Now let's see what Caillou did is up to today. It's a story called "Caillou Looks for Gilbert."
"Help! Gilbert, the dinosaur's after me!" Caillou loved to play "Dinosaur Hunter." It was even more fun when Gilbert joined in.
"Caillou, snack time!" "Gilbert, you stay here."
"Come out, Gilbert! Let's play now... Gilbert? Gilbert, where are you?" Caillou was upset because he had told Gilbert to stay, but Gilbert hadn't listened to him.
"Gilbert, come here now!" "Gilbert, you're a bad cat!" Caillou was starting to feel very mad at Gilbert.
"Well, if we're detectives, we'd better look for clues." "What are clues?" "Clues? A clue could be anything that helps us find Gilbert. Keep your eyes wide open."
"I found him!"
Score: B+
문법과 표현:
- "did today it's a story called" → "what Caillou is up to today. It's a story called" (더 자연스럽게 연결).
- "dinosour's after me" → "dinosaur's after me!" (따옴표와 문장 구조 수정).
- "startingto" → "starting to" (띄어쓰기 수정).
- "helps usfind gilbert" → "helps us find Gilbert" (띄어쓰기 수정).
내용 추가하기:
- Caillou가 단서를 찾고 Gilbert를 발견하는 장면을 더 자세히 설명하면 좋습니다.
- 이야기에 더 많은 대화를 추가하면 생동감이 더해질 수 있습니다.