30. 생중계하다: have _______ ________) of the shuttle Discovery's launch. That's tomorrow afternoon.
IKE 통대준비반 SEP, 2006
We're going to take “a closer look” tonight at (1. 동성애 커플: ____ _______s) and adoption. Today, (2. 카톨릭 자선단체들: Catholic _________s), a Boston's (3. 입양기관: _______ _________), which has (4. 수만 명의 아이들을 입양시키다: _______d ____ of _________ of children) all over the last – all over the country the last century, (5. 문을 닫다: ______d its _____s) because of the controversy surrounding gay adoption. As one observer put it, Catholic Charities (6. 중간에서 이러지도 저러지도 못하는 상황이 되다: _______ itself _____ (전)) the Church's opposition to gay adoption and state law that (7. 동성애자들에게 입양권을 주다: _____s ____s the ______ to be _________s). The controversy doesn't stop there. ABC’s Gigi Stone takes “a closer look.”
George Graham and Michael Fleenor have been partners for 16 years.
Thank you for being together as a family.
They adopted their 3-year-old son, Robbie, (8. 위탁 보호 시설에서: ____ of _______ ____) and they want another child. But it might not be as easy this time. (9. 주 의원들: ________ ________s) in Ohio (10. 입법 제의하다: _________d a _____) to (10. 동성애 입양을 전면 금지하다: ________ ____ _________).
We really do (11. 압박을 느끼다: _______ _______ _______). We feel like there's a window that's possibly closing and once it's closed, it's closed.
And it's not just in
Last year, (13. 동성애 입양을 금지하는 법안들이 제출되었다: _______s ________ing ______ ________ were introduced) in Alabama, Indiana, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. All (14. 상임위원회 통과 단계에서 무산되었다: were killed (전) ________), but some legislators say they're not giving up.
It's my job as a state legislator to make sure that these children have the best environment, the best household they - are able to (15. ~에 입양되다: be _________d (전)), and that is with a mom and a dad.
Religious groups are intensely involved with the issue. A network of thousands of Evangelical pastors have (16. 노력에 착수하다: ________ed an _________) to stop gay adoptions. The Vatican has recently (17. 압력 수위를 높이다: _____ed (전) the _______), as well, forcing today's Catholic Charities (18. 철수: ___________).
We find ourselves in a conflict in which the religious moral principles of Catholic teaching and practice clash with the political and civil regulations of the state.
There are nearly 126,000 children (19. 위탁 양육 시설에 맡겨진: (전) _________ _______) who (20. 입양 가능한: are ________ for _________) each year. Less than half of them find (21. 입양 가정: __________ homes).
Oh, I love you.
Karen Brown says she was very careful when she chose to give up her daughter Emma for adoption. She thinks she chose the best possible parents.
If they have the love to give, let them.
Legislators trying to ban the practice say they’re trying to protect her child. Gigi Stone, ABC News,
IKE 통대준비반 SEP, 2006
The long July 4th holiday weekend is (1. 진행 중: ________ _______) tonight, which means the summer travel season is (2. 본격화하다: _______ into _______ ________).
(3. 국내선 항공편들: Domestic flights) are expected to (4. 실어나르다: _____) a record 207 million passengers this summer and a lot of travelers will be asked the question, (5. 기내 서비스가 어떻게 된거야?: w________ _________ed to the _________ _______?)
Here's ABC’s David Kerley.
This is what it looks like as America’s airlines try (6. 수익을 내다: to _______ a ________). In
This is ridiculous.
...and in
It's been crazy. I just didn't think it would be this busy today.
And it's not just today. Airlines, which have lost $35 billion in five years, say they can no longer afford (10. 반쯤 빈 상태로 항공기를 운항하다: to _____ ________-_______ planes).
It's supply and demand. The (11. 항공사들: _________s) have done an outstanding job of (12. 수용 인원과 수요를 맞추다: _________ing _________ with _________). Rightsizing. (13. 적정 수의 항공기를 시장에 투입하는 것: ____ing the _______ ________ of ________ (전) _________s) to deal with (14. 예상 탑승객 수: the number of _________ed _________s).
Since 2000, airlines have gotten rid of (15. 항공기 다섯 대 중 한 대 꼴: _____ ____ of _______ _____ planes). So, with fewer seats and this summer’s record number of passengers, don’t be surprised if you end up in the middle seat of that airplane.
