Clementine's visited a Caillou's house. Clementine visited Caillou's house.
Clementine brought lots of toys. Caillou
wanted to play with dinosaurs with Clementine. But Clementine plays played a with a
teddy bear and bunny. Caillou didn't like
anybody touching his teddy and bunny.
Caillou's don't want Caillou didn't want to play with Clementine anymore. So, Caillou's mom Mom
help helped him. Caillou and Clementine, funny play played fun games.
Score: B
- "Clementine's visited"는 과거니까 "visited"만 써야 해요.
- "a Caillou's house"는 "a"를 빼고 "Caillou's house"만 써야 자연스러워요.
- "plays"는 과거니까 "played"로 써야 해요.
- "Caillou's don't want"는 "didn't want"으로 바꿔야 해요.
- "help"는 과거형 "helped"로 써야 해요.
- 마지막 문장은 "played fun games"나 "played together happily"처럼 문장으로 써주면 더 좋아요.
- Caillou의 감정이나 생각을 한 문장 더 써 보면 이야기가 더 풍부해져요!