You can use the simple past tense to make polite offeres. Susan Conrad and Douglas Biber are grammar experts. They say that different cultures have different rules about politeness. In American culture, it is often considered polite to speak indirectly.
One way some Americans speak indirectly, Conrad and Biber say, is by using a past tense verb when asking about a present desire. Americans do this by using the construction did + want and did + need.
Even close friends may use this polite form with each other. When they are asking about what another person wants to do, some Americans say, "Did you want to go to the concert?" instead of "Do you want to go to the concert?"
■ could
could는 can보다는 할 수 있는 강도가 많이 약합니다. can은 ‘강력하게 할 수 있다.’ 라고 주장하는데 반해, could는 뭐 할 수 있기는 한데 약간 자신이 없습니다. 그래서 could는 제안이나 요청과 같은 미래에 가능한 행위에 사용하면 상대에게 부담을 주지 않는 부드럽고 가벼운 표현이 된다.
A: What would you like to do tonight?
B: We could go to the movies.
• It's a nice day. We could go for a walk.
• When you go to New York next month, you could stay with Candice.
• A: If you need a car, you could borrow Lauren's.
B: Yes, I guess I could.
※ 위 대화에서 could는 모두 can으로 사용될 수 있다.
• Can you tell me where the city hall is?
• Could you tell lme where the city hall is?
• Did you want to go to the concert?
• Do you want to go to the concert?
• I hope you had a good trip. 여행은 즐거워셨나요?