• Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is a common flowering bush. • Gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum) is a wild flower. • Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) is mucilaginous and kills pain. • Fresh parsley can be bought at a grocery store. Parsley flakes and dried parsley herb do not work. • Goldenrod herb works as well as the tincture but you may get an allergic reaction from smelling the herb. If you know you are allergic to this, leave this one out of your recipe. • Ginger from the grocery store works fine; you may put it into capsules for yourself (size 0, 1 or 00).
There are probably dozens of herbs that can dissolve kidney crystals and stones. If you can only find several of those in the recipe, make the recipe anyway; it will just take longer to get results. Remember that vitamin B6 and magnesium, taken daily, can prevent oxalate stones from forming. But only if you stop drinking tea. Tea has 15.6 mg oxalic acid per cup37. A tall glass of iced tea could give you over 20 mg oxalic acid. Switch to herb teas. Cocoa and chocolate, also, have too much oxalic acid to be used as beverages.
Remember, too, that phosphate crystals are made when you eat too much phosphate. Phosphate levels are high in meats, breads, cereals, pastas, and carbonated drinks. Eat less of these, and increase your milk (2%), fruits and vegetables. Drink at least 2 pints of water a day.
37 Taken from Food Values 14ed by Pennington and Church 1985. |
• Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens) is a common flowering bush. • Gravel root (Eupatorium purpureum) is a wild flower. • Marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) is mucilaginous and kills pain. • Fresh parsley can be bought at a grocery store. Parsley flakes and dried parsley herb do not work. • Goldenrod herb works as well as the tincture but you may get an allergic reaction from smelling the herb. If you know you are allergic to this, leave this one out of your recipe. • Ginger from the grocery store works fine; you may put it into capsules for yourself (size 0, 1 or 00).
There are probably dozens of herbs that can dissolve kidney crystals and stones. If you can only find several of those in the recipe, make the recipe anyway; it will just take longer to get results. Remember that vitamin B6 and magnesium, taken daily, can prevent oxalate stones from forming. But only if you stop drinking tea. Tea has 15.6 mg oxalic acid per cup37. A tall glass of iced tea could give you over 20 mg oxalic acid. Switch to herb teas. Cocoa and chocolate, also, have too much oxalic acid to be used as beverages.
Remember, too, that phosphate crystals are made when you eat too much phosphate. Phosphate levels are high in meats, breads, cereals, pastas, and carbonated drinks. Eat less of these, and increase your milk (2%), fruits and vegetables. Drink at least 2 pints of water a day.
37 Taken from Food Values 14ed by Pennington and Church 1985. 551 | ||||||||||||||
You can dissolve all your kidney stones in 3 weeks, but make new ones in 3 days if you are drinking tea and cocoa and phosphated beverages. None of the beverage recipes in this chapter are conducive to stone formation.
Liver Herbs Don't confuse these liver herbs with the next recipe for the Liver Cleanse. This recipe contains herbs traditionally used to help the liver function, while the Liver Cleanse gets gallstones out.
6 parts comfrey root, Symphytum officinale (also called nipbone root) 6 parts tanner’'s oak bark, Quercus alba (white oak bark) 3 parts gravel root, Eupatorium purpureum (queen of the meadow) 3 parts Jacob’'s staff, Verbascum thapsus (mullein herb) 2 parts licorice root, Glycyrrhiza glabra 2 parts wild yam root, Dioscorea villosa 2 parts milk thistle herb, Silybum marianum 3 parts walnut bark, Juglans nigra, (black walnut bark) 3 parts marshmallow root, Althea officinalis (white mallow) 1 part lobelia plant, Lobelia inflata (bladder pod) 1 part skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora (helmet flower)
Mix all the herbs. Add ½ cup of the mixture to 2 quarts of water. Bring to a boil. Put lid on. Let sit for six hours. Strain and drink 1½ cups per day. Put the strained herbs in the freezer and use them one more time.
Liver Cleanse Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect |
You can dissolve all your kidney stones in 3 weeks, but make new ones in 3 days if you are drinking tea and cocoa and phosphated beverages. None of the beverage recipes in this chapter are conducive to stone formation.
