I am considering removal of my swollen tonsils.
There seem to be two camps of differing opinions on the removal.
One camp says 'keep it because it's the first defensive mechanism
against bacterial or viral infection.'
Others are saying that they don't do any good and it's safe to remove them.
I am not sure which side is correct. Is there any known side-effects?
What is your opinion? I am going to see my ENT doctor soon.
Any comments or professional advice will be greatly appreciated.
첫댓글 As you mentioned above,there are 2 kinds of opinion.In my opinion,if you have tonsillis over than 6 times a year or other complications, you'd better have a tonsillectomy.Eventhough having operation, you might have 편도선염. Impairing of 1st defens mechanism is not severe if you are healthy.
편도선 제거술에 관한 이야기인 것 같다. Tonsil(편도선), 전문을 번역할 필요는 없지만, 어려운 단어는 한글로 꼬미말 달아 주시요. 수능시험에도 전문 용어는 단어뜻을 갈켜준다.
영자님, 가능하면 앞으로 참고 하겠음다. 하지만 직접 사전 찾는, 그것도 요즘 나오는 인터넷 검색 말고 옛날 구닥다리 사전 찾는 수고를 하심 기억에 오래오래 남지요. ㅎ ㅎ ㅎ