The book's title is "Caillou's Missing Sock."
The main character is Caillou.
One day, Caillou's mother was doing laundry.
As he was getting ready to go out, one of his socks went missing, and he went to find his father.
His dad helped him find the socks his socks.
He was very happy.
But he couldn't find his favorite socks sock.
He met a his mom met his mom, and he found his sock.
Score: A-
문법 및 표현 수정:
- "Caillou missing sock" → "Caillou's Missing Sock" (소유격과 제목 대문자 수정)
- "the socks" → "his socks" (맥락에 맞게 소유격 사용)
- "socks" → "sock" (단수/복수 일치)
- "met a his mom" → "met his mom" (불필요한 'a' 제거)
내용 추가 추천:
- Caillou가 양말을 찾았을 때 어떤 기분이었는지 더 길게 표현해 보세요.
- 마지막에 엄마가 양말을 어디에서 찾았는지 설명하면 이야기가 더 흥미로워요!