Liver Herbs Don't confuse these liver herbs with the next recipe for the Liver Cleanse. This recipe contains herbs traditionally used to help the liver function, while the Liver Cleanse gets gallstones out.
6 parts comfrey root, Symphytum officinale (also called nipbone root) 6 parts tanner’'s oak bark, Quercus alba (white oak bark) 3 parts gravel root, Eupatorium purpureum (queen of the meadow) 3 parts Jacob’'s staff, Verbascum thapsus (mullein herb) 2 parts licorice root, Glycyrrhiza glabra 2 parts wild yam root, Dioscorea villosa 2 parts milk thistle herb, Silybum marianum 3 parts walnut bark, Juglans nigra, (black walnut bark) 3 parts marshmallow root, Althea officinalis (white mallow) 1 part lobelia plant, Lobelia inflata (bladder pod) 1 part skullcap, Scutellaria lateriflora (helmet flower)
Mix all the herbs. Add ½ cup of the mixture to 2 quarts of water. Bring to a boil. Put lid on. Let sit for six hours. Strain and drink 1½ cups per day. Put the strained herbs in the freezer and use them one more time.
Liver Cleanse Cleansing the liver of gallstones dramatically improves digestion, which is the basis of your whole health. You can expect 552 | ||||||||||||||
your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.
It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to l½quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or Xrayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. Notice in the picture how many have imbedded unidentified objects. Are they fluke remains? Notice how many are shaped like corks with longitudinal grooves below the tops. We can visualize the blocked bile ducts from such shapes. Other stones are composites– made of many smaller ones–-showing that they regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse. |
your allergies to disappear, too, more with each cleanse you do! Incredibly, it also eliminates shoulder, upper arm, and upper back pain. You have more energy and increased sense of well being.
It is the job of the liver to make bile, 1 to l½quarts in a day! The liver is full of tubes (biliary tubing) that deliver the bile to one large tube (the common bile duct). The gallbladder is attached to the common bile duct and acts as a storage reservoir. Eating fat or protein triggers the gallbladder to squeeze itself empty after about twenty minutes, and the stored bile finishes its trip down the common bile duct to the intestine. For many persons, including children, the biliary tubing is choked with gallstones. Some develop allergies or hives but some have no symptoms. When the gallbladder is scanned or Xrayed nothing is seen. Typically, they are not in the gallbladder. Not only that, most are too small and not calcified, a prerequisite for visibility on X-ray. There are over half a dozen varieties of gallstones, most of which have cholesterol crystals in them. They can be black, red, white, green or tan colored. The green ones get their color from being coated with bile. Notice in the picture how many have imbedded unidentified objects. Are they fluke remains? Notice how many are shaped like corks with longitudinal grooves below the tops. We can visualize the blocked bile ducts from such shapes. Other stones are composites– made of many smaller ones–-showing that they regrouped in the bile ducts some time after the last cleanse. 553 | ||||||||||||||
At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming. As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise.
Fig. 89 These are gallstones.
Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this |
At the very center of each stone is found a clump of bacteria, according to scientists, suggesting a dead bit of parasite might have started the stone forming. As the stones grow and become more numerous the back pressure on the liver causes it to make less bile. Imagine the situation if your garden hose had marbles in it. Much less water would flow, which in turn would decrease the ability of the hose to squirt out the marbles. With gallstones, much less cholesterol leaves the body, and cholesterol levels may rise.
Fig. 89 These are gallstones. Gallstones, being porous, can pick up all the bacteria, cysts, viruses and parasites that are passing through the liver. In this 554 | ||||||||||||||
way “"nests”" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.
Preparation. • You can't clean a liver with living parasites in it. You won't get many stones, and you will feel quite sick. Zap daily the week before, or get through the first three weeks of the parasite killing program before attempting a liver cleanse. If you are on the maintenance parasite program, you are always ready to do the cleanse. • Completing the kidney cleanse before cleansing the liver is also highly recommended. You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted. • Do any dental work first, if possible. Your mouth should be metal free and bacteria free (cavitations are cleaned). A toxic mouth can put a heavy load on the liver, burdening it immediately after cleansing. Eliminate that problem first for best results.
way “"nests”" of infection are formed, forever supplying the body with fresh bacteria. No stomach infection such as ulcers or intestinal bloating can be cured permanently without removing these gallstones from the liver.