They're just (16. 빽빽하게 찬: _______-_______) and you’ll know how (17. 정어리: a _________) feels by the time you take off.
And (18. 팔을 최대한 몸에 밀착하기: _________ing your elbows close to your body) is going (19. 비용이 더 많이 들다: to ______ ____ more). Airline ticket prices are (20. 작년 여름 대비 11% 오르다: ____ 11% (전) last summer).
It's cut down on a little bit on what we anticipated doing, especially with the increase in the gas prices and everything. So one trip this summer.
And there's (21. 그 외에도 달라진 것: something _____ ___________) this summer. With planes so full, airlines are not waiting for passengers who (22. 늦게 체크인하다: check (전) _______) without (23. 좌석 배정: a _____ __________).
We were there like 45 minutes early and they said it was too late.
If you show up late to the airport this summer, you (24.가능성이 상당히 높다: _____ a _____ ________) of (25. 예약이 취소되다: being ______ed). And if you're bumped, you may not be able (26. 그 날 나중에라도 비행기에 타다: to _______ (전) a _____ _______ that day). You may have to wait for till the next day.
And while (27. 연착 혹은 지연: ________s) have not been a problem yet, (28. 찌푸린 여름 날씨: the _____ summer weather) is just starting. It could be (29. 힘든 여정: a _________ _________). David Kerley, ABC News,
No worry, though. We've (30. 유용한 여행 정보를 한 곳에 모으다: _______ ________ ________ travel resources) for you, including (31. 실시간 공항 탑승객 상황: a ____-____ look at airport __________) and (32. 보안 검색대 대기 시간: _______ ____s at _________ _____________s). You wanna find that at Abcnews.com.
IKE 통대준비반 SEP, 2006
We're going to take "A Closer Look," now, at what's being called a medical miracle. Doctors have never seen a recovery like this one, they say. They call it (1. 의학적으로 3억분의 1의 경우 수: a 1 ___ 300 million ________ ________). A man (2. 자동차 사고로 심한 부상을 입은: _________ly ________ in a __________), spent 19 years in (3. 아주 약간의 의식만 있는 상태: a ________ of ___________ _______________). And then, he woke up. His recovery is teaching scientists a lot about the brain’s ability (4. 자가 치유하다: to _________ ________). And their understanding about what happened to Terry Wallis might enable them to help others (5. 뇌손상을 당한: (전) _______ _________). Here is ABC’s John McKenzie.
There you go.
It is (6. 상당한 노력을 요하는 것: a __________). But (7. 마흔 두 살에: ____ 42), Terry Wallis can now move his legs.
Up, up, up. Good job.
And he can speak, so that at least his family can understand.
I'm going to say, I'm gonna walk.
I know you will.
Looking at Terry Wallis today, it may be hard to appreciate just (8. 어느 정도 의식을 되찾은 것인지: how ___ he has _______).
He was able to grunt, but only inconsistently. Now, he can talk to you. He can joke. He can tell you how to fix a Chevy engine.
Wallis was just a teenager in 1984, when his car (9. 50피트 추락하다: _______ 50 feet) into this riverbed. He (10. 심한 뇌손상을 입다: __________ed _________ _______ _______) and doctors told his parents not to expect much more from their son than (11. 가끔 고개를 끄덕이는 정도: the _________ _________).
We've seen a certain degree of recovery, they were told. But we're not seeing anymore.
His family refused to give up. Over almost two decades, they talked to him and treated him like any other loved one. Then, one day three years ago, Wallis suddenly started to talk. His first word?
He just said, “Mom”. His eyes (12. 크게 열리다: _____ ______), you know, and then he said it again and that was just marvelous.
Now, researchers think they know what 'caused this change. These brain images show how the accident had destroyed most of the normal nerve connections. (13. 여기 빨간 색으로 보이는 곳: _______ here ___ _______). But Wallis appeared to (14. 그 손실 부분을 보충하다: ___________ for that _________) by growing added connections right here, in a less damaged part of his brain. In just eighteen months you can see even more in that area of the brain that (15. 움직임을 관장하다: _________s _________).
