- 블랙 그루퍼 Grouper, Black
. 학명; Mycteroperca bonaci
. 서식지; 따뜻한 수온의 20미터내외의 바닥
. 통명; 블랙 그루퍼
. 특징; 길이가 깊이의 3.4배내외인 직사각형으로 압축된 몸
. 먹이와 요리법; 말리거나 절이거나, 훈제하거나 구워서 식용
1 학명과 서식지
- 학명; Mycteroperca bonaci
- 서식지
. 온도와 깊이; 따뜻한 수온의 20미터내외의 바닥
. 지역; 서대서양 미국북동부에서 브라질
. 바위나 산호초인근 선호
Black grouper occur from Bermuda and Massachusetts to southern Brazil, including the southern Gulf of Mexico, and occur commonly to occasionally in the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and Cuba and throughout the Caribbean. Adults are unknown on the northeastern coast of the United States.
Habitat. Black grouper are found away from shore, near rocky and coral reefs and dropoff walls in water more than 60 feet deep. Although black grouper typically drift just above the bottom, young fish may inhabit shallow water inshore, and adults occasionally frequent open water far above reefs.
2 통명
- 영어; rockfish;
Portuguese: badejo-ferro, badejoquadrado; Spanish: bonaci
- 한글; 블랙 그루퍼
3 개요
- 길이; 120센티이내, 평균 70센티
- 무게; 110파운드이내, 평균 40파운드
Regularly reaching 40 pounds, black grouper can grow to more than 100 pounds; the all-tackle world record is shared by two 114-pound fish, one from Texas and the other from Florida. The average length of the black grouper is 11⁄2 to 3 feet; the maximum is 4 feet.
4 특징
- 길이가 깊이의 3.4배내외인 직사각형으로 압축된 몸
- 등지느러미에 11개의 가시와 16개내외의 연조
- 뒷지느러미는 3개의 가시와 12개내외의 연조
- 올리브색에 어두운 얼룩과 머리에 육각형 반점
- 80센티가 되면 산란하고 120센티에 수컷으로 성전환
The black grouper is a fairly large and hard-fighting member of the Serranidae family. It is an excellent food fish, although the flesh is occasionally toxic and can cause ciguatera.
Identification. Depending on location, the black grouper may be olive, gray, or reddish-brown to black. It has black, almost rectangular blotches and brassy spots. It can pale or darken until its markings are hardly noticeable. It has a thin, pale border on its pectoral fins, a wide black edge and a thin white margin on its tail, and sometimes a narrow orangish edge to the pectoral fin; the tips of the tail and the soft dorsal and anal fins are bluish or black. The black grouper has a squared-off tail and a gently rounded gill cover.
5 먹이와 요리법
- 먹이; 치어는 갑각류, 성어는 오징어, 도미나 청어 등
- 맛이 좋아 어획과 낚시로 인기
- 바닥낙시와 그물 등으로 포획
- 말리거나 절이거나, 훈제하거나 구워서 식용
- 열대지역에 서식하여 시구아테라 중독가능
기생충이 있어 회는 비추
Black grouper spawn between May and August. As in many species of grouper, the young start out predominantly female, transforming into males as they grow larger.
Food and feeding habits. Adult black grouper feed mainly on fish and sometimes squid, and juveniles feed mainly on crustaceans.