Preparation. • You can't clean a liver with living parasites in it. You won't get many stones, and you will feel quite sick. Zap daily the week before, or get through the first three weeks of the parasite killing program before attempting a liver cleanse. If you are on the maintenance parasite program, you are always ready to do the cleanse. • Completing the kidney cleanse before cleansing the liver is also highly recommended. You want your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract in top working condition so they can efficiently remove any undesirable substances incidentally absorbed from the intestine as the bile is being excreted. • Do any dental work first, if possible. Your mouth should be metal free and bacteria free (cavitations are cleaned). A toxic mouth can put a heavy load on the liver, burdening it immediately after cleansing. Eliminate that problem first for best results.
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Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without; they could prevent success. Stop the parasite program and kidney herbs, too, the day before. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones. 2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, ¾ cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only). 6:00 PM. Drink one serving (¾ cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. in ¾ cup water now. You may add 1/8 tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil and grapefruit out to warm up. 8:00 PM. Repeat by drinking another ¾ cup of Epsom salts. You haven't eaten since two o'clock, but you won't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success; don't be more than 10 minutes early or late. 9:45 PM. Pour ½ cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Squeeze the grapefruit by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. You should have at least ½ cup, more (up to ¾ |
Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day. Take no medicines, vitamins or pills that you can do without; they could prevent success. Stop the parasite program and kidney herbs, too, the day before. Eat a no-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread and preserves or honey (no butter or milk), baked potato or other vegetables with salt only. This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver. Higher pressure pushes out more stones. 2:00 PM. Do not eat or drink after 2 o'clock. If you break this rule you could feel quite ill later. Get your Epsom salts ready. Mix 4 tbs. in 3 cups water and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, ¾ cup each. Set the jar in the refrigerator to get ice cold (this is for convenience and taste only). 6:00 PM. Drink one serving (¾ cup) of the ice cold Epsom salts. If you did not prepare this ahead of time, mix 1 tbs. in ¾ cup water now. You may add 1/8 tsp. vitamin C powder to improve the taste. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth. Get the olive oil and grapefruit out to warm up. 8:00 PM. Repeat by drinking another ¾ cup of Epsom salts. You haven't eaten since two o'clock, but you won't feel hungry. Get your bedtime chores done. The timing is critical for success; don't be more than 10 minutes early or late. 9:45 PM. Pour ½ cup (measured) olive oil into the pint jar. Squeeze the grapefruit by hand into the measuring cup. Remove pulp with fork. You should have at least ½ cup, more (up to ¾ 556 | ||||||||||||||
cup) is best. You may top it up with lemonade. Add this to the olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this). Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late. 10:00 PM. Drink the potion you have mixed. Take 4 ornithine capsules with the first sips to make sure you will sleep through the night. Take 8 if you already suffer from insomnia. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. You may use ketchup, cinnamon, or brown sugar to chase it down between sips. Take it to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the mote stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don't. Next morning. Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don't take this potion before 6:00 am. 2 Hours Later. Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. Drink ¾ cup of the mixture. You may go back to bed. After 2 More Hours you may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered. |
cup) is best. You may top it up with lemonade. Add this to the olive oil. Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this). Now visit the bathroom one or more times, even if it makes you late for your ten o'clock drink. Don't be more than 15 minutes late. 10:00 PM. Drink the potion you have mixed. Take 4 ornithine capsules with the first sips to make sure you will sleep through the night. Take 8 if you already suffer from insomnia. Drinking through a large plastic straw helps it go down easier. You may use ketchup, cinnamon, or brown sugar to chase it down between sips. Take it to your bedside if you want, but drink it standing up. Get it down within 5 minutes (fifteen minutes for very elderly or weak persons). Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don't. The sooner you lie down the mote stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don't clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down walk to your bed and lie down flat on your back with your head up high on the pillow. Try to think about what is happening in the liver. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thank you Epsom salts!). Go to sleep, you may fail to get stones out if you don't. Next morning. Upon awakening take your third dose of Epsom salts. If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking the Epsom salts. You may go back to bed. Don't take this potion before 6:00 am. 2 Hours Later. Take your fourth (the last) dose of Epsom salts. Drink ¾ cup of the mixture. You may go back to bed. After 2 More Hours you may eat. Start with fruit juice. Half an hour later eat fruit. One hour later you may eat regular food but keep it light. By supper you should feel recovered. 557 | ||||||||||||||
How well did you do? Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill. Sometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a “"chaff”" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging stones. How safe is the liver cleanse? It is very safe. My opinion is based on over 500 cases, including many persons in their seventies and eighties. None went to the hospital; none even reported pain. However it can make you feel quite ill for one or two days afterwards, although in every one of these cases the maintenance parasite program had been neglected. This is why the instructions direct you to complete the parasite and kidney rinse programs first.
