- 개그 그루퍼 Gag
. 학명; Mycteroperca microlepis
. 서식지; 열대와 온대 해역의 해저
. 통명; 미국 붕장어
. 특징; 등지느러미는 가슴지느러미뒤에서 시작하여 꼬리 끝까지 연속
. 먹이와 요리법; 훈제나 스튜로 섭취
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Mycteroperca microlepis
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 열대와 아열 해역과 강어귀의 따뜻한 물의 바닥
. 지역; 서대서양 연안의 멕시코만을 중심으로 노스캐롤라이나부터 브라질까지
In the western Atlantic, gags are found from North Carolina (sometimes as far north as Massachusetts) to the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, although they are rare in Bermuda and absent from the Caribbean and the Bahamas; they are also reported along Brazil. They are the most common grouper on rocky ledges in the eastern Gulf of Mexico.
Habitat. Young gags inhabit estuaries and seagrass beds, whereas adults are usually found offshore around rocky ledges, undercuts, reefs, and occasionally inshore over rocky or grassy bottoms. Adults may be solitary or may occur in groups of 5 to 50 individuals.
2 통명
- 영어; charcoal belly;
French: badèche baillou; Portuguese: badejo-daareia; Spanish: cuna aguají.
- 한글; 개그 그루퍼
3 개요
- 길이; 145 센티이내, 평균 50센티
- 체중; 55 파운드이내, 평균 3파운드
The gag weighs less than 3 pounds on average but may reach a weight of 55 pounds (about 51 inches in length). It can live for at least 15 years.
4 특징
- 대부분 그루퍼와 달리 특징이 없는 칙칙하고 얼룩덜룩한 회색
- 옆으로 압축된 직사각형의 견고한 몸체
- 몸깊이의 3배내외의 몸길이와 네모진 꼬리
- 스트레스를 받을 때 방광을 진동시켜 쿵쿵거리는 소리 발성
- 암컷으로 시작하여 67센티이상이 되면 산란하고 95센티 이상이 된 일부는 수컷으로 전환
- 보통 암컷 84%, 수컷 15%, 나머지 1%는 성전환중이나 어획에 따라 수컷비율 감소
- 70미터 수심에서 산란하고 암컷은 30미터이하로 수컷은 50미터이상으로 이동
Gags belong to the branch of the grouper family that is characterized by a long, compressed body and 11 to 14 rays in the anal fin. Gags have white, flaky flesh that makes excellent eating, although, like other grouper, they have deeply embedded scales that are virtually impossible to remove.
Identification. Pale to dark gray or sometimes olive gray, the larger gag is darker than the smaller gag and has blotchy markings on its side and an overall indistinctly marbled appearance. The smaller gag is paler and has many dark brown or charcoal marks along its sides. The pelvic, the anal, and the caudal fins are blackish, with blue or white edges. The gag is distinguished from the black grouper by its deeply notched preopercles and is distinguished from the otherwise similar scamp by the absence of extended caudal rays.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이;치어는 갑각류를, 성어는 청어와 도미 등 물고기, 새우, 게, 두족류 등 사냥
- 산란을 위해 모일 때 어획하고 수컷위주의 낚시
- 핸드라인, 바닥라인, 스피어 건, 저인망으로 포획
- 회, 튀겨서, 말려서, 훈제나 스튜로 섭취
. 열대지역에 서식하여 시구아테라 중독가능
. 작은 생선위주로 머리와 간을 제거하고 취식 추천
Gags reach sexual maturity when 27 to 30 inches long or 5 to 6 years of age, spawning off the Carolinas in February, and from January through March in the Gulf of Mexico. The female may lay more than a million pelagic eggs.
Food. Gags feed on such fish as sardines, porgies, snapper, and grunts, as well as on crabs, shrimp, and squid; young that are less than 20 centimeters feed mainly on crustaceans found in shallow grassbeds.