Researchers emphasize that this kind of recovery can only happen in patients (16. 적어도 최소한도의 의식이 있는: (전) at least some ________ __________). Not those (16. 영구적인 식물 인간 상태인: (전) a ___________ ___________ _____). But for Terry Wallis and the tens of thousands of patients like him...
We would hope that we can develop ways to help the brain (17. 이런 방식으로 회복하다: to _______ (전) these ____). All we know now is that it can happen.
Look at me.
Wallis’ family says that Terry continues (18. 원기를 회복하다: to _______ his ________) and his (19. 사람다운 특성: _____). Doctors did not know how much more Terry will recover. They say this case is just so unique. John McKenzie, ABC News,
Terry Wallis' recovery continues to amaze. At our website, you can learn more about how he's (20. 언어 능력을 회복하다: _____ing his __________). That's at Abcnews.com. What a great story.
IKE 통대준비반 SEP, 2006
Our "Closer Look" has all the elements of (1. 긴박한: a ______-________) action movie. Spies, (2. 목적물: a _______) worth more than gold, and, as you'll see, (3. 극적 반전: a ________ _________). Coca-cola is (4. 매출 세계 1위의 탄산 음료: the ____ __________ ________) in the world. So, when Pepsi has a chance to obtain one of (5. 코카콜라의 비밀 제조법들: Coke's _________ __________), you think they would have (6. 덥석 그 기회를 잡다: _______ed ___ the _________). ABC's Steve Osunsami takes you inside (7. 예상치 못한 상황전개: the ________ _________).
It was (8. 보기 드문 상황이 펼쳐지다: a _____ __________) of (9. 기업간의 스포츠맨쉽: ________ ____ __________). When three (10. 절도범으로 의심되는 자들: _______ ________s) approached Pepsi with Coca-Cola's (11. 영업 기밀: _____ _______s), the Pepsi Company (12. 전화를 하다: _________ed ___ the _______) and called their bosses at Coke. (13. 그 조직범죄단의 주모자로 의심되는 자: The ________ ________), 41-year-old Joya Williams, was (14. 총무부 차장: an executive _________ ___________) at Coca-Cola. She and two other (14. 피고인: ________s), who appeared in US court today, were caught (15. FBI 함정 수사에서: (전) an FBI _____) and (16. 법정 최고형이 30년이다: could _______ 30 years in _____). (17. 검찰 측:________s) say the three were trying to sell documents and product samples (18. 1백 5십만 달러를 받고: (전) $1.5 million). (19. 업계 전문가들: _______ ________s) say the information was worth so much more and for Pepsi, it had to be (20. 그냥 포기하기 아쉬운: ________).
Frankly, the information was probably worth (21. 수백만 달러 단위의: (전) the ________s), if not a hundred of million dollars.
Coke and Pepsi have (22. 치열한 기업 전쟁을 펼치다: _______d ________ ____) for generations, companies (23. 서로 치고 받다: _____ing ___ and _____) with multimillion-dollar (24. 광고전들: ___ ________s). Coke, (25. 업계 선두 자리를 항상 고수해 온: forever the _____ ________), has usually (26. 부드러운 전법을 취하다: ____ the ____ ____). Pepsi is the one to usually (27. 거물급들을 써서 초강수로 대응하다: _______ out the ____ ___s) - Michael, P Diddy, Britney Spears.
(28. 내부 문건의 내용을 보면: In a _____) released to employees, (29. 임원진: executives) at Coca-Cola thanked executives at Pepsi for their (30. 신사다움: _________). Pepsi Cola, today, said it did what any responsible company would have done in the same situation.
This is (31. 대단한 광고: a ________ _____). I mean, this is - don't worry, Coke, we will protect you at all time and your lousy secrets.
In downtown Atlanta, where Coke (32. 본사가 위치하다: has its _________) and most (33. 소매유통점들: _________s) don't sell Pepsi products...
It was nice that Pepsi (34. 자진해서 돌려주다: _______ed ________ ___).
They're cheering for Pepsi and (35. 야유를 보내다: _______ing) the accused thieves.
If you're an employee you need to be loyal to your company.
What many here find hard to believe is that for all these years, the two companies have essentially been fighting over whose (36. 화학적 조합: _____________) of caffeine, sugar and water makes the best soda.
It's sugar water.
But for both companies, the right formula is (37. 값으로 환산할 수 없는: __________). Steve Osunsami, ABC News,