How well did you do? Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a flashlight to look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. You will need to total 2000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of them for a few days, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, they give you the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill. Sometimes the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a “"chaff”" floating on top of the toilet bowl water. It may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging stones. How safe is the liver cleanse? It is very safe. My opinion is based on over 500 cases, including many persons in their seventies and eighties. None went to the hospital; none even reported pain. However it can make you feel quite ill for one or two days afterwards, although in every one of these cases the maintenance parasite program had been neglected. This is why the instructions direct you to complete the parasite and kidney rinse programs first.
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This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are thought to be few, not thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this is thought: by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the gallbladder, are big enough and sufficiently calcified to see on X-ray, and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems remain. The truth is self-evident. People who have had their gallbladder surgically removed still get plenty of green, bile-coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of “"gallstones”" exactly.
Lugol’'s Iodine Solution It is too dangerous to buy a commercially prepared solution. It is certain to be polluted with propyl alcohol or wood alcohol. Make it yourself or ask your pharmacist to make it up for you. The recipe to make 1 liter (quart) is:
44 gm (1½ ounces) iodine, granular 88 gm (3 ounces) potassium iodide, granular
Dissolve the potassium iodide in about a pint of the water. Then add the iodine crystals and fill to the liter mark with water. It takes about 1 day to dissolve completely. Shake it from time to time. Keep out of sight and reach of children. Do not use if allergic to iodine. Be careful to avoid bottled water for preparation. |
This procedure contradicts many modern medical viewpoints. Gallstones are thought to be formed in the gallbladder, not the liver. They are thought to be few, not thousands. They are not linked to pains other than gallbladder attacks. It is easy to understand why this is thought: by the time you have acute pain attacks, some stones are in the gallbladder, are big enough and sufficiently calcified to see on X-ray, and have caused inflammation there. When the gallbladder is removed the acute attacks are gone, but the bursitis and other pains and digestive problems remain. The truth is self-evident. People who have had their gallbladder surgically removed still get plenty of green, bile-coated stones, and anyone who cares to dissect their stones can see that the concentric circles and crystals of cholesterol match textbook pictures of “"gallstones”" exactly.
Lugol’'s Iodine Solution It is too dangerous to buy a commercially prepared solution. It is certain to be polluted with propyl alcohol or wood alcohol. Make it yourself or ask your pharmacist to make it up for you. The recipe to make 1 liter (quart) is:
44 gm (1½ ounces) iodine, granular 88 gm (3 ounces) potassium iodide, granular
Dissolve the potassium iodide in about a pint of the water. Then add the iodine crystals and fill to the liter mark with water. It takes about 1 day to dissolve completely. Shake it from time to time. Keep out of sight and reach of children. Do not use if allergic to iodine. Be careful to avoid bottled water for preparation. 559 | ||||||||||||||
Vitamin D Drops
1 gram cholecalciferol (see Sources) 10 cups olive oil
Mix in a non-metal container. It may take a day of standing to dissolve fully. Refrigerate. Ten drops contain 40,000 iu. Use within a year. |
Vitamin D Drops
1 gram cholecalciferol (see Sources) 10 cups olive oil
Mix in a non-metal container. It may take a day of standing to dissolve fully. Refrigerate. Ten drops contain 40,000 iu. Use within a year. 560 |