Wow! You are indeed a quick-witted person. I'm much surprised.
Thanks for your posting. I enjoyed a lot.
But, I'd like to add one more way to cope with sleeplessness:
"The number one way to cope with sleeplessness is to think of possible ways to win in a humor contest with lonestar."
--------------------- [원본 메세지] ---------------------
10. Sing BohemianRhapsody for her to comeback to cafe.
9. Try to reply to a long translation request in the Q&A board.
8. Read hera's Romantic and Melancholy poems.
7. Read poetic prayers of somethinggood - God gives His beloved people sleep.
6. Ask Hermes to write a "good" manual for lonestar on how to tame wife in bed so he doesn't get his nose broken again.
5. Get your brain imaging done by YoonTaek's latest SPECT machine and find out which part of your brain is depriving you of REM sleep.
4. Imagine what M-Julia and her cyber friends might have talked about at DukSoo Palace which made them feel so young.
3. Let talkative talk all night long until you drop dead.
2. Let Aprilfool fool you by reading her conversations with Steroids discussing some incomprehensible perplexing medical terminologies.
1. Take Steroids. Oops! I mean, read his idioms and count how far you can reach.