발리카탄 2023훈련 중 PCE-842급 초계정으로 1944년에 건조돼 2차대전 이후 퇴역했다가 1965년 필리핀 해군에 인도돼 2021년까지 운용됐던 PC-31 BRP 판가시난함을 표적으로 잠발레스 근처의 남중국해 해역에서 SINKEX 훈련이 실시됐습니다.
필리핀 해군의 호위함 FF-150 호세 리잘 함의 함포사격을 필두로 필리핀 포병의 ATMOS 2000 트럭탑재 155mm 자주포, 155mm 솔탐 M-71 곡사포, 105mm M101 곡사포 사격 등이 행해졌고 미군에선 HIMARS 사격을 실했다고 하는데, 실사격한 6발이 모두 표적을 놓쳤다고 합니다. HIMARS는 이동표적 공격능력이 없는데, 이번 훈련에선 표적함이 알 수 없는 이유로 움직였다고 하네요. 그 외 F-35B나 F-16, 필리핀의 FA-50PH, A-29B, Hermes 900 등의 유무인기들도 참여했습니다. F-35B가 GBU-10, GBU-32 10발을 쏟아부어서 마무리했네요.
이번 훈련은 표적함을 침몰시키는 게 아니라 포스 디자인 2030과 EAB 개념 개발과 관련된 사격 - 센서 - C2간의 통합 연습이 목적이었다고 합니다.
U.S. Army HIMARS “Tommy” from the 5-3 Long Range Fires Battalion of the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force fires at BRP Pangasinan. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Samuel Fletcher)
Kill Chain Tested At First-Ever Balikatan SINKEX U.S. and Philippine forces tested various concepts at Balikatan 2023's SINKEX, including the linking of sensing, fires and command and control.
Aaron-Matthew Lariosa 27 Apr 2023
For the first time, U.S. and Philippine forces jointly targeted and sunk a target in the South China Sea off Zambales for Balikatan 2023. The sinking of a World War II-era corvette was the main event for the largest iteration of the joint U.S.-Philippine military exercise to date.
The target
BRP Pangasinan (PS-31) shortly before the commencement of the SINKEX. Philippine Navy Photo.
Serving from 1948-2021, Pangasinan was one of nine Malvar-class corvettes that the Philippine Navy received from the U.S. during the Cold War. The corvette partook in many actions during its service life, from disaster relief to engagements against rebel groups. After an inspection by Philippine officials, BRP Pangasinan was towed out of Cavite in its last mission as Balikatan 2023’s SINKEX target off Zambales.
BRP Jose Rizal fires the first shots of the SINKEX. Philippine Navy Photo.
The SINKEX kicked off with naval gunfire from BRP Jose Rizal (FF-150). After that, more assets from various U.S. and Philippine branches joined in. The most publicized section of the SINKEX was the ground fires component, in which both the Philippine President and U.S. Ambassador were in attendance. Philippine Army Artillery Regiment ATMOS 2000s, M-71 Soltams, and M101 guns were deployed for the Philippine ground fire contribution towards the SINKEX. Meanwhile, the U.S. Army deployed a HIMARS battery from the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF), a first for the service. The 25th Infantry Division also contributed with their guns.
From left to right: Philippine M101s, ATMOS 2000s, and M-71 Soltams engage BRP Pangasinan. Philippine Army Photo
While this was the main event of Balikatan 2023, several unforeseen incidents occurred during the SINKEX. Intrusions into the area of the SINKEX from “interlopers,” which supposedly included at least one vessel and an aircraft, stopped firing from the ground-based fires for almost an hour.
U.S. Army HIMARS “Tommy” from the 5-3 Long Range Fires Battalion of the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force fires at BRP Pangasinan. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Samuel Fletcher)
The performance of the Army HIMARS was also questionable, with it being reported on the SINKEX’s live stream that the system missed all six of its shots at the World War II-era corvette. In previous SINKEXs, such as those held at RIMPAC exercises, targets were relatively static which allowed for munitions that struggle or cannot hit moving targets to participate. One of these systems that cannot hit moving targets is HIMARS with its current set of rockets. Due to unknown circumstances, BRP Pangasinan developed a drift that threw off the HIMARS’ targeting.
Yet, even with these difficulties, the SINKEX was deemed to be “amazing” by both forces. Lt. Col. Nick Mannweiler, Communications Strategy Planner for U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific, told Naval News the actual purpose of the exercise.
Connecting the Kill Chain
The 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit conducted Expeditionary Advanced Basing Operations during the SINKEX, transmitting their sensing to another Marine unit for target processing and designating fires. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Marcus E. Melara)
The SINKEX was more about deploying concepts relating to Force Design 2030 and Expeditionary Advanced Basing Operations rather than just sinking a ship. Specifically, concepts relating to integrating fires, sensors, and command and control:
Information from the sensors of the 13th MEU at Zambalewasre transmitted to Marine Base Gregorio Lim, where command and control coordinated the joint fires of the SINKEX. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Davin Tenbusch)
During the SINKEX, the joint U.S.-Philippine force managed to connect this kill chain.
A Philippine Air Force Hermes 900 filming bombs impacting BRP Pangasinan. Alongside U.S. Air Force MQ-9A Reapers, the two countries’ drones provided a live feed of the exercise to command and control. Screenshot from 300th Aerial Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Wing
Mannweiler highlighted the variety of aviation employed, which included F-35Bs, F-16s, FA-50PHs, A-29Bs, AH-1s, T-129Bs, and AH-64s:
After a hail of naval gunfire, artillery shells, and laser-guided bombs, Pagasinan slipped under the waves.
The Philippine perspective
Many of the concepts tested and employed during this SINKEX are being closely followed by Philippine forces, specifically the Philippine Army and Marine Corps. The two forces are looking to develop similar units to the American MDTF and Marine Littoral Regiment (MLR).
Members of the Philippine Marine Corps’ Coastal Defense Regiment attend a presentation on the Avenger. The CDR’s Shore-Based Air Defense System Battalion is currently searching for missiles to protect the Regiment’s incoming BrahMos missiles. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Connor Davis.)
The PMC was seen to have deployed elements of its Coastal Defense Regiment (CDR) during Balikatan 2023, learning from their American counterparts on the Avenger anti-aircraft system and HIMARS. The CDR is to operate three batteries of BrahMos anti-ship cruise missiles, previously ordered by Manila in 2022. The Philippine Army’s Artillery Regiment is also expected to order the missiles in the next phase of modernization.
This SINKEX was one of the many firsts, including a joint littoral operation in Batanes and a Patriot missile live fire, held during this year’s Balikatan exercise.
첫댓글 FA-50PH는 Mk82를 저고도에서 던졌을 듯 하네요.
야포에 폭탄, 하이마스까지.. SINKEX가 아니라 화력시범같네요 ㅎㅎ
FA-50PH는 매버릭을 쐈다고 합니다. Hermes 900 UAV가 모니터링에 쓰였네요. ( http://defense-studies.blogspot.com/2023/04/balikatan-live-fire-exercise-sinked.html )
필리핀에서는 FA-50PH, 존재감이 있는 듯...
F-16 중고가 들어가기 전엔 이 기체가 필리핀의 하이급 기체라.. ㅎㅎ