- 날치 Flyingfish
. 학명; Exocoetidae family
. 서식지; 전 세계 열대에서 아열대 해역에 서식하며 캐리비언 베이 바베이도스 인근에 풍부
. 통명; 날치
. 특징; 눈이 크고 등지느러미와 뒷지느러미는 상당히 뒤쪽에 위치
. 먹이와 요리법; 말리거나 절여서, 회나 구워서 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Exocoetidae family
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 물의 깊이 200미터이내의 수면
. 지역; 전 세계 열대에서 아열대 해역에 서식하며 캐리비언 베이 바베이도스 인근에 풍부
4개의 아과에 날치속 등 7개속 64종으로 어류중 가장 높게 비상가능
Flyingfish are members of the Exocoetidae family and are closely related to halfbeaks, balao, and needlefish. The flyingfish has normal-length jaws, unlike these other species; the fins are soft rayed and spineless; and the lateral line is extremely low, following the outline of the belly. The dorsal and anal fins are set far back on the body. The pectoral fins of flyingfish are greatly expanded, forming winglike structures. The round eggs are generally equipped with tufts of long filaments that help to anchor the eggs in seaweeds.
2 통명
- 영어; Flyingfish
- 한글; 날치
3 개요
- 길이; 다양하며 북미에서 가장 큰 캘리포니아 날치는 45센티
These fish travel in schools and are abundant in warm seas. They are an important food fish for pelagic species, especially for billfish, and may be used as rigged trolling bait for bluewater fishing. Flyingfish are readily observed in offshore environs when they suddenly burst through the water’s surface and glide for a short distance before reentering the water.
4 특징
- 대부분 가슴지느러미가 커서 미끄러지듯 날 수있고 일부 종은 배지느러미까지 활용가능
- 지느러미는 부드럽고 가시가 없다
- 눈이 크고 등지느러미와 뒷지느러미는 상당히 뒤쪽에 위치
- 떼로 따뜻한 바다의 원양에 서식
About 22 species are found off the Atlantic and the Pacific coasts of North America. The largest of all North American flyingfish is the California flyingfish (Cypselurus californicus), which may be 11⁄2 feet long. It is found only off the coasts of Southern California and Baja California. It is one of the “four-winged” flyingfish, because the pelvic, as well as the pectoral, fins are large and winglike.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 주로 플랑크톤
- 자망이나 침망으로 어획하고 선상에 떨어진 날치를 주워 식용도 가능
- 달빛이 없을 때 횃불로 유인
- 정어리와 비슷한 맛
- 말리거나 절여서, 회나 구워서 섭취
The common Atlantic flyingfish (C. heterurus; also C. melanurus), found in warm waters throughout the Atlantic, is two-winged, with a black band extending through the wings. It averages less than 10 inches in length. Other common species of warm Atlantic and Caribbean waters are the margined flyingfish (C. cyanopterus), the bandwing flyingfish (C. exsiliens), and the short-winged flyingfish (Parexocoetus mesogaster), the latter ranging through all warm seas and noted for shorter wings than found